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South Britain, or England and Wales. Bowen, Emanuel, 1747

South Britain, or England and Wales. / Bowen, Emanuel / 1747
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Full Title:A new and very accurate map of South Britain, or England and Wales. Drawn from a great number of particular surveys, assisted by some of the most approved maps & charts. Containing all the cities, boroughs, market towns &c. With the principal direct & cross roads, also exhibiting the distances between the towns situated upon each road; together with the post stages &c. The whole being regulated by astronomical observatns. By Eman. Bowen. (London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge ... M.DCC.XLVII)

Author:Bowen, Emanuel


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Full David Rumsey Map Collection Catalog Record:

Author:Bowen, Emanuel


Short Title:South Britain, or England and Wales.

Publisher:London: William Innys [et al.]

Type:Atlas Map

Object Height cm:35

Object Width cm:42

Scale 1:2,170,000

Note:Engraved map. Shows forested areas, etc. Relief shown pictorially. Includes note on compilation of map.

Reference:cf P614 (1752 edition of A Complete Atlas...); NMM p.356; M&B p 166.

Country:England ; Wales

Full Title:A new and very accurate map of South Britain, or England and Wales. Drawn from a great number of particular surveys, assisted by some of the most approved maps & charts. Containing all the cities, boroughs, market towns &c. With the principal direct & cross roads, also exhibiting the distances between the towns situated upon each road; together with the post stages &c. The whole being regulated by astronomical observatns. By Eman. Bowen. (London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge ... M.DCC.XLVII)

List No:3733.006

Page No:No. 7

Series No:8

Published In:A complete system of geography. Being a description of all the countries, islands, cities, chief towns, harbours, lakes, and rivers, mountains, mines, &c. of the known world ... In two volumes. The whole illustrated with seventy maps, by Emanuel Bowen, Geographer to His Majesty, being all new-drawn and ingraved according to the latest discoveries and surveys; making, of themselves, a complete atlas, for the sse of gentlemen, merchants, mariners, and others, who delight in history and geography ... Vol. 1. London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge ... M.DCC.XLVII.

Publication Author:Bowen, Emanuel

Publication Date:1747

Publication Reference:cf P614 (1752 edition of A Complete Atlas...); NMM p.356; M&B p 166.

Publication Note:In the title Bowen states that he is "Preserving all that is useful in the Fourth and Last edition of the Complete Geographer, publish'd under the name of Herman Moll, &c." The 70 maps were also published in two other forms: in "A Complete Atlas" of 1752, and as the Maps for the "Complete Collection of Voyages" by John Harris, in 1744-48 (M&B). The text is massive and interesting, and there are several important maps of America: America, West Indies, Mexico, Louisiana, Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania et al, and Newfoundland et al. The map of the World in Hemispheres is lacking in this copy. Both volumes are newly bound in full brown leather covered boards with "Geography. Vol. 1" and -Geography. Vol. 2" embossed on the spine in gilt.

Publication List No:3733.000

Publication Type:Geography Book

Publication Maps:70

Publication Height cm:43

Publication Width cm:28

Image No:3733006

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