



Welcome tothe Sea Slugs of Hawaii web site. This site is the culmination of 47years of our study and passion for Hawaiian sea slugs--gastropodmollusks of the subclass opisthobranchia including nudibranchs andtheir relatives. As many of you know, this was originally meant to be abook. However, with taxonomic changes occurring frequently due to DNAand other analysis, we wanted to create a site which could be updated,as needed.

Interest in Hawaiian sea slugs spread beginning in 1979 with thepublication of Dr. Alison Kay’s comprehensive book,Hawaiian MarineShells. A wider group including divers was introduced to thesebeautiful creatures in 1981 by Hans Bertsch and Scott Johnson’sfull-color book,Hawaiian Nudibranchs.Thatlittlebook, clearly alabor of love, was the main source for information on Hawaiian animalsuntil John Hoover’s book,Hawaii’sSea Creatures was published in 1998.The latter includes many common Hawaiian species and their new, updatednames. Most recently, on-line sea slug sites have provided a vastamount of information for someone researching this group (particularlyDr. Bill Rudman's Sea Slug Forum).Also, Keoki Stender and John Hoover have created small on-linegalleries of Hawaiian species as part of their larger invertebratesites. But, there has been no site devoted specifically to Hawaii'sunique fauna.

We hope this site will be a valuable addition to knowledge of Hawaii’ssea slugs as well as sea slugs, in general. Although we do not have aforum for discussion, we are happy to receive suggestions, update thesite based on contributed observations and answer questions.

There is one person without whom this site would not exist. Dr. TerryGosliner of the California Academy of Sciences is the recognizedauthority on the taxonomy of Hawaiian sea slugs. He has advised, taughtand inspired us, and has identified and named many of the species onthese pages. There are numerous other people who have contributed inways large and small and we recognize and thank them on theacknowledgments page.

All photos are copyright© of the creditedphotographer and all animals illustrated were found by the photographer unless otherwise noted.

We hope you enjoy the site.

Cory Pittmanand Pauline Fiene

Contact Info.

By now, this site is largely complete. However, we're continuallycorrecting typos, adding new photos, updating information, etc. Inaddition, there remain "holes" in the data and credits that we have yetto fill. We ask the patience of the viewer while we add that info.Meanwhile, we've also started a "recentchanges" page listing major revisions. CP & PF

