


CS240H: Functional Systems in HaskellCS240H

Stanford CS240H Winter 2016

Links to source code and final project reports can now befoundhere.

If you have enrolled in the class or plan to, please installHaskell stack and (optionally) theHaskell Platform on your machine so as to be able to do the assignments. Moreover, pleasebring your laptop to class.

Grading: Lab 1 (10%), Lab 2 (10%), Lab 3 (15%), Project (65%).
Late Days: Each student gets 48 hours of extension to the lab deadlines that can be used in 24 hour blocks. They are used automatically based on last submission timestamp.
Late Penalty: Each day late (after late days exhausted) will reduce your maximum mark for the lab or project by 25%.
Lecture: Monday and Wednesday, 3:00-4:20pm,Skilling Auditorium

Discussion forums:Piazza
Class list: TBA
Staff list:staff email
Lab submission:CS240H lab submission
Recommended background:Real World Haskell, O'Sullivan, Stewart, Goerzen.

For help, please post on Piazza as then the whole class can benefit from your question. However, you can also email the class mailing list or staff mailing list if you prefer not to use Piazza.

Instructor:David Mazières
Office hours: after class
Address: Gates, Room 290
Phone: (415) 490-9451Instructor:Bryan O'Sullivan
Office hours: TBA
Address: TBA
TA:David Terei
Office hours: Thursday, 2:00-4:00pm
Address: Gates, Room 281A
TA:Riad S. Wahby
Office hours: Fridays 1:30-3:30pm
Address: Gates, Room 286

