


Rich Develops
Rich Develops
VS Code Custom Labels for NextJS

VS Code Custom Labels for NextJS

Are you tired of having every tab in your VS Code showing page.js or page.tsx as the filename?Consistent naming patterns can make software development easier. If you're using NextJS with the app router then you can easily locate the file rendering a...

Session Name for SSO using AWS CLI

Session Name for SSO using AWS CLI

A Quick Guide to GraphQL for REST developers

A Quick Guide to GraphQL for REST developers

Rich Buggy

Rich Buggy


Engineering Manager ⬩ Indie Hacker ⬩ Serverless Developer ⬩ AWS Community Builder ⬩ ECommerce


How to deploy Remix apps with SSR to AWS Amplify

How to deploy Remix apps with SSR to AWS Amplify

Moving "server-only" to the top of the imports

Moving "server-only" to the top of the imports

Invalid Grant error with AWS IAM Identity Center

Invalid Grant error with AWS IAM Identity Center

Solve  the AppSync Lambda Resolver N+1 Problem with BatchInvoke

Solve the AppSync Lambda Resolver N+1 Problem with BatchInvoke

AppSync Security Improvements

AppSync Security Improvements

Fixing compinit: insecure directories and files

Fixing compinit: insecure directories and files

Fixing an intermittently failing Lambda

Fixing an intermittently failing Lambda

FunctionUrl does not exist

FunctionUrl does not exist

Sprint Timeline

Sprint Timeline

