Latest from Mike Godwin
Is AI Like the Internet, or Something Stranger?
David Brin, Robin Hanson, Mike Godwin, and others describe the future of artificial intelligence.
David Brin,Robin Hanson,Jonathan Rauch,Mike Godwin,Zach Weissmueller,Deirdre Nansen McCloskey, andPeter Suderman|
A New Book Reveals Facebook's Problems Started Way Before the 2016 Election
InFacebook: The Inside Story, even Steven Levy’s most generous conclusions about the tech giant are still pretty damning.
What If Widespread Disinformation Is the Solution to Fake News?
It may be time to hire a libel service.
Facebook's Zuckerberg Was Right To Skip Canadian Show Trial
Abroad, legislators are in the mood to theatrically punish social media companies. CEOs shouldn’t play along.
Twitter Sucks Because We Suck. Don't Blame @Jack
If social media feels like a cesspool, don't go swimming.
The Insanely Eventful Life of Grateful Dead Lyricist John Perry Barlow
A posthumous memoir from a mutant genius
Everyone Should Be Getting Wikipedia for Free
Confusion over net neutrality rules has internet providers too scared to offer freebies, even though it's legal.
What the 'Zero Rating' Debate Reveals About Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality can work against developing nations
Thomas Pynchon's Silicon Alley
Pynchon's new novel recreates New York in the dot-bust era.
The Real Test of Education Policy
What happens when a profoundly unusual individual student runs up against a school system designed for "most" kids?
The Libertarian Case for Barack Obama
He is the lesser of two big-government, Harvard-educated evils.
The Singularity as Farce
Two novelists produce a cask-strength science-fiction comedy.
From the Choom Gang to the White House
A new biography shows how Barack Obama the youthful pothead became Barack Obama the presidential drug warrior.
Steve Jobs, the Inhumane Humanist
The founder of Apple may have been a narcissistic jerk, but his humanity was revealed by the liberating objects he made.
Superhuman Imagination
Vernor Vinge on science fiction, the Singularity, and the state
Neal Stephenson's Past, Present, and Future
The author of the widely praised Baroque Cycle on science, markets, and post-9/11 America.
Who's Getting Your Vote?
Reason's revealing presidential poll.
Peter Bagge,Ronald Bailey,John Perry Barlow,James Bovard,Stewart Brand,Drew Carey,Tim Cavanaugh,Steve Chapman,Brian Doherty,Richard A. Epstein,Charles Paul Freund,Glenn Garvin,Robert George,Nick Gillespie,Mike Godwin,Nat Hentoff,Robert Higgs,Penn Jillette,David Kopel,John McClaughry,Deirdre Nansen McCloskey,Wendy McElroy,Charles Murray,P.J. O'Rourke,Camille Paglia,Steven Pinker,John Pitney,Robert Poole,Jonathan Rauch,John Rennie,Glenn Reynolds,Louis Rossetto,Julian Sanchez,Jack Shafer,Michael Shermer,RU Sirius,Bradley Smith,Vernon L. Smith,Andrew Sullivan,Jacob Sullum,Jeff Taylor,Eugene Volokh,Jesse Walker,Jude Wanniski,Matt Welch,Robert Anton Wilson, andCathy Young|
Prisoners of Digital Television
A misadventure in high-tech regulatory policy -- and a Harry Potter Fix
Hollywood vs. the Internet
Why entertainment companies want to hack your computer.
Election 2000
George Bush won. But at what cost to the law?
Wild, Wild Web
In cyberspace, copyright infringement is only a click away. Commonsense guidelines to intelectual property in unsettled territory.
The Drudge Retort
The $30 million libel suit against Internet gossip Matt Drudge smells of opportunism.
The Law: Virtual Community Standards
Prosecutors are using local definitions of obscenity to censor the global Net.