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September is one of the most exciting months to visit Severnside. The total of 182 species seen at least once in this month, is the third highest in the year. It is the time when most of the summer visitors will depart and a good selection of early winter visitors will arrive towards the end of the month. The weather can be very changeable, rain and gale force winds are likely, but calm warm days will also occur. Any West or South West gales will produce the usual seabirds but the more exotic have occurred; Sooty Shearwater (1974), Balearic Shearwater (1988), Long-tailed Skua, Sabine’s Gull. Other rarities that have appeared in September include; Red-crested Pochard (2 in 1996), Honey Buzzard (1996), Dotterel (1974), Kentish Plover (2006), White-rumped Sandpiper (1985), Pectoral Sandpiper (1998, 2006 and 2008), Buff-breasted Sandpiper (1989, 2003), Terek Sandpiper (1986), Red-rumped Swallow (1977), Wryneck (2003) and Rose-coloured Starling (2004). Local rarities have included Osprey, Nightjar (2006), Hawfinch (1998), Willow Tit (1992), Nightingale (1999) and Ring Ouzel (2001).

September 2009

September 30th
Sightings from New Passage/Northwick Warth included aLittle Egret, 40Redshank, a flyoverGolden Plover, 2Oystercatchers, aLapwing, 3 Kestrels, singleKingfisher,Grey Wagtailand Blackcap, at least 3Chiffchaffs and 35HouseMartins. The only reports from Severn Beach involved 4Ringed Plover on the shore and 2 Shoveler and 2 Gadwall at the Orchard Pools. Three Little Grebes, aGreat Crested Grebe, 38Gadwall, 9 Teal, 11 Shoveler, 31Tufted Duck, a drakePochard and 2Cetti’s Warblers were reported from Avonmouth Sewage Works.

September 29th
The weather remains better than the birding. Just 40Redshank, 7 Oystercatchers, 5 Dunlin, 100Teal, 26Wigeon, 500Black-headed Gulls and 4 Grey Wagtailswere reported from New Passage. The only reports from Severn Beach were of 10Ringed Plover and a single Turnstone. ACetti’s Warbler was heard at Chittening Warth,

September 28th
Less of the same today. The adultMediterranean Gull, 100Black-headed Gulls, 50 Redshank, 100Teal, 22Wigeon, just 3Dunlin,6Turnstones, aRock Pipit and at least2 Grey Wagtails were reported from New Passage. Reports from Avonmouth  Sewage Works involved singleGreat Crested Grebeand Little Grebe, 31 Gadwall, 19Teal, 38Tufted Ducks, 2 Cetti’s Warblers and aKingfisher.

September 27th
A much quieter day but the Indian Summer continues. Reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area involved a an adultMediterranean Gull, 50 Redshank, a Grey Plover, 7Dunlin, 2Lapwing, 180Teal, 30Wigeon, 130Meadow Pipits, 20Skylark, 30Linnets, aWheatear, 3Blackcaps, 7Chiffchaffs and 2 Grey Wagtails. An early morning visit to Severn Beach produced just 60 Curlew, 25 Turnstones, 6Grey Herons, 4 Blackcaps, 2Chiffchaffs, singleWheatearandStonechat. A Short-eared Owlwas seen at Aust Warth (also roaming to and from Northwick Warth) where other sightings included 100 Dunlin, another 40Redshank,6 Curlew, 2Peregrines, 2Kestrels, at least 6Chiffchaffs, singleWhinchat andStonechat.

                                                                                       Short-eared Owl, Aust Warth 27.9.9

September 26th
A fine and memorable day. The first Ruffof the year was found this morning at the mouth of Cake Pill on Aust Warth where aCurlew Sandpiper, a Knot, 35Redshank, 70Dunlin, 30Wigeonand 2Stonechatswere also seen. Things got even better when thefirst Severnside recordof a juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper was identified from New Passage late morning where other sightings included an adultMediterranean Gull, theRuff (from Aust Warth), just 7 Dunlin, 35Turnstones, 45Redshank, an immature Gannet, aMerlin, theCommon Scoter, 30Wigeon, 90Teal, 3Ravens, aKingfisher, 2Wheatearsand a Rock Pipit. A Grey-headed Wagtailwas reported withMeadow Pipits around the cattle on Northwick Warth this morning and theShort-eared Owl appeared again at 6.35pm. AGreenshank and the usual ducks were reported from Avonmouth Sewage Works.

