... List of plants offered by the Hortus Nucerensis-Willy Mu...
... Vernatio arborum /quam ... præsidio ... Doct. Caroli Lin...
[Calendar posters].
[Catalogue of Michigan plants]
[Gart der Gesundheit].
[R]ogatu plurimo[rum] inopu[m] num[m]o[rum] egentiu[m] appot...
Abbildung und Beschreibung blühender Cacteen /von L. Pfeiff...
Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften.
Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften...
Abhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle. Ori...
Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Nürnberg.
Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellsc...
Abhandlungen und Berichte des Königl. Zoologischen und Anth...
Academiae Caesaro-Leopoldinae Naturae Curiosorum Ephemerides...
Academic tapestries :fashioning teachers and researchers out...
An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its b...
An account of the foxglove, and some of its medical uses:wit...
Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica.
Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux.
Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux.
Adam in Eden, or, Natures paradise :the history of plants, f...
Adansonia;recueil d'observations botaniques /redige par le D...
Addisonia;colored illustrations and popular descriptions of ...
Additamenta ad Conspectum florae europaeae editum a cl. C.F....
Adriani van Royen ... Florae leydensis prodromus :exhibens p...
Advances in legume biology /edited by C.H. Stirton and J.L. ...
Afbeeldingen der fraaiste, meest uitheemsche boomen en heest...
Afbeeldingen van zeldzaame gewassen /door Nicolaas Meerburgh...
Afhandling om de wäxter, som i Bibelen omtalas...
African violet magazine.
Agricultural bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malay Sta...
Aimé Bonpland, médecin et naturaliste, explorateur de l'Am...
Alberti Magni ex ordine praedicatorum de Vegetabilibus libri...
Albertus Magnus de secretis mulierum :item de virtutibus her...
Album der natuur.
Album van Eeden :Haarlem's flora : afbeeldingen in kleurendr...
Algarum decas prima [-quarta] /auctore Carolo Ad. Agardh.
Allgemeine Gartenzeitung.
Allgemeine Naturgeschichte für alle Stände.von Professor O...
Almagesti botanici mantissa :plantarum novissimè detectarum...
Ameisen aus Guatemala usw., Paraguay und Argentinien. (Hym.)...
American bisons, living and extinct
The American botanist.
American fern journal.American fern journal.
American gardening.
American F. Lamson-Scribner.
The American journal of science.
American medical botany :being a collection of the native me...
The American midland naturalist.
The American naturalist.
American weeds and useful plants :being a second and illustr...
L'Amérique Centrale. Recherches sur sa flora et sa géograp...
Analecta botanica indica :commentationes de variis stirpibus...
Anales de historia natural.
Anales de la Universidad central del Ecuador.
Anales de la Universidad de Chile.
Anales del Museo Nacional de Chile.
Anales del Museo Nacional de Montevideo.
Analyse des familles des plantes :avec l'indication des prin...
Anatomie et physiologie végétales... /par H. Baillon.
The anatomy of plants :by Nehemiah Grew ...
Andromachi Senioris Antiquissimum de theriaca carmen ad Impe...
Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden News.
Annales de flore et de pomone :ou journal des jardins et des...
Annales de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles.
Annales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg.
Annales du Museé colonial de Marseille.
Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle /par les pro...
Annales Musei botanici lugduno-batavi.
The Annals and magazine of natural history :zoology, botany,...
Annals of horticulture in North America;a witness of passing...
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.
Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya.
Annual of the National Academy of Sciences.
Annual Report ... /Los Angeles Arboretum Foundation.
Annual report /Missouri Botanical Garden.
Annual Report : the Arboretum / Los Angeles County Arboretum...
Annual report :historical section.
Annual report Missouri Botanical Garden.
Annual Report of the California Arboretum Foundation.
Anotationes quaedam de familia Elaeocarpeacearum :specierumq...
Anthuria Ecuadorensai Nova.
Antonii Laurentii de Jussieu Genera plantarum :secundum ordi...
Anturios ecuatorianos (Anthurium Schott.). Diagnoses previas...
Anturios ecuatorianos (gen. Anthurium Schoit ord. Aroideas) ...
Anturios ecuatorianos, Suplemento II.por L. Sodiro.
Aperçu général sur Reims et ses environs aux points de vu...
Apuntes de botánica médica /por Lucio Durañona y Juan A. ...
Aquaphyte :newsletter of the IPPC Aquatic Weed Program of th...
Arboreta and botanic gardens :a publication of the Los Angel...
The Arboretum : Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Gar...
Arboretum members' magazine.
Arboretum News.
Arboretum News.
The Arboretum Newsletter.
Arboretum: Newsletter and Calendar for the Los Angeles Count...
Archiv für die naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung ...
Archives du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon.
Archives néerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles.
Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro.
Aristotelis et Theophrasti Historiae :cùm de natura animali...
Arnaldoa :revista del Herbario HAO.
Aromatum, et simplicium aliquot medicamentorum apud Indos na...
Aromatvm, et simplicivm aliqvot medicamentorvm apvd Indos na...
Årsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier.
The art of garden design in Italy /by H. Inigo Triggs.
Arznei- und Giftgewächse /herausgegeben von Hermann Wagner.
The Asa Gray bulletin.
Assertio de murrhinis, sive, De iis quae murrhino nomine exp...
Astragalogia, nempe astragali, biserrulae et oxytropidis :ne...
At the foundation.
Atlas colorié des plantes médicinales indigènes /par Paul...
Atlas der Pflanzenkrankheiten /Paul Sorauer.
Atlas zu Alex. v. Humboldt's Kosmos in zweiundvierzig Tafeln...
Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
Atti della Accademia gioenia di scienze naturali in Catania.
Atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali e del Museo...
Aufsätze und Abhandlungen /von Ferdinand Lindheimer in Texa...
Auswahl von Sporen, Samen und Pflanzen zum Tausche angeboten...
Auswahl zum Tausch angebotener Sämereien, Früchte, und Spo...
Autikon botanikon :or botanical illustrations of 2500. New, ...
Azolla nilotica de Caisne /autore G. Mettenius. Seorsum impr...
