Various Licenses and Comments about Them

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This page is maintained by the Free SoftwareFoundation's Licensing and Compliance Lab. You can support our efforts bymaking a donation to the FSF.

You can use our publications to understand how GNU licenses work or helpyou advocate for free software, but they are not legal advice. The FSFcannot give legal advice. Legal advice is personalized advice from alawyer who has agreed to work for you. Our answers address generalquestions and may not apply in your specific legal situation.

Have aquestion not answered here? Check out some of our otherlicensing resources or contact theCompliance Lab


We classify a license according to certain key criteria:

We try to list the most commonly encountered free software license onthis page, but cannot list them all; we'll try our best to answerquestions about free software licenses whether or not they are listedhere. The licenses are more or less in alphabetical order within eachsection.

If you believe you have found a violation of one of our licenses,please refer to ourlicenseviolation page.

If you've started a new project and you're not sure what license touse,“How tochoose a license for your own work” details ourrecommendations in an easy-to-follow guide.

If you have questions about free software licenses, you can emailusat<>.Because our resources are limited, we do not answer questions that aremeant to assist proprietary software development or distribution, andyou'll likely get an answer faster if you ask a specific question thatisn't already covered here or inourFAQ. Wewelcome knowledgeablevolunteers who want to help answer licensing questions.

If you are contemplating writing a new license, please also contactus at<>. Theproliferation of different free software licenses is a significantproblem in the free software community today, both for users anddevelopers. We will do our best to help you find an existing freesoftware license that meets your needs.

If you are wondering what license a particular software package is using, please visit theFree Software Directory, which catalogs thousands of free software packages and their licensing information.

Software Licenses

GPL-Compatible Free Software Licenses


The following licenses qualify asfree software licenses, andarecompatiblewith theGNU GPL.

GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 (#GNUGPL) (#GNUGPLv3)

This is the latest version of the GNU GPL: a free software license, anda copyleft license. We recommend it for most software packages.

Please note that GPLv3 is not compatible with GPLv2 by itself.However, most software released under GPLv2 allows you to use theterms of later versions of the GPL as well. When this is the case,you can use the code under GPLv3 to make the desired combination. Tolearn more about compatibility between GNU licenses,pleasesee ourFAQ.

GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2(#GPLv2)

This is the previous version of the GNU GPL: a free software license, anda copyleft license. We recommendthe latest versionfor most software.

Please note that GPLv2 is, by itself, not compatible with GPLv3.However, most software released under GPLv2 allows you to use theterms of later versions of the GPL as well. When this is the case,you can use the code under GPLv3 to make the desired combination. Tolearn more about compatibility between GNU licenses,pleasesee ourFAQ.

GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3 (#LGPL) (#LGPLv3)

This is the latest version of the LGPL: a free software license, but nota strong copyleft license, because it permits linking with nonfreemodules. It is compatible with GPLv3. We recommend it forspecial circumstancesonly.

Please note that LGPLv3 is not compatible with GPLv2 by itself.However, most software released under GPLv2 allows you to use theterms of later versions of the GPL as well. When this is the case,you can use the code under GPLv3 to make the desired combination. Tolearn more about compatibility between GNU licenses,pleasesee ourFAQ.

GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 (#LGPLv2.1)

This is the previous version of the LGPL: a free software license,but not a strong copyleft license, because it permits linking withnonfree modules. It is compatible with GPLv2 and GPLv3. Wegenerally recommendthe latest version of theLGPL,for specialcircumstances only. To learn more about how LGPLv2.1 iscompatible with other GNU licenses,pleasesee ourFAQ.

GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 (#AGPL) (#AGPLv3.0)

This is a free software, copyleft license. Its terms effectivelyconsist of the terms of GPLv3, with an additional paragraph in section 13to allow users who interact with the licensed software over a network toreceive the source for that program. We recommend that developers considerusing the GNU AGPL for any software which will commonly be run over anetwork.

Please note that the GNU AGPL is not compatible with GPLv2. It isalso technically not compatible with GPLv3 in a strict sense: youcannot take code released under the GNU AGPL and convey or modify ithowever you like under the terms of GPLv3, or vice versa. However,you are allowed to combine separate modules or source files releasedunder both of those licenses in a single project, which will providemany programmers with all the permission they need to make theprograms they want. See section 13 of both licenses fordetails.

GNU All-Permissive License (#GNUAllPermissive)

This is a lax, permissive free software license, compatible withthe GNU GPL, which we recommend GNU packages use for README and othersmall supporting files. All developers can feel free to use it insimilar situations.

Older versions of this license did not have the second sentence withthe express warranty disclaimer. This same analysis applies to bothversions.

Apache License, Version 2.0(#apache2)

This is a free software license, compatible with version 3 of theGNU GPL.

Please note that this license is not compatible with GPL version 2,because it has some requirements that are not in that GPL version.These include certain patent termination and indemnificationprovisions. The patent termination provision is a good thing, whichis why we recommend the Apache 2.0 license for substantial programsover other lax permissive licenses.

Artistic License 2.0 (#ArtisticLicense2)

This license is a free software license, compatible with the GPLthanks to the relicensing option in section 4(c)(ii).

Clarified Artistic License (#ClarifiedArtistic)

This license is a free software license, compatible with the GPL. Itis the minimal set of changes needed to correct the vagueness of theArtistic License 1.0.

Berkeley Database License (a.k.a. the Sleepycat Software Product License) (#BerkeleyDB)

This is a free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL.

Boost Software License(#boost)

This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license,compatible with the GNU GPL.

Modified BSD license (#ModifiedBSD)

This is the original BSD license, modified by removal of theadvertising clause. It is a lax, permissive non-copyleft freesoftware license, compatible with the GNU GPL.

This license is sometimes referred to as the 3-clause BSD license.

The modified BSD license is not bad, as lax permissive licenses go,though the Apache 2.0 license is preferable. However, it is risky torecommend use of “the BSD license”, even for special casessuch as small programs, because confusion could easily occur and leadto use of the flawedoriginal BSDlicense. To avoid this risk, you can suggest the X11 licenseinstead. The X11 license and the modified BSD license aremore or less equivalent.

However, the Apache 2.0 license is better for substantial programs,since it prevents patent treachery.

CeCILL version 2(#CeCILL)

The CeCILL is a free software license, explicitly compatible with theGNU GPL.

The text of the CeCILL uses a couple of biased terms that ought to beavoided:“intellectual property”and“protection”; this decisionwas unfortunate, because reading the license tends to spread thepresuppositions of those terms. However, this does not cause anyparticular problem for the programs released under the CeCILL.

Section 9.4 of the CeCILL commits the program's developers to certainforms of cooperation with the users, if someone attacks the programwith a patent. You might look at that as a problem for the developer;however, if you are sure you would want to cooperate with the users inthose ways anyway, then it isn't a problem for you.

The Clear BSD License (#clearbsd)

This is a free software license, compatible with both GPLv2 andGPLv3. It is based on themodified BSDlicense, and adds a term expressly stating it does not grant youany patent licenses. Because of this, we encourage you to be carefulabout using software under this license; you should first considerwhether the licensor might want to sue you for patent infringement.If the developer is refusing users patent licenses to set up a trapfor you, it would be wise to avoid the program.

Cryptix General License (#CryptixGeneralLicense)

This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license,compatible with the GNU GPL. It is nearly identical to theFreeBSD (alsocalled “2-clause BSD”) license.

eCos license version 2.0 (#eCos2.0)

The eCos license version 2.0 is a GPL-compatible free softwarelicense. It consists of the GPL, plus an exception allowing linking tosoftware not under the GPL. This license has the samedisadvantagesas the LGPL.

Educational Community License 2.0 (#ECL2.0)

This is a free software license, and it is compatible withGPLv3. It is based on theApache License2.0; the scope of the patent license has changed so that whenan organization's employee works on a project, the organizationdoes not have to license all of its patents to recipients. Thispatent license and the indemnification clause in section 9 makethis license incompatible with GPLv2.

Eiffel Forum License, version 2 (#Eiffel)

This is a free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL.Previousreleases of the Eiffel license are not compatible with theGPL.

