Blockchain and the Unbanked: The Road to Financial InclusionGeorge Samuel Samman
-Blockchain + Mobile goes beyond the “last mile” to the “last metre”.-Banks and financial services companies can connect with the unbanked at the edge of wireless.-At a time when they are cutting back on physical branches due to regulatory and margin pressures.-Access to Global Capital Markets for the vast majority of the world. -Social Impact at the Intersection of Fintech.
The document introduces agile testing and discusses key concepts such as:- Testing is a shared responsibility of the whole team, not just testers. - Testers add value by thinking like users, asking questions, and ensuring quality.- Collaboration between team members is important to help build the right solution.- Agile testing involves test planning, design, and execution throughout the development process.
Netflix has moved nearly 100% of its infrastructure to the AWS public cloud to gain the scalability and agility needed to support its rapid international expansion and unpredictable growth. Netflix leverages AWS's massive global infrastructure and services like EC2, S3, and ELB to easily scale its streaming workload from thousands to millions of customers per hour. By using the cloud, Netflix avoids the lengthy process of building its own datacenters and can instead focus on delivering new features to customers around the world.
Manual práctico de las manifestaciones espíritasOsvaldo Brascher
Este manual práctico sobre las manifestaciones espiritistas tiene como objetivo instruir a los médiums y a las personas interesadas en los fenómenos espiritistas. Explica que su propósito no es proporcionar una receta para desarrollar facultades medianímicas, sino más bien guiar el desarrollo de estas facultades de acuerdo con las disposiciones individuales. También busca guiar a las personas en la observación de los fenómenos y comunicaciones con los espíritus de una manera útil.
Guidance for beginners and experts on how to set up a Windows driver developm...Atomu Hidaka
This explains how to build a Windows driver development environment that can be used immediately by beginners and experts alike. The author, who has extensive experience developing various Windows drivers, shows the latest and simplest ways to use Visual Studio and WDK.
88.#!/bin/bashif [ -f "./oil" ]; then php oil "$@"else if [ "$1" == "create" ]; then if [ ! `which git` ]; then echo "For this installer to work you'll needto install Git." echo '' fi git clone --recursive git:// "./$2" php "./$2/oil" refine install else echo 'This is not a valid Fuel installation so Oilis a bit lost.' echo '' fifi
124.• prefixed with "Controller_"• should extend the Controller class
125.• prefixed with "Controller_"• should extend the Controller class• action_
126.• prefixed with "Controller_"• should extend the Controller class• action_• A controller action MUST return a Response object.
127.prefixed with "Controller_"class Controller_Welcome extends Controller{ public function action_index() { return Response::forge(View::forge('welcome/index')); }}
128.should extend the Controller classclass Controller_Welcome extends Controller{ public function action_index() { return Response::forge(View::forge('welcome/index')); }}
130.A controller action MUST return a Response object.class Controller_Welcome extends Controller{ public function action_index() { return Response::forge(View::forge('welcome/index')); }}
181.• xml ‒ almost any programming language can read XML• json ‒ useful for JavaScript and increasingly PHP apps.• csv ‒ open with spreadsheet programs• html ‒ a simple HTML table• php ‒ Representation of PHP code that can be eval() ed• serialize ‒ Serialized data that can be unserialized in PHP