Les bambusées :monographie biologie, culture, principaux us...
Bartonia;proceedings of the Philadelphia botanical club ...
Beitrag zur Flora Brasiliens /von Maximilian, Prinz en von W...
Beitrag zur kenntniss der flor Russlands und der steppen Cen...
Beiträge zur morphologie und biologie der familie der orchi...
Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarn...
The Belgick, or Netherlandish hesperides :that is, the manag...
Bemerkungen über die flora der Südseeinseln /von Stephan End...
Bengal plants :a list of the phanerogams, ferns and fern-all...
Benjamin Smith Barton :naturalist and physician in Jefferson...
Bergens Museums skrifter.
Bericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg
Bericht über die Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellsch...
Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft.
Berichte der Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. Br.
Bibliografía botánica taxonómica de Chile /Clodomiro Mart...
Bibliografía sobre gametofitos de helechos y plantas afines...
Bibliotheca botanica :qua scripta ad rem herbariam facienta ...
Bibliotheca botanica auctore Alberto de Haller, index emenda...
Bidrag till kännedom af Finlands natur och folk.
Biennial report /Los Angeles County, Dept. of Arboreta & Bot...
Bihang till Kongl. Svenska vetenskaps-akademiens handlingar.
Bijdragen tot de flora van Nederlandsch Indië /uitgegeven d...
Billotia, ou, Notes de botanique /publiées par V. Bavoux .....
Biodiversity status and trends in the Eastern Arc Mountains ...
A biographical history of botany at St. Louis, Missouri /by ...
Biographie d'Aimé Bonpland :compagnon de voyage et collabor...
Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology...
The birds of the Rio Madeira.
Blüthendiagramme /construirt und erläutert von A.W. Eichle...
Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias.
Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Lima.
Boletin del Comite Regional del Estado de Durango [Alianza C...
Bollettino del R. Orto Botanico di Palermo.
Bollettino della Società adriatica di scienze naturali in T...
Bollettino della Società dei naturalisti in Napoli.
Bollettino delle sedute della Accademia gioenia di scienze n...
Bonplandia :Zeitschrift für die gesammte Botanik.
Boston journal of natural history.
The Botanic physician :being a compendium of the practice of...
Botanica /Commissão de Linhas Telegraphicas Estrategicas de ...
The botanical cabinet :consisting of coloured delineations o...
Botanical characters of the leaves of the date palm used in ...
Botanical gazette.
Botanical leaflets :a series of studies in the systematic bo...
The Botanical magazine, or, Flower-garden displayed ... /by ...
The Botanical magazine, Tokyo.
Botanical miscellany.
Botanical Museum leaflets, Harvard University.
Botanical observations in Western Wyoming :with notices of r...
Botanical observations on the flora Japonica /by Charles Pet...
The Botanical register :consisting of coloured figures of .....
Botanical report /by E. Durand and T.C. Hilgard.
Botanical research and management in Galapagos /proceedings ...
Botanical review, or the beauties of flora.
The botanical works of the late George Engelmann, collected ...
Botanicheskie materialy /Gerbarii︠a︡ Glavnogo botanicheskogo...
Botanicon parisiense, ou, Denombrement par ordre alphabetiqu...
Botanicon sinicum :Notes on Chinese botany from native and w...
Botanique /par Hombron et Jacquinot.
La botanique de J.J. Rousseau :ornée de soixante-cinq planc...
Botanische Bemerkungen /gesammelt von Karl Bor. Presl.
Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und...
Botanische Zeitung.
Botanisches Archiv.Zeitschrift für die gesamte Botanik.
The Botanist :containing accurately coloured figures of tend...
The botanist's repository :for new, and rare plants : contai...
Botanologia, the English herbal, or, History of plants :cont...
Botany /by Sereno Watson, aided by Daniel C. Eaton, and othe...
The Botany and natural history of Panama /editors, William G...
Botany of Bihar and Orissa :an account of all the known indi...
The botany of Captain Beechey's voyage;comprising an acount ...
The botany of Texas :an account of botanical investigations ...
The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. discovery ships E...
The botany of the voyage of H. M. S. Sulphur, under the comm...
The botany of the voyage of H.M.S. Herald :under the command...
Botany, na filazana ny amy ny zava-maniry sy ny fombany /nos...
Bouquet de Mélastomacées brésiliennes :dédiées a Sa Maj...
The British fern gazette.
British ferns and their allies :an abridgment of the "Popula...
The British herbal :an history of plants and trees, natives ...
Brooklyn Botanic Garden record.
Bryologia javanica :seu, descriptio muscorum frondosorum arc...
Bryologia universa seu systematica ad novam methodum disposi...
Bryophyta /by Robert E. Magill ; edited by O.A. Leistner.
Bulletin / British Pteridological Society.Bulletin /British ...
Bulletin /New York State Museum.
Bulletin /Peabody Museum of Natural History
Bulletin /U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Agrost...
Bulletin de la Société botanique de France.
Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux.
Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Normandie.
Bulletin de la Société royale de botanique de Belgique.
Bulletin de lA̕cadémie impériale des sciences de St.-Péte...
Bulletin de l'Académie internationale de géographie botaniqu...
Bulletin de l'Académie Malgache.
Bulletin des travaux de la Société botanique de Genève.
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Section B,...
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Supplément
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Sér. 3, Bo...
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Section B,...
Bulletin international de l'Académie des sciences de Cracov...
Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Paris.
Bulletin of miscellaneous information /Royal Botanic Gardens...
Bulletin of miscellaneous information /Royal Gardens at Kew.
Bulletin of miscellaneous information.Royal Gardens, Kew.
Bulletin of the American Iris Society.Bulletin of the Americ...
Bulletin of the American Iris Society.Bulletin of the Americ...
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard Col...
Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden.
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.
Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France.
Bulletins de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et ...
Bulletins of American paleontology
C. Plinii Secundi Historiae mundi libri XXXVII /denuo ad uet...
Cactæ in Horto Dyckensi cultæ anno 1849 :secundum tribus et ...
Cacteæ in horto dyckensi cultæ anno 1844 /additis tribuum ge...
