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Journal of Cheminformatics


Journal of CheminformaticsJournal of Cheminformatics is an open-access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research in all aspects of cheminformatics and molecular modelling.

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Searching chemical databases in the pre-history of cheminformatics

This article highlights research from the last century that has provided the basis for the searching techniques that are used in present-day cheminformatics systems, and thus provides an acknowledgement of the contributions made by early pioneers in the field.

Featured collections

A picture of a circuit board © Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay (CC0)Milestones in Cheminformatics

This special collection of commentaries is introduced for celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Journal of Cheminformatics. Pioneers and experts presents the greatest of all concepts, methodologies, and developments that have pushed the boundaries of cheminformatics to its current form, as well as forthcoming challenges and opportunities.

New Content Item © Pietro Jeng on UnsplashAI in Drug Discovery

The dramatic increase in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and traditional machine learning methods in different scientific fields has become an essential asset in the future development of the chemical industry, including the pharmaceutical, agro biotech, and other chemical sectors. This collection discusses about the cutting-edge contributions in the rapidly evolving field of AI-driven drug discovery. 


  1. Authors:Huynh Anh Duy and Tarapong Srisongkram

    Content type:Research
  2. Authors:Fabian P. Krüger, Johan Östman, Lewis Mervin, Igor V. Tetko and Ola Engkvist

    Content type:Research
  3. Authors:Muniba Batool, Naveed Ahmed Azam, Jianshen Zhu, Kazuya Haraguchi, Liang Zhao and Tatsuya Akutsu

    Content type:Research
  4. Authors:Shoichi Ishida, Tomohiro Sato, Teruki Honma and Kei Terayama

    Content type:Software
  5. Authors:Rayyan Tariq Khan, Pavel Kohout, Milos Musil, Monika Rosinska, Jiri Damborsky, Stanislav Mazurenko and David Bednar

    Content type:Methodology


Research from the 13th International Conference on Chemical Structures
Open for submission


Milestones in Cheminformatics
Closed. This collection is no longer accepting submissions.

AI in Drug Discovery
Closed. This collection is no longer accepting submissions.


Research from the Ninth Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics
Started publishing: 21 December 2023

Improving Reproducibility and Reusability in the Journal of Cheminformatics
Started publishing: 30 June 2023


Research from 12th International Conference on Chemical Structures
Started publishing: 3 October 2022

Diversifying cheminformatics
Started publishing: 2 August 2022


Biomedical Data Analyses Facilitated by Open Cheminformatics Workflows
Edited by Eva Nittinger, Alex Clark, Anna Gaulton, Barbara Zdrazil
Started publishing: 2 July 2021


In Silico Structure Generation: Recent Developments, Applications, and Challenges
Edited by José L. Medina-Franco, Emma Schymanski, Christoph Steinbeck
Started publishing: 27 October 2020

Citation Typing Ontology (CiTO) Pilot
Edited by Egon Willighagen
Started publishing: 28 July 2020


Big Data in Chemistry
Edited by Igor V. Tetko
Started publishing: 8 August 2019

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Chemical Structures
Edited by Gerard van Westen and Markus Wagener
Started publishing: 14 February 2019

Programming Languages for Chemical Information
Edited by Rajarshi Guha
Started publishing: 5 February 2019


BioCreative V.5
Edited by Martin Krallinger, Obdulia Rabal, Anália Lourenço, Alfonso Valencia
Started publishing: 14 December 2018

Novel applications of machine learning in cheminformatics
Edited by Ola Spjuth
Started publishing: 21 February 2018


Cross journal collection
Jean-Claude Bradley Memorial Series
Edited by Andrew SID Lang, Antony Williams
Started publishing: 22 March 2015


6th Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics
Started publishing: 29 July 2013


The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) and its influence on the domain of chemical information
Edited by Antony Williams
Started publishing: 13 December 2012

Semantic physical science
Edited by Henry Rzepa, Peter Murray-Rust
Started publishing: 3 August 2012


Visions of a semantic molecular future
Started publishing: 14 October 2011

RDF technologies in chemistry
Edited by Egon Willighagen, Martin Paul Braendle
Started publishing: 13 May 2011

Started publishing: 27 January 2011


Improving reproducibility and reusability in the Journal of Cheminformatics
Charles Tapley Hoyt, Barbara Zdrazil, Rajarshi Guha, Nina Jeliazkova, Karina Martinez-Mayorga & Eva Nittinger 
30 June 2023

Are new ideas harder to find? A note on incremental research and Journal of Cheminformatics’ Scientific Contribution Statement
Barbara Zdrazil, Rajarshi Guha, Karina Martinez-Mayorga & Nina Jeliazkova 
15 January 2024

Biomedical data analyses facilitated by open cheminformatics workflows
Eva Nittinger, Alex Clark, Anna Gaulton & Barbara Zdrazil
17 April 2023 

A look back at a pilot of the citation typing ontology
Rajarshi Guha, Barbara Zdrazil, Nina Jeliazkova & Karina Martinez-Mayorga
3 February 2023 


Diversifying cheminformatics
Barbara Zdrazil and Rajarshi Guha
25 April 2022


What is the role of cheminformatics in a pandemic?
Rajarshi Guha, Egon Willighagen, Barbara Zdrazil & Nina Jeliazkova 
2 March 2021


From Big Data to Artificial Intelligence: chemoinformatics meets new challenges
Igor V. Tetko & Ola Engkvist 
18 December 2020

Adoption of the Citation Typing Ontology by the Journal of Cheminformatics
Egon Willighagen
28 July 2020

Learning cheminformatics
Rajarshi Guha & Egon Willighagen
20 January 2020


Journal of Cheminformatics, ORCID, and GitHub
Egon Willighagen, Nina Jeliazkova & Rajarshi Guha
8 July 2019

Implementing cheminformatics
Rajarshi Guha
5 February 2019


Novel applications of Machine Learning in cheminformatics
Ola Spjuth
6 September 2018


Helping to improve the practice of cheminformatics
Rajarshi Guha & Egon Willighagen


Cheminformatics for the masses: a chance to increase educational opportunities for the next generation of cheminformaticians
David J Wild
5 July 2013


InChI: connecting and navigating chemistry
Antony J Williams
13 December 2012

Semantic physical science
Peter Murray-Rust & Henry S Rzepa
3 August 2012


Semantic science and its communication - a personal view
Peter Murray-Rust
14 October 2011

Resource description framework technologies in chemistry
Egon L Willighagen & Martin P Brändle
13 May 2011


Grand challenges for cheminformatics
David J Wild

Journal announcements

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Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 7.1
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 9.3
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.078
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.745

    Speed 2024
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 9
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 131

    Usage 2024
    Downloads: 1,615,511
    Altmetric mentions: 886

    Clickhere to see citation distribution in recent years 



Journal of Cheminformatics

ISSN: 1758-2946

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