EU DataGrid Software License (#EUDataGrid)

This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license,compatible with the GNU GPL.

Expat License(#Expat)

This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license,compatible with the GNU GPL.

Some people call this license “the MIT License,” butthat term is misleading, since MIT has used many licenses forsoftware. It is also ambiguous, since the same people also calltheX11 license “the MIT License,”failing to distinguish them. We recommend not using the term “MITLicense.”

The difference between the X11 license and the Expat license isthat the X11 license contains an extra paragraph about using the XConsortium's name. It is not a big deal, but it is a realdifference.

For substantial programs it is better to use the Apache 2.0 licensesince it blocks patent treachery.

FreeBSD license (#FreeBSD)

This is the original BSD license with the advertising clause andanother clause removed. (It is also sometimes called the“2-clause BSD license”.) It is a lax, permissivenon-copyleft free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL.

Our comments about theModified BSD licenseapply to this license too.

Freetype Project License (#freetype)

This is a free software license, and compatible with GPLv3. It hassome attribution requirements which make it incompatible withGPLv2.

Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer (#HPND)

This is a lax, permissive, and weak free software license that iscompatible with the GPL. It is similar to the license ofPython 1.6a2 and earlier versions.

License of the iMatix Standard Function Library (#iMatix)

This is a free software license and is GPL compatible.

License of imlib2(#imlib)

This is a free software license, and GPL-compatible. The author hasexplained to us that the GPL's options for providing source all mean thesource has been “made available publicly” in theirwords.

Independent JPEG Group License(#ijg)

This is a free software license, and compatible with the GNU GPL.The authors have assured us that developers who document changes asrequired by the GPL will also comply with the similar requirement inthis license.

Informal license(#informal)

An “informal license” means a statement such as“do whatever you like with this” or “you canredistribute this code and change it.”

In the United States, these licenses are supposed to be interpretedbased on what the author seems to intend. So they probably mean whatthey appear to mean. That would make them non-copyleft free softwarelicenses and compatible with the GNU GPL. However, an unlucky choiceof wording could give it a different meaning.

However, many other countries have a more rigid approach tocopyright licenses. There is no telling what courts in thosecountries might decide an informal statement means. Courts mighteven decide that it is not a license at all.

If you want your code to be free, don't invite gratuitous troublefor your users. Please choose and apply an established free softwarelicense. We offerrecommendations that we suggest you follow.

Intel Open Source License(#intel)

This is a free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL.

ISC License(#ISC)

This license is sometimes also known as the OpenBSD License. It is a free software license, and compatible with the GNU GPL.

This license had an unfortunate wording choice: it provided recipients with “Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software…” This was the same language from the license of Pine that the University of Washington later claimed prohibited people from distributing modified versions of the software.

ISC has told us they do not share the University of Washington's interpretation, and we have every reason to believe them. ISC also updated the license to read “Permission to use, copy, modify,and/or distribute this software…” While the inclusion of “and/or” doesn't completely solve the issue, there's no reason to avoid software released under this license. However, to help make sure this language cannot cause any trouble in the future, we encourage developers to choose a different license for their own works. TheFreeBSD License is similarly permissive and brief. However, if you want a lax, weak license, we recommend using the Apache 2.0 license.

Mozilla Public License (MPL) version 2.0(#MPL-2.0)

This is a free software license. Section 3.3 provides indirectcompatibility between this license and the GNU GPL version 2.0, theGNU LGPL version 2.1, the GNU AGPL version 3, and all later versionsof those licenses. When you receive work under MPL 2.0,you may make a “Larger Work” that combines that work withwork under those GNU licenses. When you do, section 3.3 givesyou permission to distribute the MPL-covered work under the terms ofthe same GNU licenses, with one condition: you must make sure that thefiles that were originally under the MPL are still available under theMPL's terms as well. In other words, when you make a combination thisway, the files that were originally under the MPL will be duallicensed under the MPL and the GNU license(s). The end result is thatthe Larger Work, as a whole, will be covered under the GNU license(s).People who receive that combination from you will have the option touse any files that were originally covered by the MPL under thatlicense's terms, or distribute the Larger Work in whole or in partunder the GNU licenses' terms with no further restrictions.

It's important to understand that the condition to distribute filesunder the MPL's terms only applies to the party that first creates anddistributes the Larger Work. If it applied to their recipients as well, itwould be a further restriction and incompatible with the GPL and AGPL.That said, when you make contributions to an existing project, we usuallyrecommend that you keep your changes under the same license,even when you're not required to do so. If you receive a work under a GNUlicense where some files are also under the MPL, you should only remove theMPL from those files when there's a strong reason to justify it.

Check the license notices on the MPL-covered software before you makea Larger Work this way. Parties who release original work underMPL 2.0 may choose to opt out of this compatibility byincluding a sentence in the license notices that says that the work is“Incompatible With Secondary Licenses.” Any software thatincludes this notice isnot compatible with the GPLor AGPL.

Software under previous versions of the MPL can be upgraded to version2.0, but any software that isn't already available under one of thelisted GNU licensesmust be marked as Incompatible With SecondaryLicenses. This means that software that's only available underprevious versions of the MPL is still incompatible with the GPL and AGPL.

NCSA/University of Illinois Open Source License(#NCSA)

This license is based on the terms of theExpatandmodified BSD licenses. It is a lax,permissive non-copyleft free software license, compatible with the GNUGPL.

License of Netscape JavaScript (#NetscapeJavaScript)

This is the disjunction of theNetscape PublicLicense and theGNU GPL. Becauseof that, it is a free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL, butnot a strong copyleft.

OpenLDAP License, Version 2.7 (#newOpenLDAP)

This is a permissive non-copyleft free software license that iscompatible with the GNU GPL.

License of Perl 5 and below (#PerlLicense)

This license is the disjunction of theArtistic License 1.0 and theGNU GPL—in other words,you can choose either of those two licenses. It qualifies as a freesoftware license, but it may not be a real copyleft. It is compatiblewith theGNU GPLbecause the GNU GPL is one of the alternatives.

We recommend you use this license for any Perl 4 or Perl 5 packageyou write, to promote coherence and uniformity in Perl programming.Outside of Perl, we urge you not to use this license; it is better touse just the GNU GPL.

Public Domain (#PublicDomain)

Being in the public domain is not a license; rather, it means thematerial is not copyrighted and no license is needed. Practicallyspeaking, though, if a work is in the public domain, it might as wellhave an all-permissive non-copyleft free software license. Publicdomain material is compatible with the GNU GPL.

If you want to release your work to the public domain, we encourageyou to use formal tools to do so. Our solution is to ask people whomake small contributions to GNU to sign a disclaimer form. If you'reworking on a project that doesn't have formal contribution policies,contact the project to discuss how best to contribute within theproject's licensing model.

License of Python 2.0.1, 2.1.1, and newer versions (#Python)

This is a free software license and is compatible with the GNU GPL.Please note, however, that intermediate versions of Python (1.6b1,through 2.0 and 2.1) are under a different license (see below).

License of Python 1.6a2 and earlier versions (#Python1.6a2)

This is a free software license and is compatible with the GNU GPL.Please note, however, that newer versions of Python are under otherlicenses (see above and below).

License of Ruby(#Ruby)

This is a free software license, compatible with the GPL via anexplicit dual-licensing clause.

SGI Free Software License B, version 2.0 (#SGIFreeB)

The SGI Free Software License B version 2.0 is a free softwarelicense. It is essentially identical to theX11License, with an optional alternative way of providing licensenotices.

Previous versions of the SGI Free Software License B were not freesoftware licenses, despite their name. However, they all includedclauses that allow you to upgrade to new versions of the license, if youchoose to do so. As a result, if a piece of software was released underany version of the SGI Free License B, you can use it under the terms ofthis free version.

Standard ML of New Jersey Copyright License (#StandardMLofNJ)

This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license,compatible with the GNU GPL.

Unicode, Inc. License Agreement for Data Files and Software (#Unicode)

This is a license that Unicode, Inc. has applied to the UnicodeCharacter Database—various data files that developers can use tohelp implement the Unicode standard in their own programs. It is alax permissive license, compatible with all versions of the GPL.