Campbell's new atlas of Missouri :with descriptions historic...
Canada's biodiversity :the variety of life, its status, econ...
The Canadian field-naturalist.
Canadian horticultural history :an interdisciplinary journal...
Carl Friedrich Forster's Handbuch der Cacteenkunde in ihrem ...
Carnegie Institution of Washington publication.
Caroli a Linné ... Systema plantarum secundum classes, ordi...
Caroli a Linné ... Systema vegetabilium :secundum classes, ...
Caroli a Linné ... systema vegetabilium :secundum classes, ...
Caroli a Linné equitis Systema vegetabilium :secundum class...
Caroli a Linné Species plantarum :exhibentes plantas rite c...
Caroli Clusi Atrebatis, Impp. Caess. Augg., Maximiliani II, ...
Caroli Clusii Atrebat Rariorum alioquot stirpium per Hispani...
Caroli Clusii Atrebatis Rariorum aliquot stirpium :per Panno...
Caroli Clvsii Atrebatis ... Exoticorvm libri decem :quibus a...
Caroli Clvsii Atrebatis Cvrae posteriores, seu, Plurimarum n...
Caroli Linnaei ... Amoenitates academicae, seu, Dissertation...
Caroli Linnaei ... flora Suecica :exhibens plantas per regnu...
Caroli Linnaei ... Hortus upsaliensis :exhibens plantas exot...
Caroli Linnaei ... Species plantarum :exhibentes plantas rit...
Caroli Linnaei ... Species plantarum :exhibentes plantas rit...
Caroli Linnaei ... Systema vegetabilium /curante Curtio Spre...
Caroli Linnaei, Sac. Reg. Maj. Suec. ... Amoenitates academi...
Caroli Linnaei, Sveci, Doctoris Medicinae systema naturae, s...
Caroli Linnaei...Systema naturae per regna tria naturae :sec...
Caroli Petri Thvnberg ... Flora iaponica :sistens plantas in...
Caroli v. Linné Equ. aur. de stella polari ... Genera plant...
Caspari Bauhini ... Theatri botanici, sive, Historiae planta...
Caspari Bauhini Basil. Archiatri Catalogus plantarum circa B...
Caspari Bauhini Pinax Theatri botanici :sive Index in Theoph...
Cassini on Compositae II :collected from the Bulletin des sc...
Cassini on Compositae III :collected from the Journal de phy...
Catálogo de la familia Poaceae en la República Argentina /...
Catalogo de las plantas del Jardín Botánico de La Orotava.
Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de la República Argenti...
Catálogo de las plantas vasculares del Cono Sur :(Argentina...
Catalogo dei semi raccolti nell' anno ...
Catalogo dei semi raccolti nell'anno ...
Catalogue de l'herbier Humblot :Madagascar & Comores.
Catalogue des graines :récoltées en ... et offertes en éc...
Catalogue des graines du jardin botanique de la faculté mix...
Catalogue des graines offertes en échange.
Catalogue des graines récolletées au jardin botanique de N...
Catalogue des graines recoltées en ...
Catalogue des graines recoltèes en ... et offertes en éxch...
Catalogue des plantes de Yun-nan,avec renvoi aux diagnoses o...
Catalogue illustré et alphabetique des plantes du Seu Tchou...
A catalogue of birds, insects, etc. now exhibiting at Spring...
Catalogue of plants collected by the expedition /by John Tor...
Catalogue of plants collected in the years 1871, 1872 and 18...
A catalogue of plants cultivated in the garden of John Gerar...
Catalogue of plants in the botanick garden of South-Carolina...
Catalogue of the flora of Missouri /by George Yatskievych, J...
Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of Peru =C...
Catalogue of the herbarium of the late Dr. Charles C. Parry ...
Catalogue of the plants collected by Mr. & Mrs. P.A. Tal...
A catalogue of the plants found in New Bedford and its vicin...
Catalogue of the vascular plants of Ecuador =Catálogo de la...
Catalogue (Société pour l'Echange des Plantes a Budapest, Ho...
Catalogues of botanical collections in Dr. Engelmann's Herba...
Catalogus Plantarum :tum exotiarum tum domesticarum, quae in...
Catalogus plantarum ad septem varias editiones Commentarioru...
Catalogus plantarum cubensium exhibens collectionem Wrightia...
Catalogus plantarum in Horto Florae Poloniae cultivatarum.
Catalogus plantarum quae in insula Jamaica :sponte proveniun...
Catalogus seminum in horto botanico Matritensi anno ... coll...
Catalogus seminum in Horto Botanico Universitatis Valentinæ ...
Catalogus seminum in Horto Botanico Zeltia.
Centuria I.-[II.] plantarum /... sub praesidio ... Dn. Doct....
Characteres generum plantarum, quas in itinere ad insulas ma...
Charles de L'Escluse, d'Arras, le propagateur de la pomme de...
Check-list of North American plants :including Mexican speci...
Checklist of vascular plants of the Southern Rocky Mountain ...
Chloris andina :essai d'une flore de la région alpine des C...
Chloris Melvillianaa list of plants collected in Melville Is...
Choix de plantes :dont la plupart sont cultivées dans le ja...
Choix de plantes rares ou nouvelles, cultivées et dessinée...
Choix des plus belles fleurs :et des plus beaux fruits /par ...
Chorlton's Grape growers' guide :A hand-book of the cultivat...
Christophori a Costa ... aromatum & medicamentorum in Orient...
Christophori A Costa ... Aromaticum & medicamentorum in Orie...
Chromis woodsi, a new species of damselfish (Pomacentridae) ...
Chronique orchidéenne :supplément mensuel au Dictionnaire ...
Chung-kuo chu yao chih wu tʻu shuo.ho bien Nan-ching ta hsü...
The cinchona barks:pharmacognostically considered.By Friedri...
The civil and natural history of Jamaica :in three parts. In...
The Classification of a botanical library.
Collectanea botanica, or, Figures and botanical illustration...
Collection d'orchidées [art original] :aquarelles originale...
A college textbook of pharmaceutical botany :with pharmaceut...
