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We're pleased to learn that many people have asked to get involved and contribute to in our mission to cater to the arms and armour community. This is a not-for-profit personal Web project that relies on the participation of the members of its community to keep growing. There are many ways of augmenting the contents of our site as well as helping with our own continuing publishing efforts. is now completely member-supported. Please contribute to our effortswith a donation. Your donations will go towards updating our site, modernizing it, and keeping it viable long-term.
Last 10 Donors:Graham Shearlaw, Anonymous,Daniel Sullivan,Chad Arnow,Jonathan Dean,M. Oroszlany,Sam Arwas,Barry C. Hutchins,Dan Kary,Oskar Gessler (View All Donors)

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There are several ways that you can add to our ever-growing wealth of resources:

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Exhibit your own collection in our galleries
If you've decided you have what it takes to show your collection of arms and armour to the world, you may want to allow us to feature it in our galleries. To be accepted, you must have:
• A collection of at least 10 items
• The ability to submit photographs
• Mostly historically-inspired pieces
• At least one item for each of these sections:
       Swords, Daggers, Others

If you meet the above criteria, pleasecontact us with your request for collection submission. Include a complete list of what items you own. We'd also like to review a couple sample photos of your items.

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This site has been quite an expensive project. The costs associated with its Web hosting, bandwidth usage charges, maintenance, contests, publishing rights, acquisition of review samples, shipping charges, and other things all add up to a big sum of money.

We rely on the generosity of our members to help offset these costs and have created various ways for you to assist us:

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