If you want to use files covered by this License Agreement in yourown software, that shouldn't be any problem, but we recommend thatyou also include a full copy of its text. Some of the files containalternative license terms which are nonfree, or no licensinginformation at all, so including a copy of the License Agreementwill help avoid confusion when others want to distribute yoursoftware. Of course, you'll also need to follow the conditions inthis License Agreement for distributing the files, but those arevery straightforward.

Please take care to ensure that the files you are using are coveredby this License Agreement. Other files published by Unicode,Inc. are covered by the Unicode Terms of Use, a different, nonfreelicense that appears on the same page but covers different files. Ashort explanation at the top of this License Agreement detailswhich files it covers.

Please do not use this License Agreement for your own software. Ifyou want to use a lax permissive license for your project, please usetheExpat license for a small program and theApache 2.0 license for a substantial program. These are far morecommon, and widely recognized in the free software community.

Universal Permissive License (UPL) (#UPL)

This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license, compatiblewith the GNU GPL. The license does provide the ability to licensepatents along with the software work, however, we still recommend theApache 2.0 license for avoiding patent treachery when choosing to putyour work under a lax license.

The Unlicense (#Unlicense)

The Unlicense is a public domain dedication. A work releasedunder the Unlicense is dedicated to the public domain to the fullestextent permitted by law, and also comes with an additional laxlicense that helps cover any cases where the dedication is inadequate.Both public domain works and the lax license provided by theUnlicense are compatible with the GNU GPL.

License of Vim, Version 6.1 or later(#Vim)

This is a free software license, partially copyleft but notreally. It is compatible with the GPL, by an explicit conversionclause.

W3C Software Notice and License(#W3C)

This is a free software license and is GPL compatible.

License of WebM(#WebM)

Google's WebM implementation is covered by theModified BSD License. Google also provides aseparate patent license (confusingly called an “Additional IPRights Grant”) for patents that Google owns or controls that arenecessarily infringed by their implementation of WebM. GPL-coveredsoftware can be distributed in compliance with this license's terms: itallows distributors to exercise all of the rights granted by the GPL,while fulfilling all its conditions. Thus, all of WebM's license isfree and GPL-compatible.

WTFPL, Version 2(#WTFPL)

This is a lax permissive non-copyleft free software license,compatible with the GNU GPL.

We do not recommend this license. If you want a lax permissivelicense for a small program, we recommendtheX11 license. A larger program usuallyought to be copyleft; but if you are set on using a lax permissivelicense for one, we recommend the Apache 2.0 license since it protectsusers from patent treachery.

WxWidgets Library License(#Wx)

The WxWidgets license is a GPL-compatible free software license. Itconsists of theGNULesser GPL 2.0 or any later version, plus an additional permissionallowing binary distributions that use the library to be licensedunder terms of the distributor's choice (including proprietary). Itis a weak copyleft, even weaker than the LGPL, so we recommendit only in specialcircumstances.

WxWindows Library License(#Wxwind)

An older name for theWxWidgets Library license.

X11 License (#X11License)

This is a lax permissive non-copyleft free software license,compatible with the GNU GPL. Older versions of XFree86 used the samelicense, and some of the current variants of XFree86 also do. Laterversions of XFree86 are distributed under theXFree86 1.1 license.

Some people call this license “the MIT License,” butthat term is misleading, since MIT has used many licenses forsoftware. It is also ambiguous, since the same people also calltheExpat license “the MIT License,”failing to distinguish them. We recommend not using the term “MITLicense.”

The difference between the X11 license and the Expat license isthat the X11 license contains an extra paragraph about using the XConsortium's name. It is not a big deal, but it is a realdifference.

This is a fine license for a small program. A larger programusually ought to be copyleft; but if you are set on a lax permissivelicense for one, we recommend the Apache 2.0 license since it protectsusers from patent treachery.

XFree86 1.1 License (#XFree861.1License)

This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license,compatible with version 3 of the GPL.

Please note that this license is incompatible with version 2 of the GPL,because of its requirements that apply to all documentation in thedistribution that contain acknowledgements.

There are currently several variants of XFree86, and only some ofthem use this license. Some continue to use theX11 license.

License of ZLib(#ZLib)

This is a free software license, and compatible with the GPL.

Zope Public License, versions 2.0 and 2.1 (#Zope2.0)

This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software licensewhich is compatible with the GNU GPL.

GPL-Incompatible Free Software Licenses


The following licensesarefree software licenses, butarenotcompatible with theGNU GPL.

Affero General Public License version 1 (#AGPLv1.0)

The Affero General Public License is a free software license,copyleft, and incompatible with the GNU GPL. It consists of the GNU GPLversion 2, with one additional section that Affero added with FSFapproval. The new section, 2(d), covers the distribution of applicationprograms through web services or computer networks.

This license has been succeeded by theGNU AfferoGeneral Public License version 3; please use that instead.

Academic Free License, all versions through 3.0 (#AcademicFreeLicense)

The Academic Free License is a free software license, not copyleft, andincompatible with the GNU GPL. Recent versions contain contract clausessimilar to theOpen Software License, and should beavoided for the same reasons.

Apache License, Version 1.1 (#apache1.1)

This is a permissive non-copyleft free software license. It has a fewrequirements that render it incompatible with the GNU GPL, such as strongprohibitions on the use of Apache-related names.

Apache License, Version 1.0 (#apache1)

This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license with anadvertising clause. This createspractical problems likethose of the original BSD license, including incompatibility with the GNUGPL.

Apple Public Source License (APSL), version 2(#apsl2)

This is a free software license, incompatible with the GNU GPL. Werecommend that you not use this license for new software that you write,but it is ok to use and improve the software released under thislicense.Moreexplanation.

BitTorrent Open Source License (#bittorrent)

This is a free software license, but incompatible with the GPL,for the same reasons as theJabber Open SourceLicense.

Original BSD license (#OriginalBSD)

This license is also sometimes called the“4-clause BSD license”.

This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license witha serious flaw: the “obnoxious BSD advertising clause”. Theflaw is not fatal; that is, it does not render the software nonfree.But it does causepractical problems,including incompatibility with the GNU GPL.

We urge you not to use the original BSD license for software youwrite. If you want to use a lax, permissive non-copyleft freesoftware license, it is much better to use themodified BSD license, the X11 licenseor the Expat license. Even better, for a substantial program,use the Apache 2.0 license since it takes action against patent treachery.

However, there is no reason not to use programs that have been releasedunder the original BSD license.

CeCILL-B version 1(#CeCILL-B)

The CeCILL-B is a free software license. It is incompatible with theGPL because it has requirements that are not present in the GPL. Thecredit requirements in section 5.3.4 exceed those of the GPL. It alsohas a strange requirement that you use your “best efforts”to get third parties to agree “to comply with the obligations setforth in this Article.”

Please do not release software under this license.

CeCILL-C version 1(#CeCILL-C)

The CeCILL-C is a free software license with a weak copyleftsomewhat like theGNU Lesser General PublicLicense. It is incompatible with the GNU GPL because it does notcontain the explicit GPL-compatibility clause ofthebasic CeCILL.

Please do not release software under this license.

Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), version 1.0 (#CDDL)

This is a free software license. It has a weak per-file copyleft(like version 1 of the Mozilla Public License) which makes itincompatible with theGNU GPL. Thismeans a module covered by the GPL and a module covered by the CDDLcannot legally be linked together. We urge you not to use the CDDLfor this reason.

For an illustrative example of why you should not combineCDDL-licensed works with the GPL-licensed works, see the FSF'sstatement,Interpreting, enforcing and changing the GNU GPL, as applied tocombining Linux and ZFS.

Also unfortunate in the CDDL is its use of the term “intellectual property”.

Common Public Attribution License 1.0 (CPAL) (#CPAL)

This is a free software license. It is based on theMozilla Public License version 1, and is incompatible with the GPLfor the same reasons: it has several requirements for modified versionsthat do not exist in the GPL. It also requires you to publish thesource of the program if you allow others to use it.

