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What is the star system?

The star system calculates the number of pieces that were handled by Conchology, Inc. in the last 22 years:

0 – 5 pieces6 stars
6 – 10 pieces5 stars
11 - 25 pieces4 stars
26 - 75 pieces3 stars
76 - 150 pieces2 stars
> 150 pieces1 star

We want to point out that the star system is only very reliable for PHILIPPINE shells only, as we handle very few foreign shells in general. As time goes, the system will become more and more performant.

Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Since 1994

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Hardy's Internet Guide to Marine Gastropods

By Eddie Hardy

Born in 1944, I spent my childhood in a wide variety of countries: Great Britain, Egypt, Singapore, Germany, I finished school in Hong Kong. It was in these exotic locations I first discovered my fascination with shells.

Returning to the UK to Bristol, I attended University there, got married and made a career in the computer industry.

In 1996, whilst living in Amsterdam, I started the first version of Retirement in 2003 created the time to really focus on building the site. Cruising with my wife, Rachel, I continued to roam the world: the Galapagos, Easter Island, the Amazon, the Arctic and everywhere in between with plenty of time at sea to work on And, of course, there was plenty of time ashore at exotic locations to find new shells and explore their places of origin.

I continue to be a keen sheller and regularly update the website. Collaborating closely with Philippe Poppe, my site has now been modernized and integrated to in order to protect and perpetuate the vast knowledge which has been curated.

We refer toEddie Hardy in "Shellers" for a more detailed and complete biography.


Number of Species


Number of Families


Number of genera


Total "names" used


Number of Literature References


A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| L| M| N| O| P| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Z
ABYSSOCHRYSIDAE6  View Gallery7  List all names
ACLIDIDAE30  View Gallery89  List all names
ACMAEIDAE5  View Gallery56  List all names
ACTEONIDAE ACTEONINAE98  View Gallery185  List all names
ACTEONIDAE LIOCARENINAE2  View Gallery2  List all names
ACTINOCYCLIDAE6  View Gallery24  List all names
ADDISONIIDAE ADDISONIINAE1  View Gallery6  List all names
ADDISONIIDAE HELICOPELTINAE1  View Gallery1  List all names
AEGIRIDAE10  View Gallery30  List all names
AEOLIDIIDAE20  View Gallery239  List all names
AGLAJIDAE39  View Gallery87  List all names
AKERIDAE2  View Gallery12  List all names
ALACUPPIDAE8  View Gallery19  List all names
AMASTRIDAE1  View Gallery1  List all names
AMNICOLIDAE AMNICOLINAE1  View Gallery8  List all names
AMPHIBOLIDAE AMPHIBOLINAE1  View Gallery8  List all names
AMPHIBOLIDAE MEDUSINAE1  View Gallery2  List all names
AMPHIBOLIDAE SALINATORINAE3  View Gallery11  List all names
AMPULLINIDAE1  View Gallery2  List all names
ANABATHRIDAE55  View Gallery174  List all names
ANATOMIDAE50  View Gallery120  List all names
ANCILLARIIDAE157  View Gallery235  List all names
ANGARIIDAE26  View Gallery48  List all names
APLUSTRIDAE9  View Gallery29  List all names
APLYSIIDAE APLYSIINAE20  View Gallery150  List all names
APLYSIIDAE DOLABELLINAE1  View Gallery13  List all names
APLYSIIDAE DOLABRIFERINAE3  View Gallery12  List all names
APLYSIIDAE NOTARCHINAE1  View Gallery10  List all names
APORRHAIDAE11  View Gallery25  List all names
ARCHITECTONICIDAE103  View Gallery315  List all names
ARENEIDAE30  View Gallery47  List all names
ARMINIDAE10  View Gallery140  List all names
ASSIMINEIDAE3  View Gallery10  List all names
ASSIMINEIDAE ASSIMINEINAE49  View Gallery135  List all names
ASSIMINEIDAE OMPHALOTROPIDINAE13  View Gallery24  List all names
ATAPHRIDAE7  View Gallery12  List all names
ATLANTIDAE15  View Gallery43  List all names

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This content shown in this section is now fixed and cannot be changed. This is to protect the curated knowledge that has been carefully created by Eddie Hardy. We appreciate your understanding.








© 1994 - 2025 Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Conchology, Inc. (0.27 seconds.)

