


Image Comics

In 1992 a group of artists, unhappy withMarvel's stance on creator's writes, verypublicly broke away to set up their own company, Image Comics (whose titleswere initially distributed byMalibu Comics).They created a stable of characters, and had one of the biggest launchesof comic history.

The experiment wasn't a total success. Some of the participants proved unableto keep to a monthly schedule when they were writing as well as drawing thecomic, and creative differences caused tensions too. Eventually Image split,with characters vanishing into the void or going with their owners to othercompanies. They even had their own version of DC's Crisis on Infinite Earthsto celebrate this parting of the ways, called Shattered Image (me, I preferthe title Splitting Image, but I have a sad sense of humour). However, whereDC's Crisis had combined the various universes into one, Image's equivalentsplit their universes up. Only a few of the characters launched at the startare still active, but their legacy lives on. WildC.A.T.S. begat Stormwatch,which begat the Authority. The Savage Dragon and Spawn both continue andthrive.

There's large gaps in my knowledge of Image characters, and am likely missingsome completely, so if you can fill in the blanks, please feel free totell me.what you know.

Depending on how well the creators get on, there is still the occasionalcrossover between the groupings, making it difficult to draw the lines betweenwhere one ends and another begins. But in general, when one character wasincluded as part of another's past (such asSupreme being in theWildCATS history) they've been replaced byanother, similar character (in Supreme's caseMrMajestic was born to fill the gap he left).

Characters who I couldn't place as belonging to one universe or another arelisted below. And if you find that I've placed someone in the wrong "universe",let me know - I find it all very confusing....

Image Central Universe Heroes and Villains, separated by creatorsub-universe
(e.g. they appear to more or less share the same universe, since they cameoin one another's books)






Jack Staff


Violent Messiahs







Image partners still affiliated with Image, but whose characters are notpart of the Image Universe (anymore at least)

Top Cow

Individual Heroes and Villains not resident afaik in Image's (semi-)shareduniverse

Groo the Wanderer

Danger Girl


Go Girl


Fighting American

Weasel Guy


Crimson Plague

10th Muse

The Pro


Iron Ghost

Additional Universes

Alan Moore's 1963

Astro City (started here, before shifting toHomage when Image split)

Big Bang Comics (previously published byCaliber)

Bulletproof Monk

Danger Girl (before departing forWildstorm)

ESPers (came from Halloween Comics)

Fiascoverse (came fromKitchen Sink by way of Fiasco Comics)


Jersey Gods

Mage (came fromComico)

Marshal Law (dropped by to visit the Savage Dragon, coming fromDark Horse Comics)

Powers (started here before shifting toMarvel's Icon imprint)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (published them between Mirage stints)

Original Founders' titles published under new imprints

Awesome Comics


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