Common Public License Version 1.0 (#CommonPublicLicense10)

This is a free software license. Unfortunately, its weak copyleftand choice of law clause make it incompatible with the GNU GPL.

Condor Public License (#Condor)

Recent versions of Condor (from 6.9.5 on) are released under theApache License 2.0. Only older versions of Condoruse this license.

The Condor Public License is a free software license. It has acouple of requirements that make it incompatible with the GNU GPL,including strong restrictions on the use of Condor-related names, andrequires redistributors to “represent and warrant” thatthey will comply with United States export laws. (If it madecompliance an actual condition of the license, it would not be a freesoftware license.)

Eclipse Public License Version 1.0(#EPL)

The Eclipse Public License is similar to theCommon Public License, and ourcomments on the CPL apply equally to the EPL. The only change is thatthe EPL removes the broader patent retaliation language regarding patentinfringement suits specifically against Contributors to the EPL'dprogram.

Eclipse Public License Version 2.0(#EPL2)

In terms of GPL compatibility, the Eclipse Public License version2.0 is essentially equivalent to version 1.0. The only change is thatit explicitly offers the option of designating the GNU GPL version 2or later as a “secondary license” for a certain piece ofcode.

If an initial contributor releases a specific piece of code anddesignates GNU GPL version 2 or later as a secondary license, thatprovides explicit compatibility with those GPL versions for thatcode. (Doing so is roughly equivalent, for users, to releasing thatpiece of code under a dual license, EPL | GPL.) However, the EPL2without this designation remains incompatible with the GPL.

European Union Public License (EUPL) version 1.1(#EUPL-1.1)

This is a free software license. By itself, it has a copyleftcomparable to the GPL's, and incompatible with it. However, it givesrecipients ways to relicense the work under the terms of otherselected licenses, and some of those—theEclipsePublic License and theCommonPublic License in particular—only provide a weaker copyleft.Thus, developers can't rely on this license to provide a strongcopyleft.

The EUPL allows relicensing to GPLv2, because that is listed as oneof the alternative licenses that users may convert to. It also,indirectly, allows relicensing to GPL version 3, because there is away to relicense to the CeCILL v2, and the CeCILL v2 gives a way torelicense to any version of the GNU GPL.

To do this two-step relicensing, you need to first write a piece ofcode which you can license under the CeCILL v2, or find asuitable module already available that way, and add it to theprogram. Adding that code to the EUPL-covered program providesgrounds to relicense it to the CeCILL v2. Then you need to write apiece of code which you can license under the GPLv3-or-later, or find asuitable module already available that way, and add it to the program.Adding that code to the CeCILL-covered program provides grounds torelicense it to GPLv3-or-later.

European Union Public License (EUPL) version 1.2(#EUPL-1.2)

This is a free software license. By itself, it has a copyleftcomparable to the GPL's, and incompatible with it. However, it givesrecipients ways to relicense the work under the terms of other selectedlicenses, and some of those—the Eclipse Public License inparticular—only provide a weaker copyleft. Thus, developers can'trely on this license to provide a strong copyleft.

The EUPL allows relicensing to GPLv2 only and GPLv3 only, becausethose licenses are listed as two of the alternative licenses that usersmay convert to. It also, indirectly, allows relicensing to GPLversion 3 or any later version, because there is a way to relicenseto the CeCILL v2, and the CeCILL v2 gives a way to relicense to anyversion of the GNU GPL.

To do this two-step relicensing, you need to first write a piece of codewhich you can license under the CeCILL v2, or find a suitable modulealready available that way, and add it to the program. Adding that codeto the EUPL-covered program provides grounds to relicense it to theCeCILL v2. Then you need to write a piece of code which you can licenseunder the GPLv3-or-later, or find a suitable module already available that way,and add it to the program. Adding that code to the CeCILL-coveredprogram provides grounds to relicense it to GPLv3-or-later.

Fraunhofer FDK AAC license(#fdk)

This is a free software license as far as it goes. It isincompatible with any version of the GNU GPL.

It has a special danger in the form of a term expressly stating itdoes not grant you any patent licenses, with an invitation to buysome. Because of this, and because the license author is a knownpatent aggressor, we encourage you to be careful about using orredistributing software under this license: you should first considerwhether the licensor might aim to lure you into patent infringement.If you conclude that the program is bait for a patent trap, it wouldbe wise to avoid the program.

It is possible that the pertinent patents have expired. Depending onwhether Fraunhofer still has active patents covering the work, thesoftware might be a trap now, or not. (Of course, any program ispotentially threatened by patents, and the only way to end that is tochange patent law tomake software safe from patents.)

Gnuplot license(#gnuplot)

This is a free software license, incompatible with the GNU GPL.

IBM Public License, Version 1.0(#IBMPL)

This is a free software license. Unfortunately, it has a choice of lawclause which makes it incompatible with the GNU GPL.

Jabber Open Source License, Version 1.0 (#josl)

The license is a free software license, incompatible with the GPL.It permits relicensing under a certain class of licenses, those whichinclude all the requirements of the Jabber license. The GPL is not amember of that class, so the Jabber license does not permit relicensingunder the GPL. Therefore, it is not compatible.

LaTeX Project Public License 1.3a (#LPPL-1.3a)

We have not written a full analysis of this license, but it is a freesoftware license, with less stringent requirements on distribution thanLPPL 1.2 (described next). It is still incompatible with the GPLbecause some modified versions must include a copy of or pointer to anunmodified version.

LaTeX Project Public License 1.2 (#LPPL-1.2)

This license is an incomplete statement of the distribution termsfor LaTeX. As far as it goes, it is a free software license, butincompatible with theGPL because it hasmany requirements that are not in the GPL.

This license contains complex and annoying restrictions on how topublish a modified version, including one requirement that falls justbarely on the good side of the line of what is acceptable: that anymodified file must have a new name.

The reason this requirement is acceptable for LaTeX is that TeX hasa facility to allow you to map file names, to specify “use filebar when file foo is requested”. With this facility, therequirement is merely annoying; without the facility, the samerequirement would be a serious obstacle, and we would have to concludeit makes the program nonfree.

This condition may cause trouble with some major modifications.For example, if you wanted to port an LPPL-covered work to anothersystem that lacked a similar remapping facility, but still requiredusers to request this file by name, you would need to implement aremapping facility too to keep this software free. That would be anuisance, but the fact that a license would make code nonfree iftransplanted into a very different context does not make it nonfree inthe original context.

The LPPL says that some files, in certain versions of LaTeX, may haveadditional restrictions, which could render them nonfree. For thisreason, it may take some careful checking to produce a version ofLaTeX that is free software.

The LPPL makes the controversial claim that simply having files on amachine where a few other people could log in and access them initself constitutes distribution. We believe courts would not upholdthis claim, but it is not good for people to start making the claim.

Please do not use this license for any other project.

Note: These comments are for version 1.2 (3 Sep 1999) of the LPPL.

Lucent Public License Version 1.02 (Plan 9 license) (#lucent102)

This is a free software license, but it is incompatible with the GNU GPLbecause of its choice of law clause. We recommend that you not use thislicense for new software that you write, but it is ok to use and improvePlan 9 under this license.

Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)(#ms-pl)

This is a free software license; it has a copyleft that is notstrong, but incompatible with the GNU GPL. We urge you not to usethe Ms-PL for this reason.

Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL)(#ms-rl)

This is a free software license. It's based on theMicrosoft Public License, and has an additional clauseto make the copyleft just a little bit stronger. It's also incompatiblewith the GNU GPL, and we urge you not to use the Ms-RL for thisreason.

Mozilla Public License (MPL) version 1.1(#MPL)

This is a free software license which is not a strong copyleft;unlike theX11 license, it has some complexrestrictions that make it incompatible withtheGNU GPL. That is, a modulecovered by the GPL and a module covered by the MPL cannot legally belinked together. We urge you not to use the MPL 1.1 for thisreason.