Color standards and color nomenclature,Robert Ridgway ... Wi...
Colorado flora.
Coloured engravings of heaths :The drawings taken from livin...
Commelynaceae et Cyrtandraceae bengalenses :(Paucis aliis ex...
Commentarii phytographici :quibus varia rei herbariae capita...
Commentariorum de plantis Africae Australioris :quas per oct...
Commentatio de myrsinaceis archipelagi Indici /auctore Rud. ...
Commentationes botanicae :observationes botanique /dédiées...
Commerce of the prairies :or, the journal of a Santa Fé tra...
Companion to the Botanical magazine :being a journal, contai...
Comparative external pollen ultrastructure of the Araceae an...
A compendium of botanic materia medica :for use of students ...
Compositae aequatorianae.
Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des s...
Conservation of plant genes II :utilization of ancient and m...
Conservation of plant genes III :conservation and utilizatio...
Conspectus floræ Africæ,ou Énumération des plantes d'Afrique...
Conspectus florae europaeae :seu Enumeratio methodica planta...
Conspectus florae Smolandicae
Conspectus vegetationis Lapponiae /ab Nicolaus Johannes Ande...
Contribuciones al conocimiento de la flora ecuatoriana. Mono...
Contribuciones al conocimiento de la flora ecuatoriana.por ...
Contribuciones al conocimiento de la flora ecuatoriana.por e...
Contribution à l'étude anatomique des Eriocaulonacées et ...
A contribution to the phytogeography and flora of the Arfak ...
Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University.
Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium
Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium.
Contributions to systematic bryology :dedicated to Lewis E. ...
Contributions to the Queensland flora /by J.F. Bailey and C....
Contributions to western 1-18.
Cornus :specimen botanicum sistens descriptiones et icones s...
Correspondence :Abbot (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Abert (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Adair (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Agassiz (Louis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Allen (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Allen (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Allen (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Allen (Timothy) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Alvord (Benjamin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Alvord (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Anderson (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Andersson (Nils) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Andras (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Andrews (Mrs. George) and Engelmann (George)...
Correspondence :Arends (Friedrich) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Arthur (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ascherson (Paul) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Atwood (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Austin (Coe) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Austin (E.P.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bache (Alexander) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Baird (Spencer) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Baird (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Baker (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Baker (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bandelier (Adolph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Barnard (Frederick) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Barnes (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Barroeta (Gregorio) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bartholf (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Barton (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bary (Anton) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bastin (Edson) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Baston (L.B.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Baugh (Edwin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Baum (Albert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bebb (Michael) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Beccari (Orlando) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Beck (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Beckwith (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Behr (Hans) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bendire (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bennett (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bennett (Mrs. Charles) and Engelmann (George...
Correspondence :Bentham (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Berge (Ernst) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bernays (Francis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bertolet (Robert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bessey (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bigelow and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Bishop (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Black (Archibald) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Blodget (Lorin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Böcking (H.V.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Boissier (Edmond) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bolander (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bolle (Carl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Booth (John Cornelius) and Engelmann (George...
Correspondence :Boott (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bornet (Édouard) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Böttcher (Clothar) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bracht (Felix) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Brandegee (Townsend) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Braun (Alexander) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Braun (Johannes) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Brendel (Frederick) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Brewer (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Brewer (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Briscoe (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Britton (Nathaniel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Broadhead (Garland) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Brongniart (Adolphe) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Brown (Addison) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Brown (Alfred) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Brown (Benjamin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Brown (John Croumbie) and Engelmann (George)...
Correspondence :Bruhin (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Brunet (Ovide) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Buchenau (Franz) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Buchinger (Jean) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Buckley (Samuel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Budd (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Burbidge (Frederick) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Burdick (Justin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Burk (Issac) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bush (Benjamin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Bush (Isidor) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Butler (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Cabell (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Campbell (Albert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Canby (William Marriott) and Engelmann (Geor...
Correspondence :Candolle (Alphonse de) and Engelmann (George...
Correspondence :Canfield (Colbert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Carey (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Carpenter (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Carruthers (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Caruel (Teodoro) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Cary (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Case (Francis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Case (L.B.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Caspary (Robert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Cassino (Samuel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Čelakovský (Ladislav) and Engelmann (Georg...
Correspondence :Cesati (Vincenzo) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Chapman (Alvan) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Chickering (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Christ (D.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Clapp (Asahel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Clary (Robert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Cleveland (Daniel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Clinton (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Coffin (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Collet (Oscar) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Collet (T.A.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Collier (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Commons (Albert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Congdon (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Conner (Richard) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Cooley (Dennis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Cope (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Corda (August) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Cornwell (Giles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Cosson (Ernest) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Coues (Elliott) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Coulter (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Cratty (Robert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Crawshaw (Edmund) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Crépin (François) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Curtis (Moses) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Curtiss (Allen) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Daniels (Louisa) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Darlington (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Davenport (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Davesne and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Davis (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Dawson (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Day (David) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :De Mier (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :De Smet (Arthur) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :De Smet (Louis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Decaisne (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Delano (Columbus) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :d'Eprémesnil (Jacques) and Engelmann (Georg...
Correspondence :Dewey (Chester) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Diffenbaugh (Elias) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Dimmick (L.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Dingelstrom and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Dixon (Brandt) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Doggett (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Douglas (Robert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Drake (Daniel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Droege (Oscar) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Drude (Oscar) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Dubrueil (E.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Dudley (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Dunglison (Robley) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Dunn (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Durand (Alfred) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Durand (Elias) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Dyer (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Eaton (Daniel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Egloffstein (Frederick) and Engelmann (Georg...
