Parental Guides for Movies, Games, TV, Twitch Channels, Youtube Channels, Toys and Product ratings and reviews byParents forParents.
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For over 19 years Parental Guide has been helping parents by providing key information for their parenting journey.
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The MPAA provides theirratings but are not always clear. Here's what they mean for you and your family.
Games are an increasing part of our kid's lives and can have a dramatic influence over kid's behavior. Understand theESRB
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Parenting is hectic and time-consuming and keeping up with the fast-paced Internet and the plethora of content available is too much of a job for one person. Our community is designed to ease that burden by providing parents a single place to get peace of mind about the content their kids are consuming. It is easy for a child to be manipulated by an algorithm and it is a parents responsibility to be aware of what their children are seeing.
The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) is the self-regulatory body for the film industry. It is the American branch of the Motion Picture Association, and was actually founded before the MPA, back in 1922.
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Parenting is one of if not the single largest responsibility you can take on in life. It takes time, energy, and dedication. In this world there are many influences you don’t want your kids to have. With entertainers constantly pushing boundaries it would be difficult to go through a day as an adult without coming across at least one thing you wouldn’t want your children exposed to. But how do you keep these influences away from your children? You cannot be there every second of every day; and even if you could, that would hardly be beneficial for your child.
There are many areas of modern technology with snares for the unwary. TV, Movies and video games are clearly something that you as a parent should be involved with your child on. You should know what they are watching and playing; you should know what the ratings for those things are; and you should have a clearly defined boundary between what is acceptable and what is not. For TV, a V chip can help. For movies and video games, there are organizations whose sole purpose is educating parents on the contents of new releases. They have a comprehensive set of ratings for both movies and video games that will let you know whether a given game or movie is suitable for your children.
In addition, we strive to help you sort through the latest family entertainment and social media. We are your online family resource for parents movie reviews, movie ratings for families, video game ratings and parental advisory information.
But in the 21st century, there are many more avenues for malignant influences to reach your children. While both cell phones and the internet are invaluable tools for staying connected; they both have pitfalls for a child. Thankfully, there are internet filters that you can set up on your computer to limit the sites your children can access. That means your fourteen year old son can catch up on the latest sports headlines, but he won’t be looking up centerfolds. The options on these filters include the ability to set up reports on your children’s browsing habits, or send you an email when they try to access a site they aren’t allowed on. They can even be set to shut down internet access after a certain time of night.
Major cell phone companies have robust parental controls on phones as well. You can block numbers from your children’s phones, set them to shut off at a certain time of night, and even activate emergency tracking on the phone to help find a lost child. And that brings us to another great new parenting invention: GPS. You can get a GPS device that your child carries around with them so that you know where they are. This can provide great peace of mind for any parent who takes their children to busy public places. It only takes a moment turned the wrong way for a child to get lost, but with GPS they can be easily found again.
Parenting responsibilities begin long before TV, movies, cell phones, video games, or even the internet are of any interest to your child however. From birth, your child needs to be fed, nurtured, supported, cared for, oh and fed… From the moment they are born, we try to protect our children from harm, and baby safety is at the forefront of any good parent’s mind.
Why do we spend so much time thinking about baby safety? Babies are fragile, that’s why! When they are born, babies can’t even hold their own head up. They weigh a meager handful of pounds, can’t see past 18 inches, and are utterly defenseless. As our children grow, it always seems that their ability to get into trouble constantly outpaces their ability to judge what constitutes a bad idea. Our job as parents is to help steer them away from the worst ideas, the ones that could seriously injure them.
As parents, we want to provide our babies with the best things possible, whether it is food, baby toys, education, or baby bedding. It’s a competitive world, and any edge you can give your children, you want for them. In many cases it goes beyond a simple edge though. High quality baby bedding has been shown to reduce incidence of sleeping problems in infants, including SIDS.
Other pieces of baby gear can be equally important to keeping a young child safe. Humidifiers are invaluable aids if your baby catches a cough (and at some point, they will). Organic toys ensure that your baby isn’t coming into contact with lead based paints or other toxic chemicals. Safety latches and gates keep your baby out of areas of the home that could harm them. We have them all here, at prices that can’t be beat.