However, MPL 1.1 has a provision (section 13) that allows a program(or parts of it) to offer a choice of another license as well. If partof a program allows the GNU GPL as an alternate choice, or any otherGPL-compatible license as an alternate choice, that part of the programhas a GPL-compatible license.

MPL version 2.0 has a number of improvements, includingGPL-compatibility by default.See that entryfor details.

Netizen Open Source License (NOSL), Version 1.0(#NOSL)

This is a free software license that is essentially the same as theMozilla Public License version 1.1. Like the MPL, the NOSL has somecomplex restrictions that make it incompatible with the GNU GPL. Thatis, a module covered by the GPL and a module covered by the NOSL cannotlegally be linked together. We urge you not to use the NOSL for thisreason.

Netscape Public License (NPL), versions 1.0 and 1.1(#NPL)

This is a free software license, not a strong copyleft, andincompatible with the GNU GPL. It consists of the Mozilla PublicLicense version 1.1 with an added clause that permits Netscape to useyour added codeeven in their proprietary versions of theprogram. Of course, they do not giveyou permission tousetheir code in the analogousway.We urge you not to usethe NPL.

Nokia Open Source License(#Nokia)

This is similar to the Mozilla Public License version 1: a freesoftware license incompatible with the GNU GPL.

Old OpenLDAP License, Version 2.3 (#oldOpenLDAP)

This is a permissive non-copyleft free software license with a fewrequirements (in sections 4 and 5) that render it incompatible withthe GNU GPL. Note that the latest version of OpenLDAP hasadifferent license that is compatible withthe GNU GPL.

We urge you not to use the older OpenLDAP license for software youwrite. However, there is no reason to avoid running programs that havebeen released under this license.

Open Software License, all versions through 3.0(#OSL)

The Open Software License is a free software license. It isincompatible with the GNU GPL in several ways.

Recent versions of the Open Software License havea term which requires distributors to try to obtain explicit assent tothe license. This means that distributing OSL software on ordinary FTPsites, sending patches to ordinary mailing lists, or storing thesoftware in an ordinary version control system, is arguably a violationof the license and would subject you to possible termination of thelicense. Thus, the Open Software License makes it very difficult todevelop software using the ordinary tools of free software development.For this reason, and because it is incompatible with the GPL, werecommend that no version of the OSL be used for any software.

We urge you not to use the Open Software License for software youwrite. However, there is no reason to avoid running programs thathave been released under this license.

OpenSSL license (#OpenSSL)

Recent versions of OpenSSL (from 3.0.0 on) are released under theApache License 2.0. Only older versions of OpenSSLuse this license.

The license of OpenSSL is a conjunction of two licenses, one called“OpenSSL License” and the other being the license of SSLeay. You mustfollow both. The combination results in a copyleft free softwarelicense that is incompatible with the GNU GPL. It also has anadvertising clause like theoriginal BSDlicense and theApache 1 license.

We recommend using GNUTLS instead of OpenSSL in software you write.However, there is no reason not to use OpenSSL and applications thatwork with OpenSSL.

Phorum License, Version 2.0 (#Phorum)

This is a free software license but it is incompatible with theGPL. Section 5 makesthe license incompatible with the GPL.

PHP License, Version 3.01 (#PHP-3.01)

This license is used by most of PHP4. It is a non-copyleft freesoftware license. It is incompatible with the GNU GPL because itincludes strong restrictions on the use of “PHP” in thename of derived products.

We recommend that you not use this license for anything except PHPadd-ons.

License of Python 1.6b1 through 2.0 and 2.1 (#PythonOld)

This is a free software license but is incompatible with the GNU GPL.The primary incompatibility is that this Python license is governed by thelaws of the State of Virginia, in the USA, and the GPL does not permitthis.

Q Public License (QPL), Version 1.0(#QPL)

This is a non-copyleft free software license which is incompatible withthe GNU GPL. It also causes major practical inconvenience, because modifiedsources can only be distributed as patches.

We recommend that you avoid using the QPL for anything that you write,and use QPL-covered software packages only when absolutely necessary.However, this avoidance no longer applies to Qt itself, since Qt isnow also released under the GNU GPL.

Since the QPL is incompatible with the GNU GPL, you cannot take aGPL-covered program and QPL-covered program and link them together, nomatter how.

However, if you have written a program that uses QPL-covered library(called FOO), and you want to release your program under the GNU GPL,you can easily do that. You can resolve the conflictfor yourprogram by adding a notice like this to it:

  As a special exception, you have permission to link this program  with the FOO library and distribute executables, as long as you  follow the requirements of the GNU GPL in regard to all of the  software in the executable aside from FOO.

You can do this, legally, if you are the copyright holder for theprogram. Add it in the source files, after the notice that saysthe program is covered by the GNU GPL.

RealNetworks Public Source License (RPSL), Version 1.0(#RPSL)

The RPSL is a free software license that is GPL-incompatible for anumber of reasons: it requires that derivative works be licensed under theterms of the RPSL, and mandates that any litigation take place in Seattle,Washington.

Sun Industry Standards Source License 1.1(#SISSL)

This is a free software license, not a strong copyleft, which isincompatible with the GNU GPL because of details rather than anymajor policy.

Sun Public License(#SPL)

This is essentially the same as the Mozilla Public License version 1: a freesoftware license incompatible with the GNU GPL. Please do not confusethis with theSun Community SourceLicense, which is not a free software license.

License of xinetd (#xinetd)

This is a copyleft free software license, incompatible with the GPL.It is incompatible because it places extra restrictions onredistribution of modified versions that contradict the redistributionrequirements in the GPL.

Yahoo! Public License 1.1(#Yahoo)

This is a free software license. It has a copyleft similar to theone found in the Mozilla Public License. It also has a choice of lawclause in section 7. These features both make the licenseGPL-incompatible. The license also unfortunately uses the term“intellectualproperty”.

Zend License, Version 2.0(#Zend)

This license is used by one part of PHP4. It is a non-copyleft freesoftware license which is incompatible with the GNU GPL, and haspractical problemslike those of the original BSD license.

We recommend that you not use this license for anything you write.

Zimbra Public License 1.3 (#Zimbra)

This license is identical to theYahoo! PublicLicense 1.1, except that the license is provided by VMWare insteadof Yahoo!. Our comments there apply here as well; this is aGPL-incompatible, partial copyleft free software license.

Zope Public License version 1 (#Zope)

This is a lax, fairly permissive non-copyleft free softwarelicense withpracticalproblems like those of the original BSD license, includingincompatibility with theGNU GPL.

We urge you not to use the ZPL version 1 for software you write.However, there is no reason to avoid running programs that have beenreleased under this license, such as previous versions of Zope.

Version 2.0 of the Zope Public License isGPL-compatible.

Nonfree Software Licenses


The following licensesdo not qualify asfree softwarelicenses. A nonfree license is automatically incompatible with theGNU GPL.

Of course, we urge you to avoid using nonfree software licenses, andto avoid using nonfree programs.

There is no way we could list all the known nonfree softwarelicenses here; after all, every proprietary software company has itsown. We focus here on licenses that are often mistaken for freesoftware licenses but are, in fact,not free softwarelicenses.

We have provided links to these licenses when we can do so withoutviolating our general policy: that we do not make links to sites thatpromote, encourage or facilitate the use of nonfree software packages.The last thing we want to do is give any nonfree program some gratispublicity that might encourage more people to use it. For the samereason, we have avoided naming the programs for which a license is used,unless we think that for specific reasons it won't backfire.

No license (#NoLicense)

If source code does not carry a license to give users the fouressential freedoms, then unless it has been explicitly and validlyplaced in the public domain, it is not free software.

Some developers think that code with no license isautomaticallyin the public domain. Thatis not true under today's copyright law; rather, all copyrightableworks are copyrighted by default. This includes programs. Absent alicense to grant users freedom, they don't have any. In somecountries, users that download code with no license may infringecopyright merely by compiling it or running it.

In order for a program to be free, its copyright holders mustexplicitly grant users the fouressential freedoms. The document with which they do so is calledafree software license. This is what free softwarelicenses are for.

Some countries allow authors to put code in the public domain, butthat requires explicit action which can vary among jurisdictions. Inmost cases it isbetter to copyleft your code to assure that freedom reaches allusers of the code.

