Sorin Cosoveanu found the 2014 census report with final results (source [3]).
ISO 3166-2 issued an update on 2014-10-30 that changes the status of Conakry special zone to governorate,and of the seven former governorates to administrative regions.
Update 12 to Geopolitical Entities and Codes (formerly FIPS 10-4) is dated 2013-06-30. It implies that theprefectures have been decommissioned, leaving the seven governorates and administrative area as the currentprimary subdivisions (now called administrative regions and governorate, respectively). I have not found anyconfirmation that the prefectures were suppressed. I've added the FIPS codes to the table under "Furthersubdivisions."
ISO 3166-2 Newsletter number II-1, dated 2010-02-03, changes the names of the seven governorates by deletingthe prefix "Gouvernorat de" from each one.
ISO 3166-2 has come out in a second edition, dated 2007-12-15. Previously, ISO had designated Conakry as acity, and coded it as if it were on the administrative region level. Now its status is listed as zonespéciale (special zone), and it's on the same level as the prefectures. I've added the code for Conakry tothe table below.
When "Administrative Subdivisions of Countries" was written, the current version of the ISO 3166-2 standarderroneously assigned a code ofKD
to both Kindia and Koundara prefectures. In order to getunique codes, I arbitrarily changed the code for Kindia toKI
. Later, ISO 3166-2 was updatedto fix the anomaly, and the fix they adopted was to change the code for Koundara toKN
. In 2004,I added text from the book to the website. In so doing, I accidentally used the old ISO codes with myarbitrary correction as HASC codes. Later, I changed the HASC codes to be consistent with the ISO codes.
ISO 3166-2 Newsletter Number I-2 was published on 2002-05-21. It contains two changes for Guinea. Thestatus of Conakry is changed from gouvernorat (governorate) to ville (city). According to FIPS, Conakry isa capitale d'état - zone spéciale (national capital - special zone). The other change is to thecode for Koundara. The original ISO 3166-2 standard had incorrectly assigned the same code,KD
,to both Kindia and Koundara. The update changes the code for Koundara toKN
Change Notice 7 to FIPS PUB 10-4 is dated 2002-01-10. It reflects changes that are already shown in thebook "Administrative Subdivisions of Countries", and in ISO standard 3166-2.
Short name | GUINEA |
ISO code | GN |
FIPS code | GV |
Language | French (fr) |
Time zone | +0 |
Capital | Conakry |
Guinea was known as French Guinea in 1900. In 1943, it and seven other French colonies were combined toform French West Africa (Afrique Occidentale Française, capital Dakar). Guinea became independent on1958-10-02.
Tuaregaginaw: speechless people, applied by Berbers to blacks speaking unknown tongues
Guinea is divided into 34 préfectures. FIPS calls them régions administratives (administrative regions).ISO calls Conakry a gouvernorat (governorate).
Prefecture | HASC | ISO | FIPS | Population | Area(km.²) | Area(mi.²) | Gov |
Beyla | GN.BE | BE | GV01 | 326,082 | 17,452 | 6,738 | N |
Boffa | GN.BF | BF | GV02 | 212,583 | 9,100 | 3,514 | B |
Boké | GN.BK | BK | GV03 | 450,278 | 11,053 | 4,268 | B |
Conakry | GN.CK | C | GV04 | 1,660,973 | 308 | 119 | C |
Coyah | GN.CO | CO | GV30 | 263,861 | 2,166 | 836 | D |
