



  • Boba Fett


    Boba Fett

    With his customized Mandalorian armor, deadly weaponry, Boba Fett was once regarded as one of the most fearsome and capable bounty hunters in the galaxy. An unaltered genetic clone of his father, bounty hunter Jango Fett, Boba learned combat and martial skills from a young age. Over the course of his career, which included contracts for the Empire and the criminal underworld, he became a legend. Although Fett seemingly met his demise in the Sarlacc pit on Tatooine after falling into the Great Pit of Carkoon, Boba survived the beast and lived to reclaim his armor, taking over the throne at Jabba's Palace.


A young Boba Fett greeting Obi-Wan Kenobi

WhenJango Fett was hired to be the genetic blueprint for theRepublic’s clone army, he made one request: to be given an unaltered clone that he could raise as a son. Boba Fett was that son, and through Jango, he learned the art of combat. As a boy, Boba could handle a blaster better than most and was deadly in a battle; whenObi-Wan Kenobi tracked and fought Jango onKamino, Boba nearly killed the Jedi with the heavy weapons of his father’s starship, theSlave I. While Jango survived the encounter, he faired less successfully against Jedi MasterMace Windu onGeonosis. The expert swordsman beheaded Boba’s father, an act that spawned a lifelong hatred of Jedi in the child.

Boba Fett as a teenager

Now an orphan, Boba Fett grew up in the galaxy’s criminal underworld. As a teen, he joined the crew ofAurra Sing, a ruthless bounty hunter who tried to teach Boba her ways. The boy thirsted for revenge against Mace Windu for killing his father, and bombed the Jedi’s starship in a failed assassination attempt. Later, Boba was put in the position of having to kill clone trainees -- his genetic duplicates who looked like his twins -- and he refused, showing that while he was a bounty hunter, he was not heartless. After a short time in prison, Fett emerged to form his own bounty hunting posse based out ofTatooine, hiring the likes ofBossk,Dengar,C-21 Highsinger,Latts Razzi, andAsajj Ventress.

Boba Fett in Mandalorian armor

Over the years, Boba developed a reputation as the galaxy’s deadliest bounty hunter. He wore Mandalorian armor reminiscent of his father’s, beat up from his many jobs, and piloted the fearsomeSlave I starship. He became one ofJabba the Hutt’s go-to mercenaries, and was present during a tense meeting between the gangster andHan Solo.

Darth Vader, Lando, and Boba Fett discussing the fate of Han Solo

Boba was one of several bounty hunters recruited byDarth Vader to track down theMillennium Falcon after the Battle of Hoth, and was the only one to prove successful. In a brash move, Han Solo had docked theFalcon on aStar Destroyer in order to avoid theEmpire’s detection, and detached when the ship dumped its garbage prior to a hyperspace jump; the bounty hunter had anticipated this, and hid amongst the Star Destroyer’s waste. Han,Leia,Chewbacca, and the droids took off forCloud City, thinking it would be a safe haven. They instead found Darth Vader and Boba waiting for them. The Sith Lord froze Han in carbonite, and Boba claimed the rogue smuggler, bringing him to Jabba the Hutt for a handsome bounty.

Boba Fett's jetpack bursting into flames

Boba remained one of Jabba the Hutt’s most trusted enforcers, and was a fixture in the crime lord’s palace. DuringLuke Skywalker’s daring rescue of Han Solo above theSarlacc, Boba tried to subdue the Jedi -- first with a grappling rope, then with blaster bolts. Before he could hit his target, however, Han accidentally slammed a pole into the bounty hunter’s jetpack. It ignited, sending Boba careening into the side ofJabba’s sail bargeand tumbling into the man-eating pit.

Boba Fett talking to the Mandalorian

On the world of Tython, Boba Fett tracked his armor to theRazor Crest, and pledged his help to protectthe Mandalorian and his foundling,Grogu, in exchange for its safe return.

Boba Fett and Fennec Shand in Jabba's Palace

Later, Boba Fett andFennec Shand returned to Tatooine to killBib Fortuna and take the throne that had once been held byJabba the Hutt.


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