Code written by employees of the US government is a specialexception, since US copyright law explicitly puts that in the publicdomain; but this does not apply to works that the US pays a company towrite. It also does not apply to other countries, many of which doallow the state to have a copyright on government writings.

Aladdin Free Public License (#Aladdin)

Despite its name, this is not a free software license because itdoes not allow charging for distribution, and largely prohibits simplypackaging software licensed under it with anything for which a chargeis made.

Anti-996 License (#Anti-996)

This is not a free software license. It placesrestrictionson the freedom to use the program for any purpose.

Please do not use this license for your own software. We will avoidusing software under this license, as we do all other nonfree software.

Anti-Capitalist Software License(#anticapitalist)

The Anti-Capitalist Software License is anonfreelicense because it extends the four freedoms only to some kinds oforganizations, not to all. Such a restriction in a software license,in the name of any cause whatsoever, imposestoo much power over users. Please don't use this license, and weurge you to avoid any software that has been released under it.

Apple Public Source License (APSL), version 1.x(#apsl1)

Versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 arenot freesoftware licenses. Pleasedon't use these licenses, and we urge you to avoid any software that hasbeen released under them.Version 2.0 of the APSLis a free software license.

Artistic License 1.0 (#ArtisticLicense)

We cannot say that this is a free software license because it is toovague; some passages are too clever for their own good, and their meaning isnot clear. We urge you to avoid using it, except as part ofthe disjunctive license of Perl.

AT&T Public License (#ATTPublicLicense)

The AT&T Public License is a nonfree license. It has severalserious problems:

  • The patent license is voided by any modification, no matter howsmall, of the pertinent code.
  • You must demand a written agreement when you distribute thesources or patches.
  • It requires notifying AT&T if you distribute a patch.
  • Your license can be terminated through no fault of yours, undersection 8/3.
  • It makes compliance with export control laws a conditionof the license.
  • Some versions of the license require you to provide support.
  • Some versions of the license say you cannot sell a copy of thesoftware for more than the expense of distribution.

The license has two other obnoxious features:

  • It has a very broad reverse license to AT&T, which goes far beyondthe use of your code, even your code modified.
  • It asserts one needs a license from AT&T to make a link to theirweb site. This is not an immediate practical problem, since thelicense says it gives permission to make such a link. (Anyway, peopleshouldn't make links to sites about nonfree software.) But sucha claim should not be made or propagated.

Code Project Open License, version 1.02 (#cpol)

The Code Project Open License is not a free software license.Section 5.6 restricts how you can use the work. Section 5.4 prohibitscommercial distribution of the software by itself—and dependingon how you read section 3.4, you may not have permission to distributethe software by itself at all.

Commons Clause (#comclause)

The “Commons Clause” is a nonfree license because itforbids selling copies of the program, and even running the program aspart of implementing any commercial service. Adding insult to injury,it also twists the words “commons” and “sell.”

We urge people to reject programs under this license and to developfree replacements. Where a previous version was available as freesoftware, continuing development of that version is an option.

CNRI Digital Object Repository License Agreement (#DOR)

This license is nonfree because of Article 3, which arguablyincludes a requirement not to violate the license ofanyprogram that the user runs—even proprietary programs.

eCos Public License, version 1.1 (#eCos11)

This was the old license of eCos. It is not a free softwarelicense, because it requires sending every published modified versionto a specific initial developer. There are also some other words inthis license whose meaning we're not sure of that might also beproblematic.

TodayeCos is available under the GNU GPL withadditional permission for linking with nonfree programs.

The Hippocratic License 1.1 (#hippocratic)

This is not a free software license, becauseitrestrictswhat jobs users can use the software for. That denies freedom 0.Please don't use this license, and we urge you to avoid any softwarethat has been released under it.

This entry was previously listed as the First Do No Harm license.

GPL for Computer Programs of the Public Administration (#GPL-PA)

The GPL-PA (whose original name in Portuguese is“Licença Pública Geral paraAdministração Pública”) is nonfree forseveral reasons:

  • It permits use only in “normal circumstances”.
  • It does not allow distribution of source code without binaries.
  • Its permissions lapse after 50 years.

Please don't use this license, and we urge you to avoid any softwarethat has been released under it.

Hacktivismo Enhanced-Source Software License Agreement (HESSLA) (#HESSLA)

This is not a free software license, because itrestricts what jobspeople can use the software for, and restricts in substantive ways whatjobs modified versions of the program can do. Please don't use thislicense, and we urge you to avoid any software that has been releasedunder it.

Jahia Community Source License(#Jahia)

The Jahia Community Source License is not a free software license. Useof the source code is limited to research purposes.

The JSON License(#JSON)

This is the license of the original implementation of the JSON datainterchange format. This license uses the Expat license as a base,but adds a clause mandating: “The Software shall be used for Good, notEvil.” This is a restriction on usage and thus conflicts with freedom0. The restriction might be unenforcible, but we cannot presume that.Thus, the license is nonfree.

Please don't use this license, and we urge you to avoid anysoftware that has been released under it.

Old license of ksh93(#ksh93)

ksh93 used to be shipped with an original license that was not a freesoftware license. One reason for this is that it required that all changesbe sent to the developer.

License of Lha(#Lha)

The lha license must be considered nonfree because it is so vague thatyou cannot be sure what permissions you have.

Llama 3.1 Community License Agreement and Llama 3.1 Acceptable Use Policy(#Llama)

This is not a free software license.

It denies freedom 0: it imposes an “acceptable use policy” that prohibits a series of 25-odd uses.

Some of the uses listed in the policy are outrageous, some should be illegal, and some are already illegal in some places. There is, however, a crucial difference between prohibitions enacted by democratically controlled governments in the law and a private company dictating what we are allowed to do in our lives.

Additionally, the license excludes certain users—those whose programs or servers are very widely used. (See Sec. 2 titled “Additional Commercial Terms”). A free software license may not arbitrarily deny use of the program to anyone.

Another grave flaw in this license is that it requires a user to obey any and all laws—including trade regulations of other countries that have no way to enforce them on you in your country. This can have the effect of denying freedoms 2 and 3 in some cases. Even if a country cannot enforce its trade regulations where you live, it can ask the program's developer to sue you.

This license was written for use on a Large Language Model(LLM)—something that generates output by patching together snippets of inputdata without understanding what (if anything) the resulting outputmeans. LLMs (and other machine learning applications) consist ofsoftware and non-software elements, such as model parameters.Exercising software freedom in machine learning applications issubject to challenges that go beyond a license. This license certainlydoes not resolve these issues, but we do not elaborate about it here,as the license is nonfree already for reasons stated above.

Microsoft's Shared Source CLI, C#, and Jscript License(#Ms-SS)

This license does not permit commercial distribution, and only allowscommercial use under certain circumstances.

Microsoft has other licenses which it describes as “SharedSource”, some of which have different restrictions. Thus,“Shared Source” is too vague to draw moral conclusionsfrom.

Please don't use this license, and we urge you to avoid any softwarethat has been released under it.

NASA Open Source Agreement(#NASA)

The NASA Open Source Agreement, version 1.3, is not a free softwarelicense because it includes a provision requiring changes to be your“original creation”. Free software development depends oncombining code from third parties, and the NASA license doesn't permitthis.

We urge you not to use this license. In addition, if you are aUnited States citizen, please write to NASA and call for the use of atruly free software license.

Oculus Rift SDK License (#OculusRiftSDK)

This is not a free software license; it has several fatal flaws.

  • One can't redistribute anything less than the whole program libOVR.
  • One's distribution rights can be terminated on vague conditions.
  • Those who make modified versions are required to send them toOculus on demand.
  • Use is allowed only with their product.
  • New license versions totally supplant old versions, which meansthat permissions already given can be withdrawn.

There might be additional fatal flaws; after seeing this many,we stopped looking for more.

Please don't use this license, and we urge you to avoid any softwarethat has been released under it.

