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The Somerset Historic Environment Record

PublicationsUrban Surveys (EUS)SWARF
PublicationsUrban Surveys (EUS)SWARF

TheSomerset HER is a record of the known historic environment in themodern administrative county of Somerset (excluding Exmoor National Park). There are currentlyover 40,000 entries in the record.

Use the box above to search for words in the site name (or the entire text description) or if you know the site number (PRN), search for that.

Below you can do detailed searches for site classifications and limit them to parishes or areas.

Use the Map tab to look at locally and nationally Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, archaeological sites, historical OS mapping, tithe maps (1840s) and aerial photographs (1940s, 2006).

Please get in touch if you would like to update the information or ask about things. We welcome contributions and photos to make the record better. Click the button or email:

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Information on these can be found below the map.

Base maps: © Crown copyright and database rights  Ordnance Survey100023366. HER mapping: copyrightSomerset Council.Show/hide centre marker

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The Somerset HER

TheSomerset HER is a record of the known historic environment in theadministrative county of Somerset (excluding Exmoor National Park). Historically it has focussed on archaeological sites but increasingly the upstanding built environment is being recorded.

Please read the Ordnance Survey notice and Conditions of Use below.

We would welcome your feedback on the website and also any new or additional information (text or pictures) that you may wish to provide.


The information on this website is provided for information only and must not be relied on for legal or planning related work. Please contact us if you require details or would like a definitive search.

Ordnance Survey

The Ordnance Survey mapping used in this website is provided bySomerset Council under licence from the Ordnance Survey in order to fulfil its public function to make available Council-held public domain information. Licence number100023366. The Ordnance Survey web site can be found

Conditions of use

  1. Somerset Council holds copyright and database right of the Historic Environment Record (HER) compiled data. The information may be freely used for private or commercial research but the source must be acknowledged.
  2. Information obtained from the HER must not be used to the detriment of the historic environment and the HER information may be withdrawn if this occurs.
  3. The information within the HER is of varying dates and origins. Whilst every effort has been made to compile an accurate record, it should not be regarded as definitive and the original sources should be consulted if necessary.
  4. There may be information concerning existing or newly discovered archaeological sites which have, as yet, not been added to the HER.
  5. The whereabouts of any artefacts, documentary sources, photographs or other material mentioned in the HER cannot be guaranteed.


