


Districts of Macau

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I found the 2011 census results for Macau on the website of Macau's Statistics and Census Service (DSEC). The area of the country hasgrown due to landfill; the table below shows updated areas.

Update 4 to Geopolitical Entities and Codes, the successor to FIPS PUB 10-4, was issued on 2011-04-30. It revokes the codes for the twodistricts.

ISO 3166-1 NEWSLETTER No. V-4 was published on 2002-05-20. ISO 3166-2 Newsletter Number I-3 was published on 2002-08-20. It also changesthe spelling from Macau to Macao, which seems redundant until you consider that 3166-1 and 3166-2 are separate standards. See the spellingnote under Country overview for a discussion.

Newsletter I-3 also makes it clear that eitherMO orCN-92 is an acceptable ISO code for Macau.

International standard ISO 3166-2 was published on 1998-12-15. It superseded ISO/DIS 3166-2 (draft international standard). ForMacau, the draft standard showed two districts with their codes. The final standard mentions that there are two districts, but declinesto specify names or codes. It says that these divisions are "not relevant".

On 1999-12-20, as planned, Macau became a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. This is the same status asHong Kong. Its code according to the Chinese standard GB2260 is82.

When Hong Kong reverted to Chinese control, ISO 3166 left it with its own separate country code. This conforms to one of the principlesused for allocating country codes: "The list contains overlaps in those cases where entities are geographically separated from their mainentity and where a resulting interchange requirement justifies a separate code...." [ISO 3166-1988, paragraph 3.2]. So far, it appearsthat the maintenance agency is also going to retain the codeMO for Macau.

Country overview: 

Short nameMACAU
ISO codeMO
LanguagePortuguese (pt)
Time zone+8


Macau has been a Portuguese colony since the age of exploration. After a Sino-Portuguese treaty of 1887-12-01, its status became that of aPortuguese territory. In 1961 it was made an overseas province of Portugal. A statute of 1976-02-17 redefined it as a collective entity.On 1987-04-13, Portugal agreed that Macau would be ceded to China on 1999-12-20. On that date, Macau became a special administrativeregion of the People's Republic of China.

Spelling note: There has been a lot of confusion over whether to use Macau or Macao in English. The CIA World Factbook has used Macausince 1989 or earlier. FIPS 10-3 and its successors also use Macau. The British Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, however, usesMacao. The Corpus of Contemporary American English is a representative 450-million-word sample of American writing and speech. It records611 uses of Macau against 172 of Macao. The British National Corpus, with 100 million words, contains 26 instances of Macau and 109 ofMacao. So far, it sounds like a case of British English differing from American English. Google ngrams paints a different picture. Thisprogram searches millions of books that Google has digitized, and graphs the frequency of a word or phrase by year. Searches can belimited to American or British books. According to it, Macao has almost always predominated, but around 1993 Macau had a sudden surge. NowMacau accounts for almost half the occurrences in American English and over 40% of the occurrences in British English. And now, a newresource has emerged: the Corpus of Global Web-based English, with 1.9 billion words collected from the Internet, organized by countryof origin. Among all of its texts, Macau is about five times as frequent as Macao. In U.S. sources, Macau is over three times as common asMacao. In U.K. sources, Macau is almost six times as common. Singapore is the country where Macau is most preferred, by more than 14 toone. English Wikipedia currently uses Macau as a headword, and mentions the alternate spelling. In Portuguese, Macau has been the spellingfor centuries. Conclusion: in English, Macao is not wrong, but Macau is better.

Other names of country: 

  1. Dutch: Macao
  2. French: Macao
  3. German: Macau
  4. Italian: Macao
  5. Norwegian: Macao
  6. Portuguese: Macauf
  7. Russian: Макао, Специальный административный район Аомынь (formal)
  8. Spanish: Macao
  9. Swedish: Macao
  10. Turkish: Makao Özel Çin İdaresi (formal)

Origin of name: 

ChineseA-mangao: bay of A-ma (patron goddess of sailors)

Primary subdivisions: 

Macau is divided into two concelhos (districts).

2 districts650,8343012

Further subdivisions:

See theParishes of Macau page.

Macau district is subdivided into five freguesias (parishes): Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Santo António, Santo Lázaro, Santo Lourenço,and Sé.

Territorial extent: 

  1. Ilhas consists of the islands of Coloane and Taipa.
  2. Macau occupies a peninsula off the Chinese mainland.

TheUN LOCODE page  for Macau lists locations in the country, some of them with their latitudes and longitudes, some with their ISO 3166-2 codes for their subdivisions. This information can be put together to approximate the territorial extent of subdivisions.

Origins of names: 

Ilhas: Portuguese for islands

Population history:



Totals include "maritime population," people living on houseboats. The populations for 1927, 1950, and 1960 are from source [3]; 1970,source [4]; 1980, source [1]; 2001, the DSEC site; 2011, source [2]; and 2016, source [5]. (The country's population at the census of 1991-08-30 was355,693.)


  1. [1] Anuário Estatístico. Servicios de Estatística, Macau, 1981.
  2. [2]Results of 2011Population Census . Direcção dos Serviços de Estatística e Censos (DSEC), Macao, 2012-05 (retrieved2013-09-16).
  3. [3] The Encyclopædia Britannica World Atlas, 1951, 1957, and 1964 editions.
  4. [4] Encyclopædia Britannica, 15th Edition, Chicago, 1984.
  5. [5]Results of 2016Population Census . Statistics and Census Service, 2016-05 (retrieved2017-11-22).


  1. Sorin Cosoveanu
    2017-11-22 - Sent link to source [5].
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