The main reason for this collection was to record as many people as possible and providing them with as many links as possible. Only later on were biographical notes added and portraits, again, much later. If it is difficult to collect genealogical data, in most cases biographical information is even harder to find.
Being restricted to secondary sources, the aim has been to use the most reliable ones, as well as sources covering people from as many countries as possible. Living in Australia makes it almost impossible to rely on public libraries but, for me, this was an advantage as it forced me to build up my own library.
The intention is to display people in disregard for their station in life and as a result recorded are Roman Emperors as well as Australian Aborigines and anyone in between. However, Royal and Aristocratic families can be traced easier as well as much further back in time than most ordinary families.
The question arises, "What is an ordinary family?" All people are related to each other and, according to Dr. E. M. Best of McGill University, Montreal, who stated about 1929 "Every one of us is descended from William the Conqueror, and Anglo-Saxons are, all of us, at least thirtieth cousins to each other." Extending this to Charlemagne, probably all today's Caucasians and many others are his descendants. It is easy to make such a theoretical statement; the hard part is to provide the information to establish these links. For most these records do not exist but this collection may be able to provide assistance to many others.
The wide range of people displayed makes it as good as impossible to be consistent. Inconsistencies appear in regards to titles because, when starting this collection, most were in the English language. After considerable time it seemed preferable to have as many titles as possible recorded in the language of their country of origin. However, because of the size of this collection, many titles have yet to be amended.
To find people in this collection can be as simple as just entering their first and last names in the search boxes. However, as the Last Name includes all relevant name prefixes like d', de, van, von, etc, these prefixes should be included when searching from start of name. The search facilities are extremely powerful, and may require a bit of creative experimentation by the user to get the best results.
In cases involving royalty it may not be as straightforward. In principle royal personages are regarded as not to have a surname, because they are referred to by the name of the country they rule over. Also their first names may not always coincide with the name they are known by. As an example, Queen Elizabeth II her names are Elizabeth Alexandra Mary and the numeral only appears in the "Known As" entry. To find these kinds of people further options in the search entry may have to be used.
This site uses a web server database to provide specific information on user request. The details displayed through this facility generally follow normal genealogical conventions in terms of presentation and content with the following items providing special features:
Privacy | Persons born after 1920, living or deceased, without publicly accessible sources (as shown with a leading ~), have their personal details suppressed unless otherwise requested by them. | |
Name | The display of the name on the individual screen comprises a prefix or honorific (the form of address of the person) followed by their first names and last name where these exist. The honorific may be searched in the Text Search facility separately from the name components. Where sources show alternate surnames, these are included in parentheses to enable easier searching on the name itself. Similarly, where first names have alternates, these are separated by a | to also allow easier searching. | |
Title/Occupation | These elements are specifically combined so as to provide a clear indication of both the actual title(s) and the function the person performed and may also extend the name itself. It displays immediately following the Name line on the individual screen. When searching in the Text Search facility, the Title / Occupation is shown separately for this purpose. | |
Suffix | When present it is displayed in the personal data section for the individual. While the honorific also shows as prefix to the displayed name, this entry confirms it. | |
Nickname | When present it is displayed in the personal data section for the individual. It represents the preferred or common name by which the person was known. It may also be searched. | |
Mentioned | When present this is displayed in the personal data section for the individual. When used it provides a date range and location where the person had some recorded mention. This is only recorded when no date of birth or death is known. | |
Lived In | This item is displayed in the personal data section for the individual. It records the main country where the person lived but is provided for statistical analysis of ancestry only and does not have genealogical importance. Even so it may explain where places of birth, marriage or death could be found. | |
Honours | When present this is displayed in the personal data section for the individual. Though not entered here for all people, any specific honours are shown. | |
Notable | When present it is displayed in the personal data section for the individual. This item is a flag used in special reporting to identify those persons of interest in the ancestors or descendants of a person.These include "Gateway" type and other interesting people. They are displayable in an option under the Descendants list for a person and selected groups in Reports by where they lived. | |
Geocoding | The event geocoding mapping facility display enabled in TNG through use of OpenStreetMap should be taken as a guide to location, rather than an absolute position. In the creation of places information within Genealogics, information in addition to the geographic location is included. This, together with abbreviations, historic names, language variations and incomplete country identification for some place names, makes it uncertain that the geographic coordinates are correct all the time for all people, especially when the majority of places have been automatically derived. |