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Attention:JCGO is not aneasy-to-use tool for real-world applications, so, in case of problems whileunderstandingJCGO, please contact theauthor.
TheJCGO v1.16 distributive files (unpacked to "C:\JCGO"or "/usr/share/JCGO"): Additional third-party libraries (if needed): Notes:
JCGO-SUNAWT integrates SunJ2SEAWT/Sound/SQL withJCGO. JCGO-SUNAWT is currently distributed under the licenseterms of the SunSCSL (for Research use only). TheJCGO-SUNAWT core distributive files (unpacked to"C:\JCGO" or "/usr/share/JCGO"): TheJCGO-SUNAWT re-distributive files: Prerequisite third-partySDK:
For those who want to try outJCGO right now withoutlooking into the accompanying documentation, here are the simple steps:
(theJCGO translator itselfand the accompanying binary files);
" folderC:\JCGO
(preserving thedirectory structure)jcgo.exe
(orjava -jar jcgo.jar
")and change the current directory to it;C:\JCGO\jcgo -sourcepath $~\examples Hello @$~\
gcc -IC:\JCGO\include -IC:\JCGO\include\boehmgc -IC:\JCGO\native -DJCGO_FFDATA -o hello jcgo_Out\Main.c C:\JCGO\libs\x86\mingw\libgc.a
cl -IC:\JCGO\include -IC:\JCGO\include\boehmgc -IC:\JCGO\native -DJCGO_INTNN -DJCGO_FFDATA -DJCGO_WIN32 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE jcgo_Out\Main.c C:\JCGO\libs\x86\msvc\gc.lib /link /out:hello.exe
" fileIf Linux/x86 is your development host, launch jcgo.jar file on any J2SEv1.4+ VM.
Here are the quick start tips if you choose the Linux version ofJCGO:/usr/share/JCGO
" folder/usr/share/JCGO
(preservingthe directory structure)java -jar /usr/share/JCGO/jcgo.jar -src $~/examples Hello @$~/
gcc -I /usr/share/JCGO/include -I /usr/share/JCGO/include/boehmgc -I /usr/share/JCGO/native -fwrapv -DJCGO_UNIX -D_IEEEFP_H -DJCGO_UNIFSYS -o hello jcgo_Out/Main.c -lm /usr/share/JCGO/libs/x86/linux/libgc.a
The following is still supported but not recommended for use:
All material on this web site is provided "as is" without warranty of anykind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the impliedwarranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,non-infringement or arising from a course of dealing, usage trade or practice.
Java™ and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks orregistered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All other trademarks andcopyrights mentioned in this documentation are the property of theirrespective holders.