All writers on the spiritual life uniformly recommend, nay, command under penalty of total failure, the practice of silence. And yet, despite this there is perhaps no rule for spiritual advancement more inveighed against, by those who have not even mastered its rudiments, than that of silence. Even under the old Dispensation its value was known, taught, and practised.Holy Scripture warns us of the perils of the tongue, as "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21). Nor is this advice less insisted on in theNew Testament; witness: "If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man" (St. James 3:2 sq.). The samedoctrine is inculcated in innumerable other places of the inspired writings. Thepagans themselves understood the dangers arising from unguarded speech. Pythagoras imposed a strict rule of silence on his disciples; the vestal virgins also were bound to severe silence for long years. Many similar examples could be quoted.
Silence may be viewed from a threefold standpoint:
From the foregoing it will be readily understood why all founders ofreligious orders and congregations, even those devoted to the service of thepoor, the infirm, theignorant, and other external works, have insisted on this, more or less severely according to the nature of their occupations, as one of the essential rules of their institutes. It was St. Benedict who first laid down the clearest and most strictlaws regarding the observance of silence. In allmonasteries, of every order, there are special places, called the "Regular Places" (church, refectory, dormitory etc.) and particular times, especially the night hours, termed the "Great Silence", wherein speaking is more strictly prohibited. Outside these places and times there are usually accorded "recreations" during which conversation is permitted, governed by rules of charity and moderation, though useless and idle words are universally forbidden in all times and places. Of course in active orders the members speak according to the needs of their variousduties. It was perhaps theCistercian Order alone that admitted no relaxation from the strict rule of silence, which severity is still maintained amongst the ReformedCistercians (Trappists) though all other contemplative Orders (Carthusians,Carmelites,Camaldolese etc.) are much more strict on this point than those engaged in active works. In order to avoid the necessity of speaking, many orders (Cistercians,Dominicans, DiscalcedCarmelites etc.) have a certain number of signs, by means of which the religious may have a limited communication with each other for the necessities that are unavoidable.
Holy Bible, especially Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiasticus, and Catholic Epistle of St. James; Thomas à Kempis, Imitation of Christ; Holsteinius, Codex Regularum quas S. Patres Monachis et Virginibus prascripere (Paris, 1663), St. Benedict, Holy Rule, in particular chaps. vi and vii; Schott, Fundamentder Grundrisse der Vollokommenheit (Constance, 1680); Rodriguez, Christian Perfection (London, 1861).
APA citation.Obrecht, E.(1912).Silence. InThe Catholic Encyclopedia.New York: Robert Appleton Company.
MLA citation.Obrecht, Edmond."Silence."The Catholic Encyclopedia.Vol. 13.New York: Robert Appleton Company,1912.<>.
Transcription.This article was transcribed for New Advent by William J. Rosini.
Ecclesiastical approbation.Nihil Obstat. February 1, 1912. Remy Lafort, D.D., Censor.Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.
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