






visit Disneyland. They took himto 20th Century Fox studios instead, and introduced him toMarilynMonroe, but do you think that satisfied him? Not for a minute.He craved the Disney magic.

reminisced that he went to Disneyland for the first timeon the day before his big 1971 concert at the Anaheim Convention Center(across the street from the park).

was a big Disneyfan too, and Disneyland "cast members" tell me that they spottedhim in the park on more than one occasion, usually heavily disguised withcostumes & make-up so he wouldn't be recognized. (I wonder if he snuckinto "Captain Eo" to see himself in 3-D...?)

had a birthday bash at Disneyland & DCA. And in 2005, had a run-inwith an aggressive paparazzzo at DCA, just a month afterreported been chased by photogs at Disneyland.

  • (at the Blue Bayou restaurant)
  • (near the castle)
  • (on the parking lot tram, wearing a wig)
  • (boarding a submarine)
  • (onMain Street - with her head shaven for "G.I. Jane")
  • (whenhe was filming "That Thing You Do")
  • (in disguise at the Small World ride )
  • (walking down Main Street USA)
  • (riding "It's A Small World")
  • & (on the carousel)
  • (onthe loading platform of the Big Thunder Railroad)
  • (watching the portrait artist in New Orleans Square)
  • (riding the King Arthur carousel)
  • (buying food at the Tomorrowland Terrace)
  • (leaving Space Mountain)
  • (riding in the tailcone of the monorail)
  • ('LukeSkywalker' in the Briar Patch shop)
  • ('Bud Bundy', dancing in Tomorrowland)
  • & (dining at the BlueBayou restaurant)
  • (taking her daughter on Dumbo)
  • (gettingon Indiana Jones)
  • (watching Fantasmic!)


&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, &, (the )and.

,,, and. isseen with his wife and adult children on a 1968 visit; President was photographed out jogging next to the "America Sings"building, surrounded by Secret Service men. In a poignant photo, is pictured boarding the Matterhorn bobsledswith his kids, the day before he was assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel.

(of India), (of Japan),the Reverend (of SouthAfrica), (of Jordan), (of Sweden),Prime Minister (of France),and the (from Tibet).

(seen buying popcorn with Eddie Fischer), (shown singing on stage at the Golden Horseshoe),,,,,, and.

,,,,,,, the, & and sportsfigures such asand. Muhammad Aliis seen signing an autograph while standing in line for the monorail.

&and CBS newsman. Othersstars include,,,,,and.

rented the entire park (after dark) for her 60th birthday bash.

("Sleepless in Seattle" and "You've GotMail") confesses that when she and her husband("The Big Easy") went out to Disneyland for a recentfamily outing, "We just stood in line like everybody else and enjoyedourselves!" Likewise,("Con Air") and wife was also seen standing in line for a Fantasyland ride. ('George' on "Seinfeld")was spotted recently taking a tour of the park with a guide. was recently spotted on the Jungle Cruise. And waited in line for the train ride.

("Midnight Cowboy"). In 2008, it was("Full House"). In 2007, it was (of "Dr. Quinn" fame). In 2005,it was(remember him as the chimney sweep in "Mary Poppins"?)Past years have seen celebs likeand.

there, waving to the crowd, right after the Dodgerswon the 1988 World Series.

worked at the Magic Store on Main Street USA. Both (Richard Nixon's presssecretary) and the late(Nixon's chief advisor) worked at the park in their pre-Watergate years.Actor met his wife atDisneyland, where she worked as 'Snow White' - he was her 'Prince Charming'. (the mother on "GrowingPains") played the 'Blue Fairy' that led off the Main Street ElectricalParade.

andwalking downMain Street USA.  And in 2013, they did the premiere of "The Lone Ranger" at DCA.

comedy"The Kid" in Tomorrowland, during regular park hours.Celebrities spotted riding the new Autopia included(of "Friends"),,. and.

," it is locatedon the second floor of New Orleans Square, above the Blue Bayou restaurant.(When you face the entrance to the Blue Bayou restaurant, the entranceto "Club 33" is located just to the right.)

was seen diningthere, as was the late.Reports have it thatmight be a member.

,,and all together at Club33. Others report seeing,, and more at the Club on various occasions.

QTVR movie of the inside of Club 33,justclick here!]

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