Correspondence :Ehinger (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Eichler (August) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ellacombe (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Emory and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Engelmann (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Engelmann (Wilhelm) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Engler (Adolph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ennis (Jacob) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Erni (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Espy (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Farlow (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Faxon (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Fendler (Augustus) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Fenzl (Eduard) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Flagg (Willard) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Flint (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Focke (Wilhelm) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Foerste (August) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Forwood (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Fournel (Dominique) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Fournier (Eugène) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Fowler (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Frank (T.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Franzoni (Alberto) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Frémont and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Fresenius (Georg) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Fries (Elias) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Fürnrohr (August) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gabb (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Garber (Abraham) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Garcke (August) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gattinger (Augustin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gay (Jacques) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gerard (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gerlich (Hermann) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Geyer (Karl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Geyler (Hermann) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gibbs (Wolcott) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gilbert (Benjamin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gilbert (Grove) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gillett (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gillman (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Girard (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Göbel (David) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Goode (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gordon (Alexander) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gottsche (Karl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Graham (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gray (Asa) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gray and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Gray and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Gray and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Gray and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Gray and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Green (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Green (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Greene (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gregg (Josiah) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Griffith (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Grisebach (August) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Griswold (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Gronen (Otto) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Grönland (Johannes) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Grosjean (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Guedeney and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Haage & Schmidt and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Haage (Friedrich) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Haeckel (Christian) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hagen (Hermann) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hale (Josiah) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hale (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hall (Elihu) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hall (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hallowell (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hanbury (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Harford (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Harvey (Francis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Havard (Valery) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hayden (Ferdinand) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hays (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Head (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Heer (Oswald) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hegelmaier (Christoph) and Engelmann (George...
Correspondence :Heiden (Friedrich) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Henry (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Henshaw (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hildmann (H.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hilgard (Eugene) to Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hilgard (Julius) to Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hilgard (Theodore) to Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hinrichs (Gustavus) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hitchcock (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hitchings (Ebenezer) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hohenacker (Rudolf) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Holbrook (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hooker (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hoopes (Abner) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hoopes (Josiah) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Horr (Asa) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hosford (Frederick) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Houtte (Louis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Howell (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hoysradt (Lyman) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Humboldt (Alexander) and Rossmässler (Emil)...
Correspondence :Hunter (Cyrus) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Hunter (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Huppertz (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Irish (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Jacobi (Georg) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Jaeger (Hermann) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :James (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Jan (Giorgio) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Johnson (Alvin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Johnson (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Johnson (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Jones (Marcus) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Jonge van Ellemeet (Willem) and Engelmann (G...
Correspondence :Joor (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Keck (Karl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Kellerman (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Kellogg (Albert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Kendrick (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :King (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Kirtland (Jared) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Kleeberger (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Knieskern (Peter) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Koehne (Emil) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Koernicke (Friedrich) and Engelmann (George)...
Correspondence :Kraeft (J. Heinrich) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Kralik (Jean) and Engelmann (George).
Correspondence :Kunzé (Richard) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Küster (Karl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Labouret (J.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lamborn (Robert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lamson-Scribner (Frank) and Engelmann (Georg...
Correspondence :Laning (Enoch) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lapham (Increase) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lawson (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lea (Isaac) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lea (Mathew) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :LeConte (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Leggett (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Leiberg (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lemaire (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lemmon (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lennebacker (Helen) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lenormand (Sébastien) and Engelmann (George...
Correspondence :Leonhardi (Hermann) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :LeRoy (Peter) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lesquereux (Leo) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Letterman (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lincecum (Gideon) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lindheimer (Ferdinand) and Engelmann (George...
Correspondence :Lindley (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lloyd (Curtis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Logan (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lovering (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ludecus (Eduard) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Lüders (Friedrich) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ludwig (Otto) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Luerssen (Christian) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Maclure (Alexander) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Macoun (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Macrae (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Magnus (Paul) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mann (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mann (Horace) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Marchant (Mrs. John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Marcou (Jules) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Marshall (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Martindale (Isaac) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Martius (Karl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Masters (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Masters (Maxwell) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Maximowicz (Carl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mazyck (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :McAfee (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mead (Peter) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mead (Samuel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mears (Ellis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Medill (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Meehan (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Meek (Fielding) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Meier (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Meisel (Augustus) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mellichamp (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Menand (Louis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mettenius (Georg) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Meusebach (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Michler (Nathaniel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Millardet (Alexis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Miller (Frederick) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Millington (Lucy) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mitchell (Weir) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mohr (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Morse (Lucius) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Morton (Samuel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Motelay (Léonce) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mueller (Ferdinand) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Mü̈hlenpfordt (Friedrich) and Engelmann (Ge...
Correspondence :Muir (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Murtfeldt (Mary) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Naudin (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Nealley (Greenleaf) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Newberry (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Nicollet and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Norway (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Nuttall (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Oakes (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Oliver (Daniel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Olney (Stephen) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Orcutt (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Osten-Sacken (Carl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Owen (David) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Paine (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Palmer and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Parish (Samuel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Parker (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Parker (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Parlatore (Filippo) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Parry and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Parsons (Samuel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Pasch (Konrad) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Patski (Julius) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Patterson (Harry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Pazzani and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Pech (Frederick) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Peck (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Perry (Sarah) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Pfeiffer (Ludwig) and Engelmann (George), 18...
Correspondence :Pfersdorff (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Phoebus (Philipp) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Phoenix (F.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Picart (Philibert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Pike (Walter) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Plummer (Sara) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Porter (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Poselger (Heinrich) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Potts (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Poulsen (Christian) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Prang (Louis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Prantl (Karl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Prestele (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Pringle (Cyrus) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Probasco (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Puissant (Peter) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Purkyně (Emanuel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Putnam (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Putnam (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Putnam (Mary) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Radlkofer (Ludwig) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Rattan (Volney) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Rau (Eugene) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ravenel (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Raynolds (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Rebuffet (L.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Redfield (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Redfield (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Reed (Annie) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Regel (Eduard) and Engelmann (George), 1857-...
Correspondence :Reichenbach (Heinrich) and Engelmann (George...
Correspondence :Reihlen (Adolf) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Reinsch (Paul) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Reissek (Siegfried) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Retzdorff (Willy) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Reverchon (Julien) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Reynolds (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Reynolds (Mary) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Rhees (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Richardson (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Riddell (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ridgway (Robert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Riley (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ritter (Carl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Robbins (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Robins (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Robinson (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Robinson (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Roetter and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Rothrock and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Rudkin (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Rusby (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Sachs (Julius) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Saint Paul-Illaire (Ulrich) and Engelmann (G...