                                                       Semipalmated Sandpiper,Ruff andRedshank, New Passage 26.9.9  © Gary Thoburn

                                                                                   Semipalmated Sandpiper, New Passage 26.9.9

                                                                                       Semipalmated Sandpiper, New Passage 26.9.9
            This Semi P was never close enough for anything other than distant shots with my camera equipment. A low flying light aircraft
                flushed all the birds and the Sandpiper and Dunlin flew past at about 50 metre range. This heavily cropped image shows the
                broad based, blob tipped bill.

                                                                               Semipalmated Sandpiper, New Passage 26.9.9 © John Martin
                                                                                  A “digiscoped”  image

September 25th
The dry and sunny weather continues. Reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area remained much the same including the Common Scoter, aLittle Egret, 2 Grey Herons, 45 Dunlin, 35Redshank, 8Oystercatchers, 30Skylarks, 40 Linnets, aWheatear, a Little Owland a hunting Short-eared Owl (from 6.30pm). Just 20 Turnstones, 4Ringed Plover, 50Curlew, a singleDunlin and 4 Grey Heronswere seen at Severn Beach.

                                                                   Wheatear, Northwick Warth 25.9.9

September 24th
A misty start followed by a fine and sunny day. Sightings from the New Passage/Northwick Warth included theCommon Scoter, 33 Redshank, aSnipe, 60Teal, 3Wheatears, at least 2 Whinchats, 2 Blackcaps, 90Meadow Pipits, 50Linnets and this evening aShort-eared Owlhunting from 5.45pm near the old landfill site. Just 3 Dunlinand 47Turnstones were reported from Severn Beach this morning.

                                                                                      Snipe, Northwick Warth 24..9.9 © Allan Chard
                                                                                        Short-eared Owl, Northwick Warth 24..9.9

September 23rd
Sightings from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area included a juvenileCurlew Sandpiper, 7 Knot, 60Dunlin, 70Turnstones, 30 Redshank, 10Oystercatchers, 2 Snipe, aRinged Plover, aLittle Egret, aCommon Scoter, 80Teal and 6Wigeon. Reports from Severn Beach involved just 2Dunlin, 7 Ringed Plover, 11Turnstones, 5Grey Herons and 2Peregrines. AGreat Crested Grebe and aCetti’s Warbler were reported from Avonmouth Sewage Works.

September 22nd
A change in wind direction from North to South West but no improvement to the quality of birds. TheCommon Scoter, aLittle Egret, 80Dunlin, 50Redshank, 10Oystercatchers, 7Wigeon and 100 Tealwere seen from New Passage. A search of Northwick Warth produced 3Snipe, aWheatearand 70Linnets. Reports from the Avonmouth Sewage Works area involved just 3Mute Swans, aLittle Grebe, 8Shoveler, 30Tufted Duckand aCetti’s Warbler.

September 21st
The Common Scoterremained viewable from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area where other reports included 50Redshank, 110Dunlin, 100Turnstones, 30Curlew, 8 Oystercatchers, 7Snipe, oneRinged Plover, 130Teal, 18Wigeon, 70Mallard, singleSpotted Flycatcher,Lesser Whitethroat,WhitethroatandGreat Spotted Woodpecker, 50Meadow Pipits, 30Linnets, 15Blackcapsand 10 Chiffchaffs. Sightings from the Severn Beach shore included 120Turnstones, just 11 Dunlin, 13Ringed Plover and 25Pied Wagtails and a visit to the nearby Orchard Pools produced 2Shovelerand 2Gadwall. Another 25Redshank, 2Wigeon, 4Shelduck, 2Snipe, 2Stonechatsand 3Chiffchaffs were seen at Aust Warth. AGreen Sandpiperand a Cetti’s Warbler were present at the Hoar Gout/VOSA pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.  

September 20th
Reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area involved a female/immatureCommon Scoter, aGolden Plover, the usual 30Redshank, 70Dunlin, 50Turnstones, 30 Curlew, 2 Snipe, 10Wigeon, 100 Teal, 3 Buzzards, 3Kestrels, 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers (migrants flying North East), aGreen Woodpecker, aKingfisher, a RockPipit, 2Grey Wagtails, 7 Whinchats, 4Wheatears, 60Meadow Pipits, 3Lesser Whitethroats, 8 Blackcaps, 10Chiffchaffs, singleWhitethroat,Sedge Warbler andSiskin. ANuthatch was seen at Old Passage/Aust Warth (only the 8th Severnside record, last recorded in 2004 and a rarer bird here than the Hen Harrier seen yesterday). Another 3Buzzards, 8Lapwing and aCetti’s Warblerwere reported from Hoar Gout near Avonmouth Sewage Works.

