


VGM Players

ANYPLAYFelix LazareviOS 4.2 or betterSupport several trackers (XM, S3M, among others). Emulates PSG only.
AtariVGMNorbert KehrerAtari 800 or better.Emulates PSG only.
AudaciousWilliam PitcockLinux, *nixTons of typical and rare formats supported, with a great chiptune support, including VGM. No YM2413 support by default.
Audio OverloadRichard BannisterMac, Windows, LinuxSupports 33 different formats, including VGM.
Chip Player JSmmontagWeb/JavaScriptWeb-based music player for a variety of video game and chiptune music formats.
DeadBeeFAlexey YakovenkoAndroid (4.0 or better)Multi-Format player, supporting VGM.
dmvgmmic_Nintendo Game BoyEmulates PSG only, also supports Game Boy VGMs directly.
Droidsound-EdroidmjtAndroid (4.0 or better required)Open Source player for Android. Supports VGM up to 1.70. PSG and YM2413 support among other chips. Zipped VGZ supported.
EmukonMartinWindowsEmulator for SMS, GG, with an integrated VGM player
foo_gepkode54Windows + foobar2000Supports VGM up to 1.61. PSG and YM2413 supported.
GameMusicGear MXgamaSony PlayStation Portable"THE" audio player for PSP, everything included, even output plugins, except YM2413 support. Uses GameMusicEmulator.
GBA VGM PlayerMaximGame Boy AdvanceEmulates PSG only.
GWMPmic_Nintendo GameCube / Wii / WiiUEmulates PSG Only
in_vgm/VGMPlayMaxim,ValleyBellWindows + Winamp/XMPlay (in_vgm), Windows/Linux (VGMPlay)Emulates all chips supported by the VGM format.
Kb MediakobarinWindowsSupports VGM up to 1.50
ModoBastian PfliegerAndroidMulti format player. No YM2413 support.
nesvgmmic_Nintendo Entertainment System / FamicomEmulates PSG only.
Niloct's Web VGM PlayerNiloctWeb/JavaScriptThis is a VGM player for the web. Works on both desktop and mobile platforms.
Old NoisePurest ClarityWindows Phone 8 or better.Emulates PSG, YM2413 and YM2612
OldPlaySasqGamePark GP32, GP2X, WiZ"THE" audio player for GP32 (and newer systems).
PokeVGMmic_Neo Geo Pocket ColorOpen Source VGM Player. PSG Support only. No information about version support.
SMS VGM PlayerMaximMaster SystemSupports PSG (and YM2413, if your console has it) directly.
VGM2HESmic_TurboGrafx-16/PC-EngineEmulates PSG only.
VGM2SPCmic_Super Nintendo Entertainment SystemEmulates PSG only.
Vgmplay 7mic_Sega Genesis / Sega Mega DriveAn open source VGM player with GD3 and multisong support.
VGM Player for MTXPaul DanielsMemotech MTX 12VGMplayer for the Memotech MTX 12. Supports PSG Only
Web VGMJuergen WothkeWeb/JavaScriptThis is a JavaScript/WebAudio plugin of vgmPlay. This plugin is designed to work with version 1.0 of my generic WebAudio ScriptProcessor music player. Open sourced under GPL.

VGM Creators

DefleMaskDelekWindows, Linux, MacDefleMask is a Multi-System music tracker.
DegaDaveWindowsEmulator for SMS, GG, currently abandoned.
EmukonMartinWindowsEmulator for SMS, GG, with an integrated VGM player
KegaSteve SnakeWindows, Mac, LinuxEmulator for Mega Drive/Genesis, Mega/Sega CD, 32X, SMS, GG
MEKABockWindows, DOS, LinuxEmulator for SMS, GG, SG, SC, Colecovision
Mod2PSG2MartinWindowsMod2PSG2 is a music tracker for the SN76489 sound chip running on MS Windows. The SN76489 is used in various video game consoles, for example in the SEGA Master System and Game Gear.
XPMCKmic_Windows, LinuxXPMCK is a music (expressed in MML) compiler kit targeted towards various video game systems. It currently supports the following systems:

VGM Utilities

Mod2PSGMartinWindowsMod2PSG converts ProTracker modules into a format that can be played by the Sega Master System/Game Gear PSG sound chip. The engine for this is reusable and easy to use.
VGM Commandline ToolsValleyBellWindows/LinuxMiscellaneous tools for dealing with VGM files
VGMToolMaximWindowsTrim/tag/optimise/edit/analyse/convert VGM files

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