Dabola | GN.DB | DB | GV05 | 181,137 | 5,508 | 2,127 | F |
Dalaba | GN.DL | DL | GV06 | 133,677 | 4,400 | 1,699 | M |
Dinguiraye | GN.DI | DI | GV07 | 196,469 | 14,500 | 5,598 | F |
Dubréka | GN.DU | DU | GV31 | 330,548 | 5,676 | 2,192 | D |
Faranah | GN.FA | FA | GV09 | 280,170 | 13,000 | 5,019 | F |
Forécariah | GN.FO | FO | GV10 | 242,942 | 4,200 | 1,622 | D |
Fria | GN.FR | FR | GV11 | 96,700 | 1,811 | 699 | B |
Gaoual | GN.GA | GA | GV12 | 193,612 | 11,500 | 4,440 | B |
Guéckédou | GN.GU | GU | GV13 | 290,611 | 4,400 | 1,699 | N |
Kankan | GN.KA | KA | GV32 | 473,359 | 11,564 | 4,465 | K |
Kérouané | GN.KE | KE | GV15 | 207,547 | 9,750 | 3,764 | K |
Kindia | GN.KD | KD | GV16 | 439,614 | 9,115 | 3,519 | D |
Kissidougou | GN.KS | KS | GV17 | 283,778 | 8,872 | 3,425 | F |
Koubia | GN.KB | KB | GV33 | 100,170 | 2,800 | 1,081 | L |
Koundara | GN.KN | KN | GV18 | 129,974 | 5,505 | 2,125 | B |
Kouroussa | GN.KO | KO | GV19 | 268,630 | 16,220 | 6,263 | K |
Labé | GN.LA | LA | GV34 | 318,938 | 3,014 | 1,164 | L |
Lélouma | GN.LE | LE | GV35 | 163,069 | 2,140 | 826 | L |
Lola | GN.LO | LO | GV36 | 171,561 | 3,940 | 1,521 | N |
Macenta | GN.MC | MC | GV21 | 278,456 | 8,600 | 3,320 | N |
Mali | GN.ML | ML | GV22 | 288,001 | 9,790 | 3,780 | L |
Mamou | GN.MM | MM | GV23 | 318,981 | 8,000 | 3,089 | M |
Mandiana | GN.MD | MD | GV37 | 335,999 | 12,300 | 4,749 | K |
Nzérékoré | GN.NZ | NZ | GV38 | 396,949 | 4,625 | 1,786 | N |
Pita | GN.PI | PI | GV25 | 278,530 | 4,320 | 1,668 | M |
Siguiri | GN.SI | SI | GV39 | 687,002 | 15,500 | 5,985 | K |
Télimélé | GN.TE | TE | GV27 | 284,409 | 9,000 | 3,475 | D |
Tougué | GN.TO | TO | GV28 | 124,280 | 6,400 | 2,471 | L |
Yomou | GN.YO | YO | GV29 | 114,371 | 6,000 | 2,317 | N |
34 prefectures | 10,523,261 | 245,857 | 94,926 | ||||
See theSubprefectures of Guinea page.
The prefectures are subdivided into 335 sous-préfectures (subprefectures) and five communes (the communesare in Conakry: Dixinn, Kaloum, Matam, Matoto, and Ratoma). These, in turn, are subdivided into districts andsectors. The prefectures are also grouped into seven governorates or regions, and one administrative zone,Conakry.
Region | ISO | FIPS | Population | Area(km.²) |
Boké | B | GV40 | 1,083,147 | 38,969 |
Conakry | C | GV04 | 1,660,973 | 308 |
Faranah | F | GV41 | 941,554 | 41,880 |
Kankan | K | GV42 | 1,972,537 | 65,334 |
Kindia | D | GV43 | 1,561,374 | 30,157 |
Labé | L | GV44 | 994,458 | 24,144 |
Mamou | M | GV45 | 731,188 | 16,720 |
Nzérékoré | N | GV46 | 1,578,030 | 45,017 |
Before ~1988, the prefectures were grouped into these "supra-regions":
English name | French name | Population | Area(km.²) | Capital |
Conakry | Conakry | 705,280 | 308 | Conakry |
Lower Guinea | Guinée-Maritime | 1,147,301 | 43,980 | Kindia |
Fouta Djallon | Moyenne-Guinée | 1,595,007 | 51,710 | Labé |
Upper Guinea | Haute-Guinée | 1,086,679 | 92,535 | Kankan |
Forest-Guinea | Guinée-Forestière | 1,246,747 | 57,324 | Nzérékoré |
Totals | 5,781,014 | 245,857 | ||
TheUN LOCODE page for Guinea lists locations in the country, some of them with their latitudes and longitudes, some with their ISO 3166-2 codes for their subdivisions. This information can be put together to approximate the territorial extent of subdivisions.
Conakry: local wordkonakri: across the water
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