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Beer of the Week (w/e 16th March 2025) withTris39 on the Pub Forum
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Any connections between the prominent member of the aristocracy and this somewhat run of the mill suburban pub appear to have been lost in the midst of time however the original pub (which was sited a hundred yards away on what is now an estate) carried enough interest for Dickens to use it in Great Expectations, albeit under the pseudonym of the Halfway House.
The current pub dates from 1926 and to be honest, carries little beyond a functional usage for locals and visitors to the football ground a few doors down. The L-shaped interior is quite bland and has a bit of a “lads” feel to it with football orientated TV’s, a brace of dart boards and tolerance of industrial language. The furnishings are minimal with vast expanses of floor space although there is a separate room leading off at the rear which could be used for private functions. There is also a spacious if unspectacular beer garden.
For a pub that occasionally hosts beer festivals, the regular choice of 2 uninspiring ales (Courage Best and Courage Dirctors, the latter of which which never appears to be available) seems a little perplexing. The quality is not always exactly tip top either. Until recently this was the only place near the football ground that sold real ale but now that the excellent Door Hinge has opened just down the road, the Rose & Crown has reintroduced an ale and even the Welling club bar sells it, the Guy has lost one of its brownie points and become even less of an attraction than it once was, not that it was much of an attraction in the first place.
On 13th September 2013 - rating:4
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