Correspondence :Salm-Reifferscheidt (Joseph) and Engelmann (...
Correspondence :Sander (Enno) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Sanford (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Saporta (Gaston) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Sargent (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Sartwell (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Saunders (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Saurman (Benjamin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Scarborough (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Schaffranek (Anton) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Scheele (Adolf) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Scheer (Frederick) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Schlechtendal (Diedrich) and Engelmann (Geor...
Correspondence :Schmelz (Martin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Schmidt (Moritz) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Schneck (Jacob) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Schott and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Schotte (C.H.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Schrenk (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Schultes (Julius) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Schultz (Carl) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Schultz (Friedrich) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Sclater (Philip) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Seeger (Moritz) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Seemann (Berthold) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Seitz (Franz) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Sencke (Ferdinand) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Senoner (Adolph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Shaffer (David) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Shaw (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Short (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Siebert (Selmar) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Siedhof (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Siler (Andrew) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Simpson (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Skinner (Francis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Slogett (H.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Smith (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Smith (Erwin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Smith (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Smith (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Smithsonian Institution and Engelmann (Georg...
Correspondence :Snyder (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Société nationale des sciences naturelles ...
Correspondence :Soulard (Benjamin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Soulard (Mary) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Stabler (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Stansbury (Howard) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Starck (Frederick) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Stelle (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Stevens (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Stevens (Isaac) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Stinde (Conrad) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Sturm (Johann) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Suksdorf (Wilhelm) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Sullivant (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Swallow (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Sweeny (Robert) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Swezey (Goodwin) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Syme (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Tatnall (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Thom (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Thomas (Friedrich) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Thompson (Jacob) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Thompson (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Thümen (Felix) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Thurber (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Thuret (Gustave) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Tischler (Otto) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Tittmann (Otto) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Todaro (Agostino) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Tommasini (Mutius) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Torrey and Engelmann,
Correspondence :Townsend (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Tracy (Samuel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Trelease (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Tuckerman (Edward) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Tweedy (Frank) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Uhlworm (Oskar) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ullman (Ludwig) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Underwood (Lucien) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :unidentified, 1858-1934.
Correspondence :Upham (Warren) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Urban (Ignaz) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Varrentrapp (Georg) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Vasey (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Veitch (James) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Veler (Boi) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Verschaffelt (Jean) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Viaud-Grand-Marais (Ambroise) and Engelmann ...
Correspondence :Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie. and Engelmann (Geo...
Correspondence :Walker (Francis) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Walker (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ward (Lester) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Warder (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Warren (Gouverneur) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Watson (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Watson (Sereno) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Watt (David) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Weber (Albert) and Engelmann (George Julius)...
Correspondence :Weber (C. E.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Weber (C.) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Weber (Frédéric Albert) and Engelmann (Geo...
Correspondence :Weigel (Theodor) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wheeler (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Whipple (Amiel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Whitney (Josiah) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wibbe (John) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Willis (Oliver) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wilson (Henry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wilson (Theodore) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wislizenus (Frederick) and Engelmann (George...
Correspondence :Wood (Alphonso) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wood (Kate) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wood (Thomas) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Woodruff (Israel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Woodward (Joseph) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Woolson (George) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Worthen (Amos) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wright (Charles) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wright (Samuel) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wright (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Wyman (Jeffries) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Yarrow (Harry) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Young (Maude) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Zantzinger (William) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Zeyher (Johann) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Ziz (Johann) and Engelmann (George),
Correspondence :Zwanziger (Gustav) and Engelmann (George),
Crŭÿde boeck :in den welcken die geheele historie dat es t...
Cruydt-boeck Remberti Dodonaei volghens sijne laetste verbet...
Cryptogamae vasculares Quitenses :adiectis specibus in aliis...
Cryptogamic botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. Discovery...
Culpeper's complete herbal :to which is now added, upwards o...
Culpeper's English physician and complete herbal :to which a...
A curious herbal :containing five hundred cuts, of the most ...
Curtis's botanical magazine.
The cyclopædia ;or, Universal dictionary of arts, sciences, ...
D. Io. Davidis Schoepf ... Materia medica americana potissim...
Das Distilierbuoch :das buoch der rechten kunst zu distilier...
Das entdeckte Geheimniss der Natur im Bau und in der Befruch...
Das mineralreich in bildern :naturhistorisch-technische besc...
Das Pflanzenreich :regni vegetablilis conspectus /herausgege...
De antholysi prodromus :dissertatio inauguralis phytomorphol...
De arbuto Uva ursi /praeside C.P. Thunberg ; auctor Chr. Sö...
De frvctibvs et seminibvs plantarvm /Josephvs Gaertner.
De galipea cusparia ...
De natuurlyke historie der versteeningen of uitvoerige afbee...
De nutritione plantarum.
De plantis a ̀diuis sanctisúe nomen habentibus :caput ex ma...
De plantis exoticis libri duo /Prosperi Alpini ... ; opus co...
De plantis venenatis ...
De simplicibus medicamentis ex occidentali India delatis quo...
De structura caudicis filicum arborearum /scripsit Hugo Mohl...
De tussilagine commentarii botanici.Joh. Gust. Haartman et A...
Decades plantarum novarum :præsertim ad floram Europae spect...
Decades specierum novarum florae Congolensis :(Coll. Dr J. B...
Delectus florae et faunae Brasiliensis :jussu et auspiciis F...
Delectus seminum horti botanici Academiae Veterinariae Brun...
Delectus seminum ... anno collectorum, quae Hortus Botanicus...
Delectus seminum anno ... (partin ac ... et ...) collectorum...
Delectus seminum anno ... collectorum.
Delectus seminum anno 1925 collectorum, quae permutation off...
Delectus seminum anno 1928 collectorum quae Hortus Botanicus...
Delectus seminum e collectione anni ... quae Hortus Botanicu...
Delectus seminum et sporarum Horti Botanici Catinensis.
Delectus seminum ex horto Cantabrigiensis Academiae ad mutua...