Open Public License (#OpenPublicL)

This is not a free software license, because it requires sendingevery published modified version to a specific initial developer.There are also some other words in this license whose meaning we'renot sure of that might also be problematic.

Please don't use this license, and we urge you to avoid any softwarethat has been released under it.

Peer-Production License(#PPL)

The Peer-Production License is not a free software license becauseit restricts who can redistribute the program and for what purpose.It also does not give anyone permission to run the program.

The PPL has several provisions designed specifically for artisticperformances, and we have nothing against its use for art works;however, people reportedly advocate its use for software too. The PPLshould not be used for software, manuals, or other works that ought tobe free.

Personal Public License Version 3a (#PPL3a)

The Personal Public License Version 3a is a nonfree license because itdenies some users (organizations, governments, businesses) the fourfreedoms.

License of PINE(#PINE)

The license of PINE is not a free software license because it mostlyprohibits the distribution of modified versions. It also restricts themedia that can be used forsellingcopies.

Please note that a successor to Pine, Alpine, is released under theApache License, version 2.0.

Old Plan 9 license(#Plan9)

This is not a free software license; it lacks essential freedoms suchas the right to make and use private changes. Of course you should notuse this license, and we urge you to avoid any software that has beenreleased under it.A detaileddiscussion of this license is also available.

In September 2002 it was observed that the published license forPlan 9 had been modified, adding more restrictions to it, althoughits date still said 09/20/00. However, afurtherlicense change in 2003 made Plan 9 free software.

Reciprocal Public License(#RPL)

The Reciprocal Public License is a nonfree license because of threeproblems. 1. It puts limits on prices charged for an initial copy.2. It requires notification of the original developer forpublication of a modified version. 3. It requires publication ofany modified version that an organization uses, even privately.

Scilab license (#Scilab)

This is not a free software license because it does not allowcommercial distribution of a modified version. Thankfully, startingfrom version 5.0.0, the Scilab software is free software, releasedunder CeCILL version 2.

Scratch 1.4 license (#Scratch)

This is not a free software license because it does not allowcommercial redistribution. In addition, condition 4 substantivelyrestricts the functionality of modified versions.

Newer versions Scratch software are distributed under the GNU GPL,but some of those newer version we do not recommend, because theydepend on the proprietary software, Adobe Air.

Simple Machines License(#SML)

Despite the name, this is a software license, and it's nonfreefor several reasons:

  • You must get the licensor's permission before distributing thesoftware.
  • Youcannot sell copies of thesoftware.
  • It's possible that your license can be terminated if you receivedthe software from someone who did not obey the license's terms.

Old Squeak license (#Squeak)

The original Squeak license, as applied to software, is not a freesoftware license because it requires all users in whatever country toobey US export control laws. As applied to fonts, it also does notpermit modification.

In addition, it has a requirement for users to indemnify thedeveloper, which is enough to make many users think twice about using itat all.

Recent versions of Squeak (from 4.0 on) are released under anExpat-style License with some portions of the codeunder theApache License 2.0.

Sun Community Source License (#SunCommunitySourceLicense)

This is not a free software license; it lacks essential freedoms suchas publication of modified versions. Please don't use this license, andwe urge you to avoid any software that has been released underit.

Sun Solaris Source Code (Foundation Release) License, Version 1.1 (#SunSolarisSourceCode)

This is not a free software license. The license prohibitsredistribution, prohibits commercial use of the software, and can berevoked.

Sybase Open Watcom Public License version 1.0 (#Watcom)

This is not a free software license. It requires you to publish thesource code publicly whenever you “Deploy” the coveredsoftware, and “Deploy” is defined to include many kinds ofprivate use.

SystemC “Open Source” License, Version 3.0 (#SystemC-3.0)

This license requires all recipients to proactively help the licensorenforce its trademarks. This is an unreasonable condition to place onusers' rights, so the license is nonfree. It also has other practicalproblems: some of the requirements are vague, and it uses the term“intellectualproperty”.

Despite the name, it is not clear whether this license wouldqualify as “open source”. However, our judgment of it isnot based on that.

Truecrypt license 3.0 (#Truecrypt-3.0)

This license is nonfree for several reasons. It says that if youdon't understand the license you may not use the program. It putsconditions on allowing others to run your copy. It puts conditions onseparate programs that “depend on” Truecrypt. Thetrademark condition applies to “associated materials”.

There are other points in the license which seem perhapsunacceptable, and in our uncertainty about them we delayed in postingour evaluation. We have posted it now to explain why we do not mournthe demise of Truecrypt. Therearefreeprograms that do the same job.

University of Utah Research Foundation Public License (#UtahPublicLicense)

The University of Utah Research Foundation Public Licenseis a nonfree license becauseit does not allow commercial redistribution. It also purports torestrict commercially running the software and even commercially givingconsultation about it. Those restrictions are probably not legallyenforceable under US copyright law, but they might be in some countries;even asserting them is outrageous.

The use of this license by the University of Utah exemplifies adangeroustrend for universities to restrict knowledge rather thancontributing it to the public.

If a university tries to impose a license like this on the softwareyou are writing, don't give up hope.With persistenceand firmness, and some forethought, it is possible to prevail overmoney-grabbing university administrators.

The earlier you raise the issue, the better.

YaST License(#YaST)

This is not a free software license. The license prohibitsdistribution for a fee, and that makes it impossible for the software tobe included in the many CD-ROM free software collections that are soldby companies and by organizations.

There may be another problem in section 2a, but a word seems to bemissing there, so it is hard to be sure what meaning is reallyintended.

(The YaST software itself no longer uses this nonfree YaST license;happily, it is now free software, released under the GNU GPL.)

Licenses For Documentation

Free Documentation Licenses


The following licenses qualify asfreedocumentation licenses.

GNU Free Documentation License(#FDL)

This is a license intended for use oncopyleftedfree documentation. Weplan toadopt it for all GNUmanuals. It is also suitable for other kinds of useful works (such astextbooks and dictionaries, for instance). Its applicability is notlimited to textual works (“books”).

FreeBSD Documentation License (#FreeBSDDL)

This is a permissive non-copyleft free documentation license that iscompatible with the GNU FDL.

Apple's Common Documentation License, Version 1.0(#ACDL)

This is a free documentation license that is incompatible with theGNU FDL. It is incompatible because Section (2c) says “Youadd no other terms or conditions to those of this License”, andthe GNU FDL has additional terms not accounted for in the CommonDocumentation License.

Open Publication License, Version 1.0 (#OpenPublicationL)

This licensecan be used as a free documentationlicense. It is a copyleft free documentation licenseprovided the copyright holder does not exercise any ofthe “LICENSE OPTIONS” listed in Section VI of the license.But if either of the options is invoked, the license becomesnonfree. In any case, it is incompatible with the GNU FDL.

This creates a practical pitfall in using or recommending thislicense: if you recommend “Use the Open Publication License, Version1.0 but don't enable the options”, it would be easy for the secondhalf of that recommendation to get forgotten; someone might use thelicense with the options, making a manual nonfree, and yet think heor she is following your advice.

Likewise, if you use this license without either of the options tomake your manual free, someone else might decide to imitate you, thenchange his or her mind about the options thinking that that is just adetail; the result would be that his or her manual is nonfree.

Thus, while manuals published under this license do qualify as freedocumentation if neither license option was used, it is better to use theGNU Free Documentation License and avoid the risk of leading someone elseastray.

Please note that this license is not the same as theOpen Content License. These two licenses are frequentlyconfused, as the Open Content License is often referred to as the“OPL”. For clarity, it is better not to use theabbreviation “OPL” for either license. It is worth spellingtheir names in full to make sure people understand what you say.

Nonfree Documentation Licenses


The following licensesdo not qualifyas free documentation licenses:

Open Content License, Version 1.0 (#OpenContentL)

This license does not qualify as free, because there are restrictions oncharging money for copies. We recommend you do not use this license.

Please note that this license is not the same as theOpen Publication License. The practice ofabbreviating “Open Content License” as “OPL”leads to confusion between them. For clarity, it is better not to usethe abbreviation “OPL” for either license. It is worthspelling their names in full to make sure people understand what yousay.

Creative Commons NonCommercial, any version (#CC-BY-NC)

This license does not qualify as free, because there arerestrictions on charging money for copies. Thus, we recommend you donot use this license for documentation.

In addition, it has a drawback for any sort of work: when amodified version has many authors, in practice getting permission forcommercial use from all of them would become infeasible.

Creative Commons Noderivatives, any version (#CC-BY-ND)

This license does not qualify as free, because there arerestrictions on distributing modified versions. We recommend you donot use this license for documentation.

Licenses for Other Works

Licenses for Works of Practical Use besides Software and Documentation

GNU General Public License (#GPLOther)

The GNU GPLcan be used for general data which isnot software, as long as one can determine what the definition of“source code” refers to in the particular case. As it turnsout, the DSL (see below) also requires that you determine what the“source code” is, using approximately the same definitionthat the GPL uses.

GNU Free Documentation License (#FDLOther)

The GNU FDL is recommended for textbooks and teaching materials forall topics. (“Documentation” simply means textbooks andother teaching materials for using equipment or software.) We alsorecommend the GNU FDL for dictionaries, encyclopedias, and any otherworks that provide information for practical use.

CC0 1.0 Universal(#CC0)

CC0 is a public domain dedication from Creative Commons. Awork released under CC0 is dedicated to the public domain to thefullest extent permitted by law. If that is not possible for anyreason, CC0 also provides a lax, permissive license as a fallback.Both public domain works and the lax license provided by CC0 arecompatible with the GNU GPL.

If you want to release your non-software work to the public domain, werecommend you use CC0. For works of software it is not recommended, asCC0 has a term expressly stating it does not grant you any patent licenses.

Because of this lack of patent grant, we encourage you to be carefulabout using software under this license; you should first considerwhether the licensor might want to sue you for patent infringement. Ifthe developer is refusing users patent licenses, the program is ineffect a trap for users and users should avoid the program.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (a.k.a. CC BY)(#ccby)

This is a non-copyleft free license that is good for art andentertainment works, and educational works. It is compatible with allversions of the GNU GPL; however, like all CClicenses,itshouldnot be used on software.

(#which-cc)Creative Commons publishes many licenses which arevery different. Therefore, to say that a work “uses a CreativeCommons license” is to leave the principal questions about thework's licensing unanswered. When you see such a statement in a work,please ask the author to change the work to state clearly andvisiblywhich of the Creative Commons license it uses. And ifsomeone proposes to “use a Creative Commons license” for acertain work, it is vital to ask “Which Creative Commonslicense?” before proceeding any further.

Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license (a.k.a. CC BY-SA) (#ccbysa)

This is a copyleft free license that is good for artistic andentertainment works, and educational works. Like all CClicenses,itshouldnot be used on software.

CC BY-SA 4.0 is one-way compatible with the GNU GPL version 3: thismeans you may license your modified versions of CC BY-SA 4.0 materialsunder GNU GPL version 3, but you may not relicense GPL 3 licensedworks under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Because Creative Commons lists only version 3 of the GNU GPL on itscompatible licenses list, it means that you can not license your adapted CCBY-SA works under the terms of “GNU GPL version 3, or (at your option)any later version.” However, Section 14 of the GNU GPL version 3allows licensors to specify a proxy to determine whether futureversions of the GNU GPL can be used. Therefore, if someone adapts a CCBY-SA 4.0 work and incorporates it into a GNU GPL version 3 licensedproject,theycan specify Creative Commons as their proxy (via that if and when Creative Commons determines that a future versionof the GNU GPL is a compatible license, the adapted and combined workcould be used under that later version of the GNU GPL.

Pleasebe specific about which CreativeCommons license is being used.

Design Science License (DSL)(#dsl)

This is a free and copyleft license meant for general data.Please don't use it for software or documentation, since it isincompatible with the GNU GPL and with the GNU FDL; however, it isfine to use for other kinds of data.

Free Art License (#FreeArt)

This is a free and copyleft license meant for artistic works. Itpermits commercial distribution, as any free license must. It is acopyleft license because any larger work that includes part of thework you received must be released, as a whole, either under the samelicense or under a similar license that meets stated criteria. Pleasedon't use it for software or documentation, since it is incompatiblewith the GNU GPL and with the GNU FDL.

Open Database license (#ODbl)

This is a free and copyleft license meant for data. It isincompatible with the GNU GPL. Please don't use it for software ordocumentation, since it is incompatible with the GNU GPL and with theGNU FDL. It makes inconvenient requirements about signing contractswhich try to create an effect like copyleft for data that is notcopyrightable, so we don't recommend using it; however, there is noreason to avoid using data released this way.

Licenses for Fonts


The licenses below apply to an instantiation of a design in a computerfile, not the artistic design. As far as we know, an implementation ofa design is always copyrightable. The legal status of the artisticdesign is complex, and varies by jurisdiction.

GNU General Public License (#GPLFonts)

The GNU GPLcan be used for fonts. However, notethat it does not permit embedding the font in a document unless thatdocument is also licensed under the GPL. If you want to allow this, usethefontexception. See also thisexplanatoryessay about the GPL Font Exception.

Arphic Public License (#Arphic)

This is a copyleft free software license, incompatible with theGPL. Its normal use is for fonts, and in that use, theincompatibility does not cause a problem.

License of the ec fonts for LaTeX(#ecfonts)

This license covers the European Computer Modern Fonts and TextCompanion Fonts, commonly used with LaTeX. Depending on how it isused, it may be free or not. If the package says that some fonts inthe package may not be modified, then the package is nonfree.Otherwise the package is free. The original fonts have norestrictions on modification, so they are free.

Much likethe LaTeX Project PublicLicense 1.2, this license requires modified versions of the workto use a name that's different from the name of any prior version.This is acceptable for work meant to be used with LaTeX, since TeXallows you to create filename mappings for your programs, but it'svery annoying and could be overly burdensome in other contexts.

IPA Font License (#IPAFONT)

This is a copyleft free software license, incompatible with theGPL. It has an unfortunate condition requiring that derivative worksnot use or include the name of the original work as a program name,font name or file name. This is acceptable for fonts as fonts can bealiased or renamed using free software tools, but it's very annoyingand could be overly burdensome in other contexts.

SIL Open Font License 1.1 (#SILOFL)

The Open Font License (including its original release, version 1.0)is a free copyleft license for fonts. Its only unusual requirement isthat when selling the font, you must redistribute it bundled withsome software, rather than alone. Since a simple Hello World programwill satisfy the requirement, it is harmless. Neither we nor SILrecommend the use of this license for anything other thanfonts.

Licenses for Works stating a Viewpoint (e.g., Opinion or Testimony)


Works that express someone's opinion—memoirs, editorials, andso on—serve a fundamentally different purpose than works forpractical use like software and documentation. Because of this, weexpect them to provide recipients with a different set of permissions:just the permission to copy and distribute the work verbatim.Richard Stallman discusses this frequentlyin his speeches.

Because so many licenses meet these criteria, we cannot list themall. If you are looking for one to use yourself, however, there aretwo that we recommend:

GNU Verbatim Copying License (#GNUVerbatim)

This was the license used throughout the GNU web site for manyyears. It is very simple, and especially well-suited to writtenworks.

Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0 license (a.k.a. CC BY-ND) (#ccbynd)

This is the license used throughout the GNU and FSF web sites.This license provides much the same permissions as our verbatimcopying license, but it's much more detailed. We particularlyrecommend it for audio and/or video works of opinion. Previousversions of this license are also OK to use, but we do recommendupgrading to this version if you can. Pleasebespecific about which Creative Commons license is beingused.

Licenses for Designs for Physical Objects


Circuits are meant for practical use, so circuit designs should carrya free license. We recommend releasing them under the GNU GeneralPublic License, version 3 or later. Version 3 was designed for suchuse.

3D-printer plans for objects meant for practical use should also befree. We recommend the GNU GPL or one of the Creative Commons licensesthat are free such as CC-BY or CC-BY-SA.

3D-printer plans for decorative objects are artistic works; any of theCreative Commons licenses is ok for them.