The Annonaceae are woody trees, shrubs and vines comprisingabout 130 genera and 2,300 species. The leaves are simple, alternate, lack stipules, andgenerally are distichously arranged in flat sprays. The flowers are bisexual andactinomorphic, possessing 3 whorls of perianth with 3 segments in each whorl. Theelongated floral axis also bears many helically disposed stamens and several to manysimple pistils. All of the floral parts are distinct. The stamens are very short,consisting of the fertile central anther portion, a distal pad of fleshy connectivetissue, and a short fleshy basal portion. The stamens are generally so tightly packed onthe receptacle that often only the fleshy connective tissue of each is exposed. Thepistils each have a superior ovary with one locule and 1-many parietal ovules. Sectionedseeds reveal channels or partitions in the ruminate endosperm. The pistils generallyremain distinct and develop into berry-like fruits but sometimes they coalesce intomultiple fruits like the custard apple.
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