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BWe have worked with Cambridge University Press to keep the book affordable and to make it broadly accessible.  We recognize that an electronic copy offers benefits that cannot be realized in print, such as hyperlinks, full-text searching, use of PDF screen captures in lecture slides, and access from multiple locations. Thus, on this page we provide a free electronic copy ofMultiagent Systems.You are invited to use it without restriction for screen viewing, but are requested to print it only under one of the following circumstances:

Indeed, the cost of printing over 500 pages is not much less than $60, the undiscounted cost of the book. Plus by printing you'd end up with a bunch of loose pages, and without the nice picture on the cover...


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Multiagent Systems is copyright (c) Yoav Shoham and Kevin Leyton-Brown, 2009. Our contract with Cambridge allows us to distribute an uncorrected manuscript. Thus, the PDF is formatted differently than the book—and in particular has different page numbering—and has not been fully copy edited. Please treat the printed book as the definitive version. Note that we intend to update the PDF on the same schedule as the printed book. Thus, users of the PDF should still check theerrata page to be made aware of known errors.

Last updated May 24, 2024

