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The web site has grown considerably since it was created in August 2000. This page attempts to provide a guided introduction for new users.

Ordered suggested reading lists have been developed for different user communities. Please choose one or more lists that best match your interest in DAML. You can use your browser's Back button or the Roadmap button found on the titlebar of all site pages to return easily to this page.

Please direct any feedback or questions to[email protected].

Software Developer

  1. About DAML
  2. DAML+OIL for Application Developers tutorial
  3. DAML+OIL walkthru
  4. someDAML Applications that other people have already built
  5. DAML Tools you can use to build your own applications
  6. availableontologies that you can use
  7. subscribe to theHotDAML Newsletter

XML Enthusiast

  1. About DAML
  2. feature comparison of XML, RDF(S), and DAML+OIL
  3. DAML+OIL for Application Developers tutorial
  4. DAML+OIL walkthru
  5. DAML Tools
  6. subscribe to theHotDAML Newsletter


  1. About DAML
  2. DAML+OIL walkthru
  3. DAML+OIL axiomatic semantics
  4. DAML+OIL model theoretic semantics
  5. [email protected] email list
  6. subscribe to theHotDAML Newsletter

WWW standards junkie

  1. About DAML
  2. Joint Committee
  3. W3C Web Ontology Working Group
  4. DAML+OIL Submission to W3C
    1. DAML+OIL walkthru
    2. DAML+OIL release
  5. W3C Semantic Web Activity
  6. [email protected] email list
  7. subscribe to theHotDAML Newsletter

Program Manager

  1. About DAML
  2. DAML program participants
  3. DAML briefings
  4. DAML Applications
  5. subscribe to theHotDAML Newsletter

Semantic Web Researcher

  1. About DAML
  2. DAML program participants
  3. DAML publications
  4. DAML+OIL walkthru
  5. DAML Applications
  6. subscribe to theHotDAML Newsletter

Military User

  1. About DAML
  2. Semantic Web Military Day
  3. DAML program participants
  4. DAML publications
  5. subscribe to theHotDAML Newsletter


  1. About DAML
  2. Scientific American article
  3. DAML Researchers
  4. DAML in the News
  5. subscribe to theHotDAML Newsletter

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