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Moustaches and facial hair have come and gone as men have shown themselves to be dedicated followers of fashion. Whoever said that the Kiwi bloke didn’t care about his appearance?more...
The story of family and child welfare during the tough interwar years of the 20th century, with a focus on the rise of the teenager in the prosperous 1950s.more...
From mince to McDonalds. The story of New Zealand's changing food and drink culture in the 20th century. Listen to the sound files of famous radio announcer Aunt Daisy.more...
Discover how a collection of photographs - whether from official or informal sources - can provide unique insights into everyday life in 20th century New Zealand.more...
It was known as Radiant Living - an alternative lifestyle and health movement which counted Sir Edmund Hillary among its adherents. Listen to an interview with founder Herbert Sutcliffe.more...
How did Wellington get to be New Zealand's famed coffee capital? The story of the city's cafe society, from the tea houses of 1920 to the espresso bars of 2000.more...