


The actual day of year and the latitude (0deg at the equator to 90deg at the North pole) both influence the length of the day.

The perceived way of the sun around the planet can be viewed at as the boundary circle of the planet's disc. However, this constellation (in which the sun apparently circles along the disc's boundary) applies only at equinoxes and only at the North pole. The further away one is from the North pole (towards the equator), the more the surrounding circle is tilted along the West-East axis, until it is completely upright (perpendicular to the planet's disc) at the equator.

Furthermore, there is also a shift of the circle away from the disc, along the obliquity of the ecliptic (connecting the centers of the two circles at an angle of 23.439deg). This shift can be "upwards" (max. distance at the summer solstice) or "downwards" (max. distance at the winter solstice) depending on the actual latitude.

The following image shows the tilted and shifted solar circle for the Winter Solstice at 45deg North. It is only the part b out of the whole circle in which the sun in visible: when continueing its path on the blue line it is night (but see the part titled#BTwilight below).

/img/lod_fig01.jpgSolar Circle for the Summer Solstice at 45deg NorthFig. 1: Solar Circle for the Summer Solstice at 45deg North

The following table calculates the exposed part b in relation to the whole circle. The formulas mention 3 parameters, which signify:

  • Axis: Obliquity of the ecliptic (as the rotation axis of the Earth is not perpendicular to its orbital plane, the equatorial plane is not parallel to the ecliptic plane, but makes an angle of 23.439deg); for our purposes this is a constant value, it changes slowly only within thousands of years.
  • Lat: Latitude of the observer (0deg at the equator, 90deg at the Northpole).
  • Day: Day of year (1st year 0...364, from 365 add 0.25 for every completed year within the Great Year consisting of 4 years, i.e. 365.25 etc.). Note, that the day of year does not start with the astronomically quite arbitrary January 1st, but with the day of the winter solstice in the first year a four years cycle.

    Thanks to David X. Callaway to point this out early in the text to avoid confusion.

  • Note: The expression "observer" in the remarks refers to a hypothetical observer located on the center of the planet's "disc".

    Angle between observer and sun's zenith:

    Thanks to Andrew Green for spotting an error which was introducedwhile translating from HTML to XLM in formulas#m_eq_1(1) and#m_eq_9(9).

    z = 90 - Lat - cospitimesnbspDay182.625nbsptimesnbspAxis

    Latitude of observer:

    c = -Lat

    Angle between solar disc and sun's zenith:

    a = z - c

    Distance from observer to sun's zenith:

    d =nbsp1sin(a)

    Distance from observer to the center of the sun's circle:

    t = cos(a)d

    Exposed radius part between sun's zenith and sun's circle:

    m = 1 + tan(c)t

    Adjust range:

  • ifm is negative, then the sun never appears the whole day long (polar winter):m must be adjusted to 0 (the sun can not shine less than 0 hours).
  • ifm is larger than 2, the "sun circle" does not intersect with the planet's surface and the sun is shining the whole day (polar summer):m must be adjusted to 2 (the sun can not shine for more than 24 hours).
  • Angle between center of sun's disc and sunrise or sunset point on the solar circle (not the planet's disc), resp.:

    f = arccos(1 - m)

    Exposed fraction of the sun's circle (0=never...1 = whole day):

    b =nbspf180

    To get the number of hours the sun shines at the givenDay at the given LatitudeLat,b needs to be multiplied by 24.


    The calculation ofa andm can be simplified to:

    90 - cospitimesnbspDay182.625nbsptimesnbspAxis


    m = 1 +nbsptan(-Lat)cos(a)sin(a)

    Becausecos / sin = cot = 1 / tan,a andm can be merged into:

    m = 1 +nbspnbsptan(-Lat)tan90 - cospitimesnbspDay182.625nbsptimes Axis

    Sincetan(x) = cot(90 - x) = 1 / tan(90 - x), the division can thankfully be converted into a multiplication. Also,tan(-Lat) is equivalent with-tan(Lat):

    m = 1 - tan(Lat)tanAxistimes cospitimes Day182.625

    The expressionpi/182.625 can be precalculated and saved as a constantj:

    j =nbsppi182.625nbspapprox 0.0172...
    Final Formula

    This reduces the calculation ofm prior the correction of out-of-range values to 3 multiplicationsand 1 addition:

    m = 1 - tan(Lat)tan(Axistimes cos(jtimes Day))

    (Note, that the argument of thecos function is inradians, whereas the arguments of thetan functions are indegrees.

    Thanks to Kim Mackay for pointing this out.


    Adjust the limits ofm to be between 0...2; then

    b =nbsparccos(1 - m)180

    completes the calculation.

    Function Graphs

    Notice, that depending on what your plotting software accepts (deg/rad), you might need to modify theb formula slightly. For example would you useARCCOS(1-m)/(2*PI())*360/180 inMicrosoft Excel, which simplifies toARCCOS(1-m)/PI().

    Thanks to reader justanote for this observation.

    Above formulas for the Length of Dayb produce the following graphs over a whole year, shown for the latitudes at 0deg, 10deg ... 90deg North:

    Length of Day graphs for the Northern hemisphere.Fig. 2: Length of Day graphs for the Northern hemisphere. Note, that the x Axis starts out with the Winter Solstice and is not identical with the calendary start.

    Thanks to Martin Bonda for reminding me to make this clear.


    The sun does not appear or disappear just so, a shorter or longer twilight period beginsbefore the start of the day and endsafter the end of the day, i.e. the twilight affects the duration of the "dark" night, never the duration of the "bright" day.

    For most purposes, it is sufficient to take into consideration theCivil Twilight plus theNautical Twilight, but not theAstronomical Twilight (which latter would be interpreted as fully dark anyway for casual observers).

    Civil Twilight is defined as the sun being 6deg below the horizon, Nautical Twilight as 12deg. Therefore, the duration of the twilight depends on how long the sun needs to cross these 12deg, and this (mainly) depends from the angle the sun circle is tilted towards the planet's "disc". This angle is steep (orthogonal to the planet's disc) at the equator. The further away from the equator the observer is, the flatter the angle becomes, and there are Northern regions in which not the whole twilight cycle is completed. This is the case for all latitudes North of90deg-Axis-12deg=54.561deg.

    To some extent the angle also depends from the day of year: It is at the equinoxes that the angle is steepest for any latitude, and on the Northern hemisphere the summer solstice is flattest (also the winter solstice is flatter than at the equinoxes, but not so flat as at the summer solstice). However, the differences along a year are short and extend over some minutes only.


    When the planet's so far flat disc is given some heighth, then twilight is defined as the parte of the solar arc.

    Planet disc with added thickness">Fig. 3: Planet disc with added thickness.

    The twilight angle (sun below horizon), as per above definition:

    t = 12

    Thickness of the planet's disc:

    h = tan(t)

    The anglev is identical with the Latitude. This is true along the whole radius of the solar circle, particularly also where the distance between the solar circle and the surface of the planet disc ish:

    v = Lat

    Knowing the anglev, the radius fractioni (an extention of the radius fractionm) can be calculated:

    i =nbsphcos(Lat)

    The whole radius fractionm+i defines the point, at which the planet disc's lower surface is crossed by the solar circle. The valuem is the same as calculated above. Note, however, that its uncorrected value must be used:

    n = m + i

    Adjust range: 0...2 is the valid range (see comments in the formula table of the preceding section).Note, that them part (before adjustment) is the same as in the previous section, but range adjustment may not happen before the addition of thei term.

    Angle between center of sun's disc and lower twilight point on thesolar circle (not the planet's disc):

    k = arccos(1 - n)

    Exposed fraction of the sun's circle (0=never...1=whole day).The arc describes the daytime plus both twilight zones (b+2e):

    b + 2e =nbspk180Practical Calculation

    n can not be simplified any more:

    n = 1 - tan(Lat)tan(Axistimes cos(jtimes day))nbsp+nbsphcos(Lat)

    with the constants

    h = 12degj =nbsppi182.625Axis = 23.439deg

    This is the calculation of the twilight arc (comprising both twilight durationsand the daylength).


    b + 2e =nbsparccos(1 - n)180

    completes the calculation.

    Sample Values

    Some individual twilight durationse (dusk or dawn) are given in the following tables. The tables' cells give the duration in hours.

    Also note, that at and near the Pole there are phases with no twilight, because the sun is present all the day, or circles too far below the horizon. The values are given as 0, because half the difference between the daylength b and the arc comprising the day length and the 2 twilights((b+2e - b)/2)are presented. These values are identical at the pole (and near it), i.e. 0 around the winter solstice, and 1 around the summer solstice (0 and 24 hrs., resp.)


    The following table shows the twilight duration for the civil twilight (6deg rather than 12deg).


