Kit Fisto is a striking example of an alien Jedi, a Nautolan with large eyes, and a gathered tangle of flexible tentacle-tresses extending from his head. He is at home in the waters of aquatic planets, like his native Glee Anselm. As a Jedi Master, Fisto has an intense focus, particularly in combat. He is also much more laid back and capable of enjoying a hearty chuckle than some of his humorless colleagues.
ANautolan Jedi Knight, Kit Fisto traded his traditional role as a negotiator and peacekeeper for a generalship leadingRepublic troops. As part of a Jedi rescue mission toGeonosis, he foughtSeparatistdroids and saw the first shots fired in the Clone Wars.
Kit was a capable fighter on land, but as a water-breathing Nautolan he particularly excelled at underwater combat. He led clone troopers into battle onMon Cala, helping keepPrince Lee-Char safe from Separatist troops hunting him.
Kit survived the Clone Wars, but met his end when the Jedi tried to take Supreme Chancellor Palpatine into custody. He wasn’t prepared for the ferocity of Palpatine’s assault on the Jedi, and alightsaber slash ended his life.
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