Delectus seminum fructuum quæ Hortus Botanicus Christianiens...
Delectus seminum horti botanici R. Universitatis Mutinensis.
Delectus seminum horti botanici Universitatis Camertinae.
Delectus seminum Horti Botanici Universitatis Oxoniensis.
Delectus seminum Hortus Botanicus Tergestinus pro mutua comm...
Delectus seminum in R. Horto Universitatis Ticinensis :anno ...
Delectus seminum plantarum anno ... collectorum /Hortus bota...
Delectus seminum quae Hortus Botanicus Academiae Agricultura...
Delectus seminum quae Hortus Botanicus Dnepropetrowskiensis ...
Delectus seminum quae hortus botanicus Erevanensis...
Delectus seminum quae Hortus Botanicus Tiflisiensis pro mutu...
Delectus seminum quae Hortus Botanicus Universitatis Ferrari...
Delectus seminum quae pro mutatione Hortus Botanicus Bakuens...
Delectus seminum que hortus Imp. et Reg. Belvedere :(Flora a...
Delectus sporarum-seminum-fructuum anno ... collectorum quae...
Delle cose che vengono portate dall'Indie Occidentali pertin...
Denkschrift über eine Reise nach Nord-Mexiko :verbunden mit...
Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Denkschriften der Königlich-Baierischen Botanischen Gesells...
Der Apothekergarten :Anleitung zur Kultur und Behandlung der...
Der Deutsche Gartenrat :Zentralblatt für die Fortbildung un...
Des applications de la botanique a la pharmacie /par J.-L. S...
Des hermodactes au point de vue botanique et pharmaceutique ...
Descriptio et adumbratio microscopico-analytica muscorum fro...
Descriptión de l'Égypte :recueil des observations et des r...
Description de l'Égypte:ou recueil des observations et des ...
Description des plantes de l'Amerique :avec leurs figures /p...
Description des plantes rares cultivees a Malmaison et a Nav...
Description of rare plants cultivated at Malmaison and Navar...
A description of the genus Cinchona:comprehending the variou...
A description of the genus Pinus :illustrated with figures, ...
Description of Victoria regia, or, Great water-lily of South...
Descriptions et figures des plantes nouvelles et rares :du J...
Descriptions of new species and genera of plants in the natu...
Descriptions of plants collected by William Gambel, M.D., in...
Descriptions of three hundred new species of South American ...
Descriptionum et iconum rariores et pro maxima parte novas p...
Deutsche botanische Monatsschrift :Organ für Floristen, Sys...
Deutschlands Jungermannien :in Abbildungen nach der Natur ge...
Diagnoses plantarum novarum vel minus cognitarum Mexicanarum...
Diccionario botánico de los nombres vulgares cubanos y puer...
A dictionary of mosses :an alphabetical listing of genera in...
A dictionary of scientific terms :pronunciation, derivation,...
Dictionnaire botanique et pharmaceutique, contenant les prin...
Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles,dans lequel on traite m...
Dictionnaire iconographique des orchidees :direction & redac...
Die aussereuropäischen Laubmoose /Beschrieben und gezeichne...
Die Bryophyten meiner zweiten Reise durch Bolivia.
Die Coniferen :nach Lambert, Loudon und Anderen /Frei bearbe...
Die Europaischen Laubmoose.
Die Flora der deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Südsee /von Ka...
Die königliche Wasserlilie Victoria Regia: ihre Geschichte,...
Die offizinellen Pflanzen und Drogen :eine systematische Üb...
Die Orchideen :ihre Beschreibung, Kultur und Züchtung. Hand...
Die Pflanzen und Thiere des tropischen America :ein Naturgem...
Die pflanzenwelt Ost-Afrikas und der nachbargebiete.Hrsg. un...
Die Saugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibun...
Die Schrift des Monardes über die Arzneimittel Americas :na...
Die Vegetation der Erde :Sammlung pflanzengeographischer Mon...
Diez anos de adiciones a la flora del Peru: 1993-2003 /Carme...
The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species...
Dionysii Ioncquet ... Hortus, sive, Index onomasticus planta...
Dispositio algarum Sueciae /cuctore Carolo Adolfo Agardh.
Dissertatio academica sistens iter in Chinam...
Dissertatio academica, de phalæna bombyce...
Dissertatio academica, in qua anthropomorpha..
Dissertatio botanica de erica ...
Dissertatio botanica de hermannia ...
Dissertatio botanica de palmis ...
Dissertatio botanica-medica sistens lignum Quassiae
Dissertatio de usu Menyanthidis trifoliatae ...
Dissertatio entomologica, bigas insectorum sistens...
Dissertationem physiologicam de venis resorbentibus
Dissertationes academicae Vpsaliae habitae svb praesidio Car...
Distribution méthodique de la famille des Graminées /par C...
An diversae variorum entium organicorum facultates ab organi...
Dr. Heinrich Felix Paulizky's Anleitung für Bürger und Lan...
Dreyhundert auserlesene amerikanische Gewächse nach Linneis...
Dve libri dell'historia de i semplici, aromati, et altre cos...
Eclogae americanae, seu, Descriptiones plantarum praesertim ...
Eden, or, A compleat body of gardening :containing plain and...
Edwards's botanical register.
El lenguaje de las flores y el de las frutas :con algunos em...
Elementa botanica :genera genuina, species naturales omnium ...
Elenchus plantarum novarum minusque cognitarum quas in itine...
Elenco dei duplicati di piante secche offerte in cambio dal ...
Embryologische Studien an Medusen. Ein Beitrag zur Genealogi...
Enchiridion fungorum in Europa media et praesertim in Gallia...
Encyclopédie méthodique. botanique.par M. Lamarck ... Cont...
Encyclopédie méthodique: botanique /Par m. le chevalier de...
English botany, or, Coloured figures of British plants /edit...
Ensayo para la materia medica Mexicana :arreglado por una co...
Entwurf einer Natürlichen Anordnung der Orchideen /von E. P...
Enumeracao das substancias Brazileiras :que podem promover a...
Enumeratio diagnostica cactearum hucusque cognitarum /auctor...
