I've updated the populations to the 2010 census data, according to source [5].
The country has announced that it wants to be called "Cabo Verde" in every language, à la Côte d'Ivoire. Isuspect that English speakers will continue to call it Cape Verde for a while. Update 14 to GeopoliticalEntities and Codes (formerly FIPS 10-4), dated 2013-12-31, adopts the new name.
ISO 3166-2 Newsletter II-3 is dated 2011-12-15. For Cape Verde, this update largely repeats the changeslisted in Newsletter II-2. The one difference is that it eliminates a duplicate. The code for São Lourençodos Orgãos used to be the same as the one for Sal.
The five new counties are accounted for in Newsletter II-2 (2010-06-30), an update to the ISO 3166-2standard, and in Update 1 (2010-08-20) to the U.S. standard "Geopolitical Entities and Codes".
Most sources say that the capital of Sal county is Espargos. I had previously reported that it was SantaMaria, based on the CIA map. The capital of Maio county is Vila do Maio, but an alternate (obsolete?) namefor that city is Porto Inglês, which appears in some sources.
Note: Portuguese for council isconselho; for county (specifically, one of the counties into whichCape Verde is divided),concelho. The two words are easy to confuse.
According to the Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) and other sources, sometime between 1980 and 1991,Mosteiros, São Domingos, São Filipe, and São Miguel counties were formed, and Fogo county disappeared.Oddly, none of the major reference works mentioned them until 2000, and even then, one of them was stillleft off the list.
FIPS Publication Change Notice No. 9, affecting FIPS PUB 10-4, was issued on 2004-10-01. It assigned FIPScodes for the above changes, and also for Santa Cruz. It also changed the FIPS codes of the old countiesfrom which the new ones were formed. Porto Novo county existed then, but no FIPS code was assigned to ituntil the 2010 update.
The original ISO 3166-2 standard (1998) had listed only the fourteen counties listed below under Changehistory, 1971. (They were designated "municipalities".) ISO 3166-2 Newsletter Number I-2, published on2002-05-21, showed the changes described above. It gave the name of São Miguel as "Calheta de São Miguel".All the additional counties were in Sotavento group.
Short name | CAPE VERDE |
ISO code | CV |
FIPS code | CV |
Language | Portuguese (pt) |
Time zone | -1 |
Capital | Praia |
Cape Verde had been a Portuguese colony for more than five centuries when it was granted its independenceon 1975-07-05.
After Cap Vert, Senegal (PortugueseCabo Verde: green cape)
Cape Verde is divided into twenty-two concelhos (counties), also called municípios.
County | HASC | ISO | FIPS | CGN | Population | Area(km.²) | Area(mi.²) | Capital | Group |
Boa Vista | CV.BV | BV | CV01 | 51 | 9,162 | 620 | 239 | Sal-Rei | B |
Brava | CV.BR | BR | CV02 | 91 | 5,995 | 64 | 25 | Nova Sintra | S |
Maio | CV.MA | MA | CV04 | 61 | 6,952 | 269 | 104 | Vila do Maio | S |
Mosteiros | CV.MO | MO | CV13 | 81 | 9,524 | 82 | 32 | Mosteiros | S |
Paul | CV.PA | PA | CV05 | 12 | 6,997 | 54 | 21 | Vila das Pombas | B |
Porto Novo | CV.PN | PN | CV21 | 13 | 18,028 | 558 | 215 | Porto Novo | B |
Praia | CV.PC | PR | CV14 | 74 | 131,602 | 94 | 37 | Cidade Velha | S |
Ribeira Brava | CV.RB | RB | CV22 | 31 | 7,580 | 343 | 132 | Ribeira Brava | B |
Ribeira Grande | CV.RG | RG | CV07 | 11 | 18,890 | 167 | 64 | Ponta do Sol | B |
Ribeira Grande de Santiago | CV.RS | RS | CV23 | 74 | 8,325 | 164 | 63 | Praia | S |
Sal | CV.SL | SL | CV08 | 41 | 25,765 | 216 | 83 | Espargos | B |
Santa Catarina | CV.CT | CA | CV15 | 72 | 43,297 | 213 | 82 | Assomada | S |
Santa Catarina do Fogo | CV.CF | CF | CV24 | 82 | 5,299 | Cova Figueira | S | ||
Santa Cruz | CV.CZ | CR | CV16 | 73 | 26,609 | 110 | 43 | Pedra-Badejo | S |
São Domingos | CV.SD | SD | CV17 | 75 | 13,808 | 138 | 53 | São Domingos | S |
São Filipe | CV.FP | SF | CV18 | 82 | 22,228 | 394 | 152 | São Filipe | S |
São Lourenço dos Órgãos | CV.LO | SO | CV25 | 73 | 7,388 | 39 | 15 | João Teves | S |
São Miguel | CV.SM | SM | CV19 | 76 | 15,648 | 91 | 35 | Calheta | S |
São Salvador do Mundo | CV.SS | SS | CV26 | 72 | 8,677 | 30 | 12 | Assomada | S |
São Vicente | CV.SV | SV | CV11 | 21 | 76,107 | 227 | 88 | Mindelo | B |
Tarrafal | CV.TF | TA | CV20 | 71 | 18,565 | 112 | 43 | Tarrafal | S |
Tarrafal de São Nicolau | CV.TS | TS | CV27 | 31 | 5,237 | Tarrafal de São Nicolau | B | ||
22 counties | 491,683 | 3,985 | 1,539 | ||||||
See theParishes of Cape Verde page.
Barlavento and Sotavento are not administrative divisions, although each has its own Chamber of Commerce.Verdeans sometimes call them regiões (regions), sometimes distritos (districts), but most often just grupos(island groups). ISO 3166-2 called them districts, but it changed the designation to geographical regions.I've decided to use "groups", which has the least official resonance. Mindelo is the chief town ofBarlavento, and Praia of Sotavento. The codes B and S are part of the ISO 3166-2 standard, and the derivedGENC standard.
TheUN LOCODE page for Cape Verde lists locations in the country, some of them with their latitudes and longitudes, some with their ISO 3166-2 codes for their subdivisions. This information can be put together to approximate the territorial extent of subdivisions.
County | Population | ||||||
Boa Vista | 2,902 | ||||||
Brava | 7,904 | ||||||
Fogo | 16,705 | ||||||
Maio | 1,872 | ||||||
Paul | 12,648 | ||||||
Praia | 30,290 | ||||||
Ribeira Grande | 15,157 | ||||||
Sal | 1,784 | ||||||
Santa Catarina | 15,454 | ||||||
São Nicolau | 10,311 | ||||||
São Vicente | 19,138 | ||||||
Tarrafal | 13,163 | ||||||
Total | 147,328 | ||||||
County | HASC | ISO | FIPS | Population | Area(km.²) | Area(mi.²) | Capital |
Boa Vista | CV.BV | BV | CV01 | 3,110 | 620 | 239 | Sal Rei |
Brava | CV.BR | BR | CV02 | 6,610 | 67 | 26 | Nova Sintra |
Fogo | CV.FO | FO | CV03 | 34,580 | 476 | 184 | São Filipe |
Maio | CV.MA | MA | CV04 | 4,560 | 269 | 104 | Porto Inglês |
