



Revised 28 January 2020

At NLnet Labs, our mission is to develop open standards and open software for an open Internet. In addition to this, we pursue applied research to support future development of the Internet in terms of technology, standards and policy.

We are committed to an open mindset that encourages anyone to contribute to discussions on Internet technology. We treat everyone with respect and expect to be treated likewise. We listen to our community in making decisions that impact our open source projects, and actively engage with our community before we make major changes.


The goal of this code of conduct is to set out how we would like to interact with our community. The code applies both to us and to the members of our community, and covers all interactions between us and the community, which includes: public mailing lists, issue trackers, source code repositories, personal email exchanges, in-person interactions and social media. The code also applies to exchanges between community members amongst each other if these take place on forums, mailing lists or other means of communication moderated by us, or associated with our projects.

Code of Conduct

NLnet Labs is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristics or beliefs.

We encourage you to:

  • Use inclusive language, cherish ideas and opinions and be courteous and kind;
  • Treat other community members and NLnet Labs staff with respect;
  • Respect that people have differences of opinion and that every design or implementation choice carries a trade-off and numerous costs;
  • Give constructive, to-the-point feedback;
  • Leave room for others to speak and give their opinion; your opinion matters, but so do other people's opinions;
  • Ask questions that invite people to expand on ideas;
  • Be accepting of feedback; if someone takes issue with something you say or do, listen rather than go on the defensive, remember that sometimes a simple apology goes a long way;
  • Report if you witness harassment or wrongdoing (see below);
  • Try your best to be an ally to victims of harassment;
  • Prefer simple language and concepts where possible, and avoid cultural references, not everyone is a native English speaker and people come from diverse cultural backgrounds;
  • Avoid sarcasm or irony in written text, as it is easily missed or misunderstood;
  • In any communication you have, consider that calling attention to differences can feel alienating.

Behaviours that are unacceptable:

  • Harassing other community members or members of NLnet Labs' staff, both in public conversations and in private exchanges, and both online and offline;
  • Use of sexualized language, user names, etc.;
  • Use of discriminatory language, or make offensive jokes;
  • Providing unstructured criticism or rants;
  • Talking over other people or attempting to shut them down;
  • Dismissing other community members because of their position, background or (perceived) skills; "non-technical" does not mean inferior, we value contributions from all community members;
  • Acting entitled towards NLnet Labs staff or other community members or demanding instant solutions; we devote our time to our projects and community and strive to help everyone equally;
  • Making things personal;
  • Spamming, trolling, baiting or flaming on any forum moderated by NLnet Labs.

Addressing violations

We will not tolerate harassment of community members, or NLnet Labs staff members in any shape or form, either online or offline. If you believe you may have been harassed, please read below about how to contact us. If you intervene to protect or support a victim of harassment, online or offline, be mindful of your own safety, and of the guidelines in this code of conduct (don't use an "eye for an eye" approach).

In case of serious misconduct, we reserve the right to ban violators from any forum moderated by NLnet Labs, including mailing lists and issue trackers. Decisions by NLnet Labs staff are final.

Reporting incidents

Violations of this code of conduct are handled by NLnet Labs staff representatives. You can report any incident, either directed against you or someone else Reports of code of conduct violations will be investigated in a respectful, professional manner as promptly and confidentially as possible. We have zero tolerance for intimidation or retaliation against anyone who raises a concern, makes a report or cooperates in an investigation around a violation of our code of conduct.


This code of conduct is based on theClef Code of Conduct and theRust Community Code of Conduct and draws inspiration from theVox Product Code of Conduct.