Enumeratio filicum :quas in itinere circa terram legit cl. A...
Enumeratio plantarum :in Japonia sponte crescentium hucusque...
Enumeratio plantarum Africae australis extratropicae :quae c...
Enumeratio plantarum Guatemalensium imprimis a H. de Tuerckh...
Enumeratio plantarum Horti regii botanici berolinensis alter...
Enumeratio plantarum Transsilvaniae :exhibens: stirpes phane...
Enumeratio plantarum Zeylaniae =An enumeration of Ceylon pla...
Enumeratio seminum in Horto Botanico Regii Musæi Florentini ...
Enumeratio seminum R. Horto Botanico Pisano ...
Enumeratio systematica plantarumquas in insulis Caribaeis vi...
Énumération des plantes indigènes de l'île de Tahiti :re...
Enumeration of the species of plants collected by Dr. C.C. P...
Epharmosis, sive, Materiae ad instruendam anatomiam systemat...
Erythea :a journal of botany, West American and general.
Essai d'un exposé géognostico-botanique de la flore du mon...
Essai d'une nouvelle agrostographie, ou, Nouveaux genres des...
Essai sur la géographie des plantes :accompagné d'un table...
Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des corallines, et d'autres p...
Essentials of vegetable pharmacognosy :a treatise on structu...
The ethnobotany of Aublet's histoire des plantes de la Guian...
The ethnobotany of the Kwanyama Ovambos /Robert J. Rodin.
Étude anatomique de quelques Graminées :et en particulier ...
Étude générale du groupe des euphorbiacées :recherche de...
Etudes et commentaires sur le code de L'Escluse :augmentés ...
Euricii Cordi, Simesusii medici, Botanologicon.
'Every man his own physician.'The vegetable family physician...
Examen classis dioeciae.
Examen classis monoeciae ...
Examen classis polygamiae ...
Exotic flora,containing figures and descriptions of new, rar...
Exotische schmetterlinge /von Dr. O. Staudinger und Dr. E. S...
Experimental and molecular approaches to plant biosystematic...
Experiments upon vegetables :discovering their great power o...
Exploration du territoire de l'Orégon, des Californies et d...
Explorations in the Dacota country, in the year 1855 /By Lie...
Exploring the arboretum magazine for the members of the Los ...
Extrait des m'emoires du Mus'ee royal d'histoire naturelle d...
Fabii Columnae Lyncei Minus cognitarum rariorumque nostro co...
Familles des plantes.Par M. Adanson.
The family flora and materia medica botanica :containing the...
The family herbal;or, An account of all those English plants...
Farlowia :a journal of cryptogamic botany.
Fauna cayanensis ...
Fauna surinamensis ...
Favorite wildflowers of the West Coast :portrayed on the Mon...
Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse /by Edward Step ....
The Fern gazette.
The ferns of British India :being figures and descriptions o...
The ferns of Great Britain and Ireland /by Thomas Moore ... ...
The ferns of Great Britain and Ireland /by Thomas Moore ; ed...
A Festschrift for William G. D'arcy :the legacy of a taxonom...
Field books /Steve Lee Timme.
Les fleurs animees /par J.-J. Grandville ; introductions par...
Fleurs, fruits et feuillages choisis de l'ille de Java :pein...
Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica :sive descriptiones plantarum :quas...
Flora Americae Septentrionalis :or, A systematic arrangement...
Flora atlantica :sive historia plantarum quae in Atlante, ag...
Flora australiensis:a description of the plants of the Austr...
Flora barbadensis :a catalogue of plants, indigenous, natura...
Flora boreali-americana :sistens caracteres plantarum quas i...
Flora boreali-americana, or, the botany of the northern part...
Flora Brasiliae meridionalis /auctore Augusto de Saint-Hilai...
Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenu...
Flora capensis :being a systematic description of the plants...
Flora Capensis :sistens plantas promontorii Bonae Spei Afric...
Flora Capensis :sistens plantas promontorii Bonæ Spei Africe...
Flora caroliniana :secundum systema vegetabilium perillustri...
Flora cochinchinensis :sistens plantas in regno Cochinchina ...
Flora cretica /auctore Michaele Gandoger.
Flora de Chile /por Cárlos Reiche.
Flora de Filipinas :segun el sistema sexual de Linneo /por e...
Flora de Nicaragua /W.D. Stevens ... [et al.] (editores).
Flora del Río Cenepa, Amazonas, Perú /editores: Rodolfo Va...
Flora der umgebung der stadt Sao Paulo in Brasilien /von dr....
Flora fluminensis.
Flora fossilis formationis oolithicae = Le piante fossili de...
Flora germanica excursoria ex affinitate regni vegetabilis n...
Flora gothoburgenesis.
The flora homoeopathica :or, illustrations and descriptions ...
Flora Indiae Occidentalis :aucta atque illustrata sive descr...
Flora indica :being a systematic account of the plants of Br...
Flora indica,or, Descriptions of Indian plants /by the late ...
Flora indica;or, Descriptions of Indian plants,by the late W...
Flora italiana :ossia, Descrizione delle piante che crescono...
Flora Javae et insularum adjacentium.scripsit Carolus Ludovi...
Flora Javae nec non insularum adjacentium /auctore Carolo Lu...
Flora mexicana /a Martino Sesse et Josepho Marianno Mociño ...
Flora mexicana /autoribus Martinus Sesse et Iosephus Mariann...
The flora of British India /By J. D. Hooker assisted by vari...
Flora of New Bedford and the shores of Buzzards Bay, with a ...
Flora of New Bedford and the shores of Buzzard's bay, with a...
Flora of Nigeria, Caryophyllales /by Shahina A. Ghazanfar.
A flora of North America :containing abridged descriptions o...
Flora of Panama :checklist and index /W.G. D'Arcy.
Flora of the British West Indian islands /by A.H.R. Grisebac...
Flora of the four corners region :vascular plants of the San...
Flora of the Hawaiian islands :a description of their phaner...
A flora of the liverworts and hornworts of New Zealand /John...
Flora of the Rocky Mountