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Modeling Consumer GenAI for Enterprise L&D Applications


Modeling Consumer GenAI for Enterprise L&D Applications

By Raman K. Attri

A demonstration of typical use cases to achieve potential time-saving benefits using GenAI to create diverse training content.

The Effective Use of Online Discussion Forums


The Effective Use of Online Discussion Forums

By Steven Schmidt

Discussion forums have become a standard element of online courses for a variety of reasons. They provide a way for students and faculty to interact with each other and to discuss course topics effectively and efficiently.

Special Issue on Distance Education in Higher Education in Latin America


Special Issue on Distance Education in Higher Education in Latin America

Article submission deadline: March 31, 2025

This special issue aims to explore the multifaceted realities, opportunities, and challenges that distance education brings to higher education in Latin America.




Educators and AI Tutors: Complementary or competing roles?

By Natalia Echeverry

Motivated by the likely scenario that AI tutors will soon become indistinguishable from human educators, this article discusses some of the challenges and opportunities that will arise from this shift and calls for reflection on how the role of human educators could evolve in light of emerging technologies.

Digital Literacy in Undergraduate Education Curricula

By Barry Matthews

Assumptions are made around the digital literacy and digital capabilities of students in higher education. It is important that these assumptions are dismissed, digital literacy becomes a true consideration in curriculum design, and students are supported in their development rather than expected to develop the digital skills they need. Supporting students in their development of digital literacy through curriculum integration not only allows them to succeed in education, but also work toward obtaining the skills they need for their future career and joining a workforce in a digital society.

  1. E-Ethical-Learning: Principles and guidelines for ethical digital learning in higher education
  2. M is for Motivation or How To Support Student Autonomy in Asynchronous Online Courses
  3. The Zone of Proximal Flow in K-12 Creative Collaborative eLearning: A synthesis of the zone of proximal development and creative flow
  4. Extended Reality (XR) Opportunities and Challenges for eLearning Practitioners: A conversation with Immersive Learning Research Network's Dr. Jonathon Richter
  5. Navigating the AI Frontier: A guide for ethical academic writing
  6. Digital Literacy in Undergraduate Education Curricula
  7. Communication, the Key to K-12 Online Success
  8. Intelligent Learning Management Systems (ILMS): Implications for teaching and learning
  9. Bringing Real-World Scenarios to Life in the Online Classroom
  10. Educators and AI Tutors: Complementary or competing roles?
  11. Inclusive Online Teaching: A toolkit
  12. Unleashing Asynchronous Learning: Fostering Engagement in the Digital Educational Landscape
  13. Implementing Mastery Learning with Educational Technology and the Modern Classrooms Project
  14. The Effective Use of Online Discussion Forums
  15. J, Just-in-Time Teaching: A practical guide for college faculty


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