


The best place to find new music on the web. Every day, thousands of people around the world write about music they love — and it all ends up here.
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Once a week, Stack delivers a mix of the most interesting new music on the web, handpicked by the Hype Machine team.Here's a recent mix.

About Us

How does Hype Machine work?

Hype Machine monitorshundreds of music sites and makes it easy to listen to theirlatest posts. We're here to help you find the best new music first.

Tracks favorited the most by the Hype Machine listeners show up on ourPopular page. We also keep tabs on the most-postedartists of the week and popularmusic videos, so you don't miss out on any good stuff.

Who are you?

Hype Machine was built in a college dorm room, and continues today as a listener-supported service based in Brooklyn, NY. This is our 19th year on the web.Become a supporter to keep it going.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get my music on Hype Machine?

Your best bet is to search Hype Machine for some acts that are similar to yours, click through to the sites that posted them, and contact the writers who previously discussed them. People really appreciate when you look into their taste first and send them something they will enjoy.

Why don't some tracks show up?

The track may have been posted via an unsupported filehosting service. Currently, Hype Machine is able to find direct MP3 links and single tracks posted viaSoundCloud,Bandcamp, andAudiomack. We do not pick up EPs, albums, playlists, or videos.

SoundCloud embeds must be public when first posted in order to be read. Hype Machine must be allowed to access tracks by the rights holder on the account, and they should be "Enabled for App Playback".

The track may be too large to be picked up. We can read files smaller than 20 MB and under 15 minutes in length. Finally, it is possible that you posted a file encoded in an unsupported bitrate (less than 64Kbps), sampling frequency (only 44kHz is supported) or format other than MP3.

Why do some track names show up incorrectly?

We get our data from MP3 ID3 tags, so the artist and title fields need to be filled out completely before the file is uploaded and shared. If there is no data in these fields, we will display "Unknown Track"

Tracks uploaded to SoundCloud should always be titled Artist - Title. We will check ID3 tags first, but will fall back on SoundCloud track titles if there is not enough information, or if ID3 data was discarded during processing.

If there is no artist specified in the track title, we will use the username of the uploader.

Remixes should be titled Original Artist - Title (Remix Artist Remix)

Covers should be titled Cover Artist - Title (Original Artist Cover)

Why do some tags show up incorrectly?

Genre tags are sourced and cannot be edited on Hype Machine. We can't distinguish between tags for acts with the same name.

How do I add a site to Hype Machine's index?

You cansuggest it here. Please note that we don't add all the submissions we receive.

How do I link to you?

You can find logo buttons (and dynamic widgets that display recently posted tracks) on ourLink page.

The site's not working/playing/logging me in

This is probably a browser issue. Try turning off any extensions/plugins and restarting your browser.

How do I make playlists?

You can add tracks to your Up/Down/Weird playlists when you favorite them. More info on playlistshere.

How do I delete my account?

You can delete your account in yourSettings.

What are your keyboard shortcuts?

Type "?" to see the list.

Can I intern here? Are you hiring?

We do not have any internships or open positions available, but thanks for thinking of us ♥️

Weren't you bought by Spotify/SoundCloud/BarkBox?

We are a small independent company. If you've enjoyed Hype Machine,support our work.

Our work is never over

This project is far from complete and we are working on it every day. If you have feedback, ideas, or bugs to report, please get in touchhere. Thanks!

Terms of UsePrivacy Policy

Since 2005, Hype Machine is made in Brooklyn, NY byAnthony,Zoya &Dave.
We are funded by listeners like you.Support us here.

Additional support byZora.

Terms of UsePrivacy Policy

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