



JCGO (pronounced as "j-c-go") is a unique tool toconvert Your Java application code to a platform-independent C code...

What is JCGO?

JCGO is an Open Source software product which translatesprograms written in Java into platform-independent C code, whichcould, further, be compiled (by third-party tools) into highly-optimizednative machine code for the target platform and deployed.

JCGO is a powerful solution that enables your desktop,server-side and embedded/mobile/wireless Java applications to take fulladvantage of the underlying hardware. In addition, JCGO effectively protectsyour intellectual property by making your programs when compiled to nativecode as hard to reverse engineer as if they were written in C/C++.

TheJCGO translator uses some optimization algorithmsthat allow, together with optimizations performed by a C compiler, theresulting executable code to reach better performance if compared with thetraditional Java implementations (based on the Just-In-Time technology). Theproduced executable does not contain nor require a Java Virtual Machine toexecute, so its resource requirements are smaller than that required by atypical Java VM. This also simplifies the process of deployment anddistribution of an application. In addition, the produced native code ishighly resistant to reverse engineering and tampering.

Scope of applicability...

TheJCGO project is targeted mainly for the followinguser categories:

  1. application software developers:
    • to get higher performance, smaller memory footprint and smaller start-uptime for an application,
    • to protect the code as an intellectual property,
    • to allow an application to execute on platforms without the Java VMsupport,
    • to simplify deployment, distribution and installation of an application,
    • to apply time-proven and well-known C/C++ compilation and debugging toolsto a Java application;
  2. hardware device developers:
    • to migrate from C device code to Java,
    • to write new device code in Java with nearly the same performanceefficiency as in C,
    • to use Java for 8- and 16-bit CPUs with ROM-able code and small amount ofRAM,
    • to reuse existing Java code for small device programming;
  3. software porters (to execute existing applications on platforms without aJava VM support);
  4. software advanced users (to get higher performance for frequently usedapplications, to run an application in the 64-bit mode).

JCGO basic blocks...

JCGO consists of the following parts:

For more technical information about theJCGO, pleaselook into the accompanyingmanual,FAQ.

What is Not JCGO?

JCGO is not for:

Licensing and support policy...

JCGO is an Open Source project released under the termsof GNU Classpath license.

JCGO could be used in a commercial project. There are no runtime fees.

