
July 29, 2015

Are you already using Capstone engine? Yes, if you are using any products in ourshowcase.

Please consider donating to help us improve Capstone!

You can either donate viaPaypal or send usBitcoins.

Pleaselet us know if you want to be listed asCapstone supporter after donating.


Capstone is totally free & developed in our spare time. So far we have never received a single cent from donation or sponsor.

However, we are realizing that to keep up with the increasing demand of community & push Capstone to another level, we need more helps from community.

For this reason, we are now receivingdonation for Capstone.

What for?

The donation will be used to promote & improve Capstone. Some priorities are:

What to get back?

The donators will:

Thanks for your generous supports! Pleasecontact us for any questions.