


About was started back in early 2005, hosting most of personal interest/developed products (the Nokia Symbian, J2ME days…) and official pages for some of our open-source projects as well as ASLI Brand natural products from Thailand.

About Kasidit Yusuf

I’m a ‘Wireless Protocol Software Engineer’ from Thailand. I’ve been developing software related to wireless protocols since 2004, and commercial mobile network test and measurement software since 2006. Currently my work focuses on development of low-level software and Android/Linux kernel modifications for radio-chip/modem access and decoding of LTE, WCDMA, GSM radio parameters and Layer-3 signalling messages, signalling state detection etc - on Android for theAZENQOS - AZQ Android Network Testing Solution product/Tools under “Freewill FX Company Limited” in Bangkok, Thailand.

My Software Development Experience:

Contact me: Please email<ykasidit[AT]>

How I work

Nowadays, I mostly code Python and C in GNU Emacs! I even write this website in Emacs - using nanoc (in Markdown) and git to manage/upload the site to server. I work mainly using Ubuntu…

Other interests

Raspberry Pi

Developed a solution to make a Raspberry Pi computer work as a “Bluetooth Network Access Point” for Android”. Developed the “Bluetooth NAP” management software for BlueZ, mixed into a solution on Archlinux ARM - please visit theEcoDroidLink - Android Reverse tethering via Bluetooth page. An EcoDroidLink unit is used in my house and kept always-on (24/7) for many moths and still running strong - providing low-power Bluetooth internet to my Sony Xperia Android phone to enjoy browsing classic Mercedes diesel videos and also watching renewable energy videos on Youtube.


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