                                                                                         Whinchats, Northwick Warth 20.9.9

September 19th
The dry, warm and sunny weather continues. Sightings from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area included a ringtailHen Harrier that flew East, 2Little Egrets, 50 Dunlin, 40Turnstones, 30Redshank, 30 Curlew, 3 Snipe, 100Teal, 10Wigeon, 2Shelduck, 22Canada Geese, 2Ravens, 3 Buzzards, a Sparrowhawk, at least 6Whinchatsaround the Grebe Pond, 8Wheatears, 3Yellow Wagtails, 100Meadow Pipits feeding in the fields and on the salt marsh, 60 Skylarks, a flock of 100Linnets, 50Goldfinches feeding on thistles, 10Blackcaps, 30Chiffchaffs, aGarden Warbler, 2Whitethroats, aLesser Whitethroat and aSedge Warbler. Two Grey Plover, 35 Turnstones, 10 Ringed Plover, 12Dunlinand 10Shelduckwere seen from Severn Beach. An adultMediterranean Gull, anotherWhinchatand 8Chiffchaffswere reported from Aust Warth. Reports from Avonmouth Sewage Works included aGreat Crested Grebe, 6Little Grebes, 26 Gadwall, 25 Teal, 7Shoveler, 2Pochard, 48Tufted Duck, singleSedge Warbler andCetti’s Warbler.

                                                                                        Sedge Warbler,Northwick Warth 19.9.9

                                                                                        Linnets,Northwick Warth 19.9.9

September 18th
Reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area included 2 Little Egrets, aKnot with 40Turnstones, 30Dunlin, 30Redshank, 50 Curlew, aLittle Grebe (on the river Severn), 120Teal, 16Wigeon, aLittle Owl, 2 Ravens, 5Lesser Whitethroats, 4Whitethroats, 7Blackcaps, aGarden Warbler, 2Reed Warblers, 5 Chiffchaffs, 2Whinchats, 12Wheatears, aYellow Wagtail, 2Grey Wagtails, aKingfisher, 20Swallows, 20House Martinsand 2Sand Martins(an  early morning hour mist netting resulted in the capture of 9 birds including 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 2Whitethroats, 3 Blackcaps and aReed Warbler). Another 3 Ravens, 40Curlew, 30Dunlin, 15Ringed Plover and aRock Pipitwere seen at Severn Beach. Sightings from Aust Warth included aPeregrine, 3Chiffchaffs, 2Whinchatsand 2Stonechats.

                                                                                          Knot,New Passage 18.9.9

September 17th
The only reports from Severn Beach involved 32Turnstones, 16 Ringed Plover, 6 Dunlin, 3Grey Herons and aWheatear. AKnot, the usual 30Redshank, aSnipe, 40Teal, 4Wigeonand 2 Little Egrets were seen from New Passage.

September 16th
Sightings from the Northwick Warth area included the firstShort-eared Owlof the autumn, 32Redshank, singleLittleEgret,Green SandpiperandSnipe, 26Oystercatchers, 100 Teal, 12Wigeon and at least 3Wheatear. At least onejuvenileCurlew Sandpiper, 45 Dunlin, 45Turnstones, 20Ringed Ploverand 3Wheatears were seen at Severn Beach this evening. Sightings from the Aust Warth area included 2Whinchats, 2Stonechats (first of Autumn), aSpotted Flycatcher and 6Chiffchaffs. Four Little Grebes, a Great Crested Grebeand chick, 37Gadwall, 25 Teal, 9 Shoveler, 2Pochard, 76 Tufted Duck, 6 Mute Swans, singleKingfisherandCetti’s Warbler were reported from the Avonmouth Sewage Works area.

                                                                                Curlew Sandpiper,Severn Beach16.9.9

                                                                                    Whinchat,Aust Warth16.9.9 © Tony Scott

September 15th
The North East wind continued all day. No reports were received from New Passage. A brief evening visit to the shaft beach at Severn Beach produced 2 juvenileCurlew Sandpipers, aGolden Plover, 40Dunlin, 20Ringed Ploverand 30Turnstones. Reports from Aust Warth included 3 Spotted Flycatchers and 8Chiffchaffs. Two drake Pochard, 73Tufted Duck, 31 Gadwall, 17 Teal and 2Little Grebeswere seen at Avonmouth Sewage Works.

                                                                                         Curlew Sandpipers,Severn Beach15.9.9
                                       A record shot taken as the waders roosted deep among the rocks. Hopefully there will be more         
                                       opportunities over the next few days to capture better images of these birds.

September 14th
The strong North East wind made finding birds difficult. The only reports from Northwick Warth involved aLittle Egret, 43Redshank, 40Turnstones, 8 Curlew, 3Oystercatchers, 2 Snipe, 5Wigeon, 40Teal and 2Wheatears.