Paul | CV.PA | PA | CV05 | 9,080 | 54 | 21 | Pombas |
Porto Novo | CV.PN | PN |
| 13,650 | 558 | 215 | Porto Novo |
Praia | CV.PR | PR | CV06 | 94,250 | 396 | 153 | Praia |
Ribeira Grande | CV.RG | RG | CV07 | 22,300 | 167 | 64 | Ponta Sol |
Sal | CV.SL | SL | CV08 | 8,150 | 216 | 83 | Santa Maria |
Santa Catarina | CV.CA | CA | CV09 | 48,000 | 243 | 94 | Assomada |
Santa Cruz | CV.CR | CR |
| 27,730 | 149 | 58 | Pedra Badejo |
São Nicolau | CV.SN | SN | CV10 | 12,630 | 388 | 150 | Ribeira Brava |
São Vicente | CV.SV | SV | CV11 | 62,710 | 227 | 88 | Mindelo |
Tarrafal | CV.TA | TA | CV12 | 29,330 | 203 | 78 | Tarrafal |
14 counties | 376,690 | 4,033 | 1,557 | ||||
from 2002 to 2010) formed bytaking São Miguel Arcanjo parish from Tarrafal county.CV.PI
, ISO codePR
, FIPS codeCV14
). Santa Catarina do Fogo countyformed on 2005-07-25 by taking Santa Catarina parish from São Filipe (CV.SF
). São Lourenço dos Órgãos county formed on 2005-07-21 by taking São Lourenço dos Órgãosparish from Santa Cruz (CV.SZ
). São Salvador do Mundocounty formed on 2005-07-19 by taking São Salvador do Mundo parish from Santa Catarina (CV.SC
). Tarrafal de São Nicolau county formed on 2005-08-03 by taking SãoFrancisco parish from São Nicolau (CV.SN
). The remainder ofSão Nicolau county was renamed Ribeira Brava. ISO code for Säo Miguel changed fromCS
, since ISO had formerly called this county Calheta de Säo Miguel.County | 1940 | 1950-12-15 | 1960-12-15 | 1970-12-15 | 1980-06-02 | 1990-06-23 | 2000-06-16 | 2010-06-16 |
Boa Vista | 2,779 | 2,985 | 3,263 | 3,569 | 3,372 | 3,452 | 4,193 | 9,162 |
Brava | 8,528 | 7,937 | 8,625 | 7,756 | 6,985 | 6,975 | 6,820 | 5,995 |
Maio | 2,237 | 1,924 | 2,680 | 3,466 | 4,098 | 4,969 | 6,742 | 6,952 |
Mosteiros | 8,331 | 9,479 | 9,524 | |||||
Paul | 5,845 | 5,370 | 6,024 | 8,000 | 7,983 | 8,121 | 8,325 | 6,997 |
Porto Novo | 10,366 | 7,565 | 10,683 | 13,750 | 13,236 | 14,873 | 17,239 | 18,028 |
Praia | 18,208 | 17,179 | 24,872 | 39,911 | 57,748 | 71,276 | 106,052 | 139,927 |
Ribeira Grande | 19,766 | 15,444 | 17,246 | 22,873 | 22,102 | 20,851 | 21,560 | 18,890 |
Sal | 1,121 | 1,838 | 2,608 | 5,505 | 5,826 | 7,715 | 14,792 | 25,765 |
Santa Catarina | 26,848 | 19,428 | 30,207 | 41,462 | 41,012 | 41,584 | 49,970 | 51,974 |
Santa Cruz | 13,486 | 9,568 | 14,368 | 21,158 | 22,995 | 25,892 | 32,822 | 33,997 |
São Domingos | 11,526 | 13,296 | 13,808 | |||||
São Filipe | 23,022 | 17,582 | 25,615 | 29,412 | 30,978 | 25,571 | 27,930 | 27,527 |
São Miguel | 13,787 | 16,153 | 15,648 | |||||
São Nicolau | 14,846 | 10,366 | 13,866 | 16,308 | 13,572 | 13,665 | 13,536 | 12,817 |
São Vicente | 15,848 | 19,576 | 20,705 | 31,578 | 41,594 | 51,277 | 67,844 | 76,107 |
Tarrafal | 18,840 | 13,222 | 19,140 | 26,251 | 24,202 | 11,626 | 18,059 | 18,565 |
Totals | 181,740 | 149,984 | 199,902 | 270,999 | 295,703 | 341,491 | 434,812 | 491,683 |
Back to main statoids page | Last updated: 2015-06-30 |
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