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Amazing Malasi Lake

Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites

Malasi Lake is a very small body of water (circa 40 hectares) situated in a vast expanse of grasslands in Cabagan, Isabela (Northern Luzon, Philippines). It's about 500 km north of Manila and it took us (myself, fellow Philippine Bird Photography member Neon Rosell and my brother Jeff) about 10 hours of spirited driving to reach it. We had to cross the mighty Cagayan river aboard a makeshift raft to get to the site, but the lake can also be accessed by land via a circuitous route.

This body of water may be relatively tiny but it is teeming with many interesting water and grass birds. I had so much fun shooting the avian creatures that I didn't notice I was being burned to a crisp by the blazing sun. Sunburned to just past well-done, I got home aching all over but with 5 new lifebirds from this productive trip - Wandering Whistling-Duck, Common Pochard, Black-shouldered Kite (a couple building a nest), Singing Bushlark and Oriental Skylark.

I wish to thank our hosts, Aloy Duya and Glen Bueser of Conservational International Philippines, for the warm welcome, for the logistics support and for tirelessly sticking with us throughout the scorching sortie. Special thanks are also due to Neon's sister - Grace - for arranging the successful trip.

On the way back to Manila, we detoured via the newly opened Aritao-Baguio road to check out potential birding opportunities. The road is half-finished, with the section nearer Baguio still being paved. The diversion added another 6 hours to the already long drive back home, but I captured another lifebird - House Swift - at Ambuklao, Benguet.

All in all, the harvest of 6 new birds brings my lifelist to 220 species...:)
Singing BushlarkScientific name - Mirafra javanica philippinensis (endemic race)Habitat - Uncommon in open country and dried ricefields on the ground or in bushes. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Oriental SkylarkScientific name - Alauda gulgula wolfei(endemic race) Habitat - Uncommon in open country on the ground. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Wandering Whistling-DuckScientific name - Dendrocygna arcuataHabitat - Freshwater wetlands from marshes, swamps to ricefields.[20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Black-shouldered Kite Scientific name - Elanus caeruleus Habitat - Uncommon in drier grasslands and scrub [350D + Sigmonster + Canon 2x TC, tripod/gimbal head, 80 m distance]

Common Pochard (left bird facing camera)Scientific name - Aythya ferinaHabitat - Rare, found in groups in lakes, marshes and estuaries. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Eastern Marsh-Harrier (juvenile male)Scientific name - Circus spilonotusHabitat - Uncommon, primarily in wetlands and grasslands.[20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Eastern Marsh-Harrier (subad female)Scientific name - Circus spilonotusHabitat - Uncommon, primarily in wetlands and grasslands.[20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Pied Harrier(male) Scientific name - Circus melanoleucos Habitat - Wetlands, drier grasslands and open country. [1DM2 + Sigmonster, tripod/gimbal head]

Pied Harrier(male) Scientific name - Circus melanoleucos Habitat - Wetlands, drier grasslands and open country. [1DM2 + Sigmonster, tripod/gimbal head]

Tufted Duck (male at left and female at right) Scientific name - Aythya fuligula Habitat - Uncommon in open water in deeper lakes and marshes. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Wandering Whistling-Duck Scientific name - Dendrocygna arcuata Habitat - Freshwater wetlands from marshes, swamps to ricefields. [1DM2 + Sigmonster, tripod/gimbal head]

Grey Heron Scientific name - Ardea cinerea Habitat - Uncommon in wetlands. [1DM2 + 100-400 IS, hand held]

Great Egret Scientific name - Egretta alba modesta Habitat - Uncommon in a variety of wetlands from coastal marshes to ricefields. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Wandering Whistling-Duck Scientific name - Dendrocygna arcuata Habitat - Freshwater wetlands from marshes, swamps to ricefields. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Spotted Dove Scientific name - Streptopelia chinensis Habitat - Common in open country and agricultural areas. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Eurasian Coot Scientific name - Fulica atra Habitat - Uncommon in inland bodies of open water, lakes and marshes. [350D + Sigmonster + Canon 2x TC, manual focus, tripod/gimbal head]

Grass Owl Scientific name - Tyto capensis Habitat - Grasslands and canefields. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Wandering Whistling-Duck Scientific name - Dendrocygna arcuata Habitat - Freshwater wetlands from marshes, swamps to ricefields. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Philippine Duck (a Philippine endemic) Scientific name - Anas luzonica Habitat - Freshwater marshes, shallow lakes and ricefields. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held, IS off]

Osprey Scientific name - Pandion haliaetus Habitat - Associated with water both along coast and inland. [1DM2 + Sigmonster, tripod/gimbal head]

Purple Swamphen Scientific name - Porphyrio porphyrio Habitat - Uncommon in freshwater and brackish wetlands. [[1DM2 + Sigmonster, tripod/gimbal head]

