


Justin R. ErenkrantzWhere do you want to go today?

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Dissertation,Publications, Talks (OSCON,ApacheCon/Other),CV,Weblog,PGP.

Snapshot of Justin Erenkrantz

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Who I am

Currently, I am employed byMajor League Baseball.

Previously, I was employed by Bloomberg, VDIO (aka Project WBS), Joost and Google.

In 2009, I received my PhD from theUniversity of California, Irvine in theDonald Bren School of Information and ComputerSciences. My research interests are insoftware engineering - specificallyREST-basedsoftware architectures. My PhD dissertation was entitled"Computational REST: A New Model for Decentralized, Internet-Scale Applications".My advisor wasRichard Taylor.

I am also a member ofThe Apache Software Foundation. From 2005 until 2010, I served as aDirector of the Foundation. From 2007 until 2010, I served as President ofthe Foundation. I havecontributed to the development of theApache HTTP Server,Apache Portable Runtime, andflood. Along withGreg Stein,I wrote theApache Serf client library.I've also been known to dabble inSubversion development.

Last ModifiedSunday, 05-Aug-2018 13:19:11 EDT These pages were made byJustin R. Erenkrantz unless otherwisestated. This work is licensed under aCreative Commons License.These pages will look best in an XHTML 1.0 compliant browser.

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