The faithful who meet the conditions of: detachment from all sin, 2) sacramental confession, 3) Holy Communion, and 4) prayer for the intentions of Pope Francis can obtain a plenary indulgence by undertaking a holy journey orpilgrimage to the Cathedral of St. Joseph.
Parishioner Tommy Carty was chosen as a Third Place Winner (Intermediate Category) of the American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music 2022 for piano. He will perform Franz Liszt's La Campanella ("The Little Bell") in the Winner's Recital at Carnegie Hall on Saturday, June 10 at 7:30pm
Doh Paw ’23 discovers her strength to overcome obstacles and finds a supportive LEAD community. University of Hartford, The Women’s Advancement Initiative
Blessed Michael McGivneyBeatified October 31, 2020