September 13th
Another dry and settled day. AnAvocetwas found at Severn Beach over the early afternoon high tide where other waders included just 17Dunlin, 12Ringed Ploverand 25Turnstones. Sightings from Northwick Warth included a Little Egret, 50Teal, 8 Wigeon, 2Wheatears, aWhinchat, 2Whitethroats, 2 Blackcapsand 9 Chiffchaffs. A Cetti’s Warbler, 2Chiffchaffsand 17 Oystercatcherswere reported from Chittening Warth and nearby there were 6Little Grebes, aGreat Crested Grebe (plus chick), 34Gadwall, 17Teal, 55Tufted Duck, aGreen Sandpiper and 7 Chiffchaffs at Avonmouth Sewage Works.

                                                                      Avocet,Severn Beach13.9.9

September 12th
A fine sunny day with a good selection of birds. The second Ospreyof the autumn was seen flying South from New Passage at 07.30 this morning where other visible migrants reported heading North East (06.30-08.30) into the wind included 5Tree Sparrows, 200+ Meadow Pipits, 300+Swallow, 100House Martins, 4Yellow Wagtails, aTree Pipit, 15Linnets, 10Greenfinch and 13Chaffinch. Additional sightings from the Northwick Warth/ New Passage area included 2Little Egrets, 2Knot, 6Whimbrel, 4Dunlin, 35Redshank, 45 Turnstones, 50Teal, 4Wigeon (first of autumn), 200 Black-headed Gulls, 2Wheatears, at least 6Lesser Whitethroats, 4Whitethroats, 4Blackcapsand 6Chiffchaffs. Sightings from the shore at Severn Beach included a drakePochard, 25Turnstones, 7Dunlin, 15Ringed Plover and a Wheatear. A dead Polecatwas found on the coast road above New Pill at Severn Beach.

                                                                                 Lesser Whitethroat,Northwick Warth 12.9.9

September 11th
A juvenileCurlew Sandpiper, 4 Knot, 19 Dunlin and 2 Ringed Plover were seen at Severn Beach. Reports from New Passage/Northwick Warth included aLittle Owl, 2 Little Egrets, 40Turnstones, 37 Redshank, 6 Oystercatchers, 30 Curlew, 2Ringed Plovers, 200Linnets, 2Grey Wagtails, aKingfisher, 70 House Martins, 4Wheatearsand aWhinchat(justan hour mist netting at dawn produced 8 trapped birds including 3 male Blackcaps, singleWhitethroat,Lesser WhitethroatandChiffchaff). AWhite Wagtailwas seen with a party ofPied Wagtails near the Burger Bar at Severn Beach. Reports from the Avonmouth Sewage Works area included 5Little Grebes, a Great Crested Grebeand chick, 25Gadwall, 14Teal, 75Tufted Duck, aGreen Sandpiper and 3Cetti’s Warblers.

September 10th
ThreeLittle Egrets, 32Curlew, 50 Turnstones, 20Redshank and 40Tealwere seen from New Passage. Just 28Dunlinand 7 Turnstoneswere reported from Severn Beach.

September 9th
A quiet day despite the first North East wind of the autumn. The only reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area involved 2 Little Egrets, aCommon Sandpiper, 20Redshank, 50Turnstones, 42 Curlew, 2Snipe, 3Wheatears and aGarden Warbler. Another 2Wheatears and 20 Ringed Ploverwere seen at Severn Beach. Reports from Avonmouth Sewage Works involved 3Little Grebes, 22 Gadwall, 11 Teal, 7Shoveler, 61Tufted Duck, 8Lapwing, singleGreen Sandpiper andCetti’s Warbler.

September 8th
The highlight of the day was the report of 2Little Terns at New Passage this morning. Other sightings from New Passage included 35 Common Terns, 250Black-headed Gulls, aCommon Gull, aLittle Egret, 84Turnstones, 80 Curlew, 10 Oystercatchers, 15 Redshankand aCommon Sandpiper. The only report from Severn Beach was of 22Ringed Plover.

September 7th
An adultMediterranean Gull, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, aWhimbrel, 2 Little Egrets, aCommon Sandpiper, 80Turnstones, 20Redshank, 20Oystercatchers, 40 Curlew, 300 Black-headed Gulls, 60Teal, aKingfisher, aWheatear, a juvenileHobby, aLittle Owl, 2Garden Warblers, 7Blackcaps, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 2Whitethroats, 2Sedge Warblers and 5Chiffchaffswere reported from the Northwick Warth/New Passage area. Just 2Ringed Plover and aPeregrine were reported from Severn Beach. Two Whinchats were seen on Aust Warth. Reports from Avonmouth Sewage Works included 3 Little Grebes, 28 Gadwall, 57Tufted Duck and a Cetti’s Warbler.

September 6th
Sightings from the Northwick Warth/New Passage area included 2Little Egrets, a Common Sandpiper, 28Redshank, 78Turnstones, 30Curlew, 15Oystercatchers, aKingfisher, 3Yellow Wagtails, 2Grey Wagtails, 4Wheatears, 15Meadow Pipits, 3Reed Buntings, 6Lesser Whitethroats, 5Blackcaps, aWhitethroat, 14 Chiffchaffs, 3WillowWarblers, aSparrowhawkand 5Buzzards. Just 4Sanderling, 25 Ringed Plover, 25Dunlinand aWhimbrelwere reported from Severn Beach. Another 6Redshankand aWhinchatwere seen at Aust Warth. AnotherLittle Egret, aKingfisher, 9Lapwing, 2Shoveler and aLittle Grebewere reported from the Hoar Gout/VOSA pool.

                                                                                   Whimbrel,Severn Beach 6.9.9 © Allan Chard

September 5th
A few signs of autumn with a variety of migrants. Reports from New Passage included aGreenshank, 28Redshank, 30Turnstones, aCommon Sandpiper, 32Teal, singleRavenandCoal Titand nearby on Northwick Warth there were 3Lesser Whitethroats, 5Whitethroats, aWheatear, severalSedge Warblers,Reed WarblersandBlackcaps, aWheatear, at least 50Meadow Pipits, 3Reed Buntings and aGrass Snake.Another ringing session here resulted in the capture of 16 birds including 2Meadow Pipits, 2Reed Warblers, aSedge Warbler, 3Whitethroats and aLesser Whitethroat. Sightings from Severn Beach included singleManx Shearwater,Whimbrel,Redstart,Lesser Whitethroat,WhitethroatandWheatear. FiveBlack-tailed Godwits, 30Redshank and 2 Whinchatswere seen at Aust Warth.

                                                                            Meadow Pipit,Northwick Warth 5.9.9 © Ed Drewitt

September 4th
Sightings from the Northwick Warth area included 30 Turnstones, 30 Redshank, 9Dunlin, aCommon Sandpiper, aGreen Sandpiper, 8Oystercatchers, 35Teal, 150Black-headed Gulls, 4Wheatearsand a juvenileHobby. The only reports from Severn Beach involved 30Ringed Plover, 10Dunlinand aCommon Tern.

                                                                                  Wheatear,Northwick Warth 4.9.9 © John Martin

September 3rd
Another windy with less seabirds than expected or hoped for. Reports from Severn Beach included 2Manx Shearwaters, aFulmar, anArctic Tern, aSanderling, 55Ringed Plover, 40Dunlin and aTurnstone. Sightings from the New Passage area included 25Dunlin, 28 Redshank, 40Turnstones, 30Teal, 250Black-headed Gulls and 4 Wheatears.

                                                                                                Fulmar, Severn Beach 3.9.9

September 2nd
An increasingly wet autumn day. The first 3 juvenileCurlew Sandpipers of the year, a juvenile Sanderling, 30 RingedPlover, 9Dunlin, 2Turnstones, an adult femaleMerlin, 3Wheatears and 20Pied Wagtails were seen at Severn Beach this evening. Reports from the New Passage area included 2Little Egrets, 70Turnstones, 13Oystercatchers,22Redshank, 30Teal and 2Wheatears. ASpotted Flycatcher was found in the Sheep Fields at Aust Wath and nearby aCommon Sandpiperand aLittle Egret were seen in Cake Pill.

                                                                                Pale-bellied Brent Geese, Severn Beach 1.9.9

September 1st
A good variety of birds to start the month. Reports from the Northwick Warth area included a Little Egret, 30Redshank, 50Turnstones, 200Black-headed Gulls, 20Teal, the brief appearance of 3Ring Ouzels, a maleRedstart, aHobby, 6Wheatears, aLesser Whitethroat, 6Blackcaps, 2Whitethroats, a male Sparrowhawkand 6Buzzards.

                                                                                               Wheatear,New Passage 1.9.9

                                                                                               Redstart,Northwick Warth 1.9.9

A party of 18Pale-bellied Brent Geese were found on the evening high tide at Severn Beach (record count) where other sightings included aManx Shearwaterin some increasingly wet and windy weather, 170Curlew, aWhimbrel, 45Ringed Plover, 12 Turnstones, just 8 Dunlinand aLittle Egret.         

                                                                                   Whimbrel,Severn Beach 1.9.9 © John Martin  

