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HomeWhere we areClosed field operations and related field activitiesOSCE Kosovo Verification Mission / OSCE Task Force for Kosovo (closed)

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OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission / OSCE Task Force for Kosovo (closed)

British verifiers of the Kosovo Verification Mission drive to Prizren from Pristina in November 1998.
(Bela Szandelszky/OSCE)Photo details
The OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission was established by the Permanent Council in October 1998 and closed in June 1999.

The Mission's tasks included:

  • Verifying compliance by all parties in Kosovo with UN Security Council Resolution 1199, and reporting instances of progress and/or non-compliance to theOSCE Permanent Council, the United Nations Security Council and other organisations. Those reports were to be provided to the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY);
  • Maintaining close liaison with FRY, Serbian and, as appropriate, other Kosovo authorities, political parties and other organisations in Kosovo and accredited international and non-government organisations to assist in fulfilling its responsibilities;
  • Supervising elections in Kosovo to ensure their openness and fairness in accordance with regulations and procedures agreed; and
  • Reporting and making recommendations to the OSCE Permanent Council, the UN Security Council and other organizations on areas covered by UN Security Council Resolution 1199.

A transitional OSCE Task Force for Kosovo was established in June 1999 and dissolved in July 1999, when it was replaced by theOSCE Mission in Kosovo.

​For further information about the Mission and Task Force, see the survey of OSCE field operations or contact the OSCE Secretariat’s Conflict Prevention Centre:
Office: +43 1 514 36 6122
Fax: +43 1 514 36 6996

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