Wandering Whistling-Duck Scientific name - Dendrocygna arcuataHabitat - Freshwater wetlands from marshes, swamps to ricefields. [350D + Sigmonster + Canon 2x TC, tripod/gimbal head]

Singing Bushlark Scientific name - Mirafra javanica philippinensis (endemic race) Habitat - Uncommon in open country and dried ricefields on the ground or in bushes. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Oriental SkylarkScientific name - Alauda gulgula wolfei(endemic race) Habitat - Uncommon in open country on the ground. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Wandering Whistling-Duck Scientific name - Dendrocygna arcuata Habitat - Freshwater wetlands from marshes, swamps to ricefields. [1DM2 + Sigmonster, tripod/gimbal head]

Wandering Whistling-Duck Scientific name - Dendrocygna arcuata Habitat - Freshwater wetlands from marshes, swamps to ricefields. [1DM2 + Sigmonster, tripod/gimbal head]

Black-shouldered KiteScientific name - Elanus caeruleus Habitat - Uncommon in drier grasslands and scrub [1DM2 + Sigmonster, tripod/gimbal head]

Tufted Duck (male and female, with a Common Pochard in the background)Scientific name - Aythya fuligula Habitat - Uncommon in open water in deeper lakes and marshes. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

Wandering Whistling-Duck Scientific name - Dendrocygna arcuata Habitat - Freshwater wetlands from marshes, swamps to ricefields. [1DM2 + Sigmonster, tripod/gimbal head]

A RACER AND A BIRDER. My brother Jeff (left) ably piloted our birding vehicle, as he made the over 500 km trip to Malasi Lake in just under 10 hours, including wading through heavy traffic along the way. Here, Jeff and birding buddy Neon pose by our car while we cross the mighty Cagayan river aboard a makeshift raft.

LITTLEST RORO VESSEL IN THE WORLD? Supported by two wooden boats each with its own 4-cylinder diesel engine, the platform of the raft can carry 3 small cars or tricycles.I initially hesitated to risk the crossing, but when I looked at the faces of drivers that crossed before us, it looked like doing so is the most ordinary thing in the world.Well, the prospect of bagging quite a few lifers swayed me to go for it.[1DM2 + 100-400 IS, hand held]

SHINY-HEADED BIRDSHOOTER. While crossing the Cagayan river, I chat with our hosts Aloy (right) and Glen (left), both of Conservation International.

EXCITED RAFT PASSENGER. Neon strikes another pose aboard the rickety raft as it docks at the other bank of the Cagayan River.

WHEW.... WE MADE IT ACROSS THE RIVER. Jeff (and I) heave a sigh of relief as our vehicle makes it across the Cagayan River, and he was just too happy to drive to terra firma. I couldn't imagine the nightmare of the raft capsizing and God forbid, losing my Sigmonster, 500 f4 IS and other gear stowed in the vehicle.[1DM2 + 100-400 IS, hand held]

THE AMAZING MALASI LAKE. With the skies virtually cloudless, Malasi Lake bakes under the early afternoon sun.[350D + Sigma 10-20, hand held]

HEAVY ARTILLERY. The 350D + Sigmonster + Canon 2x TC struggles to bring the distant ducks closer.... even 1600 mm was not enough firepower to make the birds full frame.[1DM2 + 100-400 IS, hand held]

House SwiftScientific name - Apus affinisHabitat - Lowlands often associated with water, particularly rivers.[1DM2 + 400 5.6L, hand held]

Pied Bushchat (sub-adult male) Scientific name - Saxicola caprata Habitat - Drier open country, grasslands and cultivated areas. [20D + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, hand held]

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Reyno27-Jan-2007 13:19
Well worth the trip with those fantastic captures. Very well done Romy.
ka ren25-Jan-2007 05:11
nice photo gallery for malasi birds, romy. with the close ups of these birds, it is more exciting to watch now, to appreciate them in actual, with the details retained in memory, from ur captures.. i will try the area sometime next month. fantastic work for the duo. and, my admiration too, for the CI guys who help preserve/protect the area? do they stay there as volunteers, or for how a long? nice shoots and story..
eddy matuod24-Jan-2007 03:31
bilib na talaga sa iyo! tried the dpp(photo-processing software from canon) but i can't get a sharp pix as yours. might use a photoshop cs someday.
Ali Majdfar23-Jan-2007 07:51
Very interesting gallery with great exlainations, GMV
Nilo23-Jan-2007 03:05
This is probably the longest wait so far for the bird pix after Romy's sortie!! hahaha.. so happy to hear 6 lifers for you on this trip.
eddy matuod20-Jan-2007 19:29
asan mga pictures(water birds)?

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