
Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.

Our target is to make Capstone the ultimate disassembly engine for binary analysis and reversing in the security community.

Highlight features

Some of the reasons making Capstone unique are elaboratedhere.

Find in thisBlackhat USA 2014 slides more technical details behind our disassembly engine.


“Capstone is something people have wanted for years; the value is apparent in the implementation, and it’s nice to finally have an industry standard for this”.– George “Geohot” Hotz.

“Capstone has changed the Reverse Engineering landscape: We finally have a solid, independent, and free disassembler engine”.– Felix “FX” Lindner.

“Capstone will soon be the standard disassembly engine”.– Bruce Dang.

“Capstone solves a well known issue in the reversing community by a well tested and maintained library for most common architectures using a generic API”.– Pancake.

“And, nowadays, Capstone is the best embeddable disassembler out there”.– Joxean Koret.

“I must have mentioned it at least 25 times today with our client. Not sure yet, but this engine might just be the gold standard”.– Stephen Ridley.

“Developers of Capstone provide great support. Its small size and high modularity makes it perfectly working in kernel as well!”.– Peter Hlavaty.

“Love at first sight! Beautiful API, support latest instructions, Capstone truly is the ultimate disassembly framework!”.– Ole André Vadla Ravnås.

“Simply the best - recommended to anyone asking which disassembler to use!”.– Jurriaan Bremer.

“The most complete disassembler library available for the reverse engineering and information security communities”.– Pedro “osxreverser” Vilaça.

“The API is straightforward and easy to work with, and on the few occasions we have run into issues the Capstone developers have provided bug fixes, new features, and support in a matter of hours”.– Sean Heelan.

“I expect Capstone to become the standard, a stepping stone for all projects everywhere”.– Ange Albertini.

See complete testimonials for Capstonehere.

Version 5.0

July 5, 2023

We are very happy to announce version5.0 of Capstone disassembler framework!

This release fixes a lot of bugs and adds few new architectures. We strongly encourage all users of v4 to upgrade.

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to allcontributors &donators, who generously supported us to maintain Capstone!

The source code is available inzip &tar.gz formats, or at tag-name5.0 in our Github repo.

We are planning for the next major release, version6.0. Stay tuned for updates!

Version 4.0.2

May 8, 2020

We are very happy to announce version4.0.2 of Capstone disassembler framework!

This release fixes some bugs of v4.0.1, as well as introduces some improvements for several bindings. We strongly encourage all users of v4.0.1 to upgrade.

In no particular order, we would like to thankXipiter andCatena Cyber for sponsoring this release!

We also wish to express our sincere gratitude to allcontributors &donators, who generously supportedus to maintain Capstone!

The source code is available inzip &tar.gz formats, or at tag-name4.0.2 in our Github repo.

Find pre-compiled binaries in theDownload section.

Seehere for summary of the important changes of this version.

Version 4.0.1

January 10, 2019

We are very happy to announce version4.0.1 of Capstone disassembler framework!

This release fixes some minor bugs of v4.0, as well as introduces some improvements for Python binding. We encourage all users of v4.0 to upgrade.

In no particular order, we would like to thankNowSecure,Verichains &Vsec for sponsoring this release!

We also wish to express our sincere gratitude to allcontributors &donators, who generously supportedus to maintain Capstone!

The source code is available inzip &tar.gz formats, or at tag-name4.0.1 in our Github repo.

Find pre-compiled binaries in theDownload section.

Seehere for summary of the important changes of this version.

Version 4.0

December 18, 2018

We are super excited to announce version4.0 of Capstone disassembler framework!

Exactly 5 years ago, onDecember 18th of 2013, we published ourfirst version. Today, this release 4.0 marks5 years of the project! Such a long journey, which is impossible without huge community support!

In no particular order, we would like to thankThinkst Canary,NowSecure,ECQ,Senrio,GracefulBits &Catena Cyber for sponsoring this release!

We also wish to express our sincere gratitude to allcontributors &donators, who generously supportedus to maintain Capstone!

This version improves a lot of things over v3.0.5. The source code is available inzip &tar.gz formats, or at tag-name4.0 in our Github repo.

Find pre-compiled binaries in theDownload section.

Seehere for summary of the important changes of this version.

Version 3.0.5

July 18, 2018

We are very happy to announce version3.0.5 of Capstone disassembler framework!

In no particular order, we would like to thankCrowdStrike,CMC Infosec &Jurriaan Bremer for sponsoring this version!

We also wish to express our sincere gratitude to allproject contributors &donators, who generously supportedus to maintain Capstone project!

This version fixes someimportant security issues of v3.0.4, as well as many improvements in the core & bindings. The source code is available inzip &tar.gz formats, or at tag-name3.0.5 in our Github repo.

Find pre-compiled binaries in theDownload section.

Seehere for summary of the important changes of this version 3.0.5.

Version 3.0.5-rc2

March 2, 2017

We are excited to announce version3.0.5-RC2 of Capstone disassembler framework!

This release candidate fixes someimportant security issues of v3.0.4, as well significantly improve the core & bindings. We plan to release the official version 3.0.5 after some more tests.

The source code is available inzip andtar.gz formats, or at tagname3.0.5-rc2 in our Github repo.

Find pre-compiled binaries in theDownload section.

For any issues, please feed back via ourcontact.

Summary of the important changes of version 3.0.5-rc2.


  • Fix build for Visual Studio 2012
  • Fix X86_REL_ADDR macro
  • Better support for embedding Capstone into Windows kernel drivers
  • Support to embedded Capstone into MacOS kernel
  • Support MacOS 10.11 and up
  • Better support for Cygwin
  • Support build packages for FreeBSD & DragonflyBSD
  • Add a command-line tool “cstool”
  • Properly handle switching to Endian mode at run-time for Arm, Arm64, Mips & Sparc


  • Some random 16-bit code can be handled wrongly.
  • Remove abundant operand type X86_OP_FP
  • Add X86_REG_EFLAGS for STC and STD
  • Fix instruction attributes for SYSEXIT, MOVW, ROL, LGS, SLDT
  • Rename registers ST0-ST7 to be consistent with asm output


  • Properly handle IT instruction
  • Fix LDRSB
  • Fix writeback for LDR
  • Fix Thumb BigEndian setup


  • Fix arith extender
  • Fix writeback for LDR
  • Rename enum arm64_mrs_reg to arm64_sysreg


  • Print 0 offset for memory operand


  • Fix POPC instruction

Python binding

  • Better PyPy support
  • Add __version__
  • Better support for Python 3
  • Fix CS_SKIPDATA_CALLBACK prototype
  • Cast skipdata function inside binding to simplify the API

Java binding

  • Better handle input with invalid code

PowerShell binding

  • New binding

New logo

January 20, 2016

We are very excited to announce anew logo for Capstone engine! This shiny logo better reflects the spirit of our project, and is more suitable for Tshirts, stickers, mugs etc.

We would like to thankXipiter for sponsoring the redesign of our new logo! Thegenerous & continuous supports from community like this is the main reason why we keep putting significant time and effort maintaining & developing Capstone!

At the same time, we redesigned the website, so it is more friendly with mobile devices (such as smartphones & tablets). Let us know if you find any broken links.


July 29, 2015

Are you already using Capstone engine? Yes, if you are using any products in ourshowcase.

Please consider donating to help us improve Capstone!

You can either donate viaPaypal or send usBitcoins.

  • Paypal email:

  • Bitcoin: (link)

Pleaselet us know if you want to be listed asCapstone supporter after donating.


Capstone is totally free & developed in our spare time. So far we have never received a single cent from donation or sponsor.

However, we are realizing that to keep up with the increasing demand of community & push Capstone to another level, we need more helps from community.

For this reason, we are now receivingdonation for Capstone.

What for?

The donation will be used to promote & improve Capstone. Some priorities are:

  • Get aprofessional designer to make abetter logo that Capstone deserves to have.

  • Have the current website redesigned to be more friendly & efficient.

  • Giverewards to those who are willing to work on our outstanding works (such asthis),so we can release the next versions faster.

  • Add more features requested by a lot of users, such as supporting new architectures likeHexagon.

What to get back?

The donators will:

  • Get listed in our website asCapstone supporter - if you do not want to remain anonymous.

  • For a certain amount of donation (to be decided), we can send you T-shirts/stickers/mugs withCapstone logo to show our appreciation.

  • For a certain amount of donation (TBD), we can help to integrate & customize Capstone for your products.

Thanks for your generous supports! Pleasecontact us for any questions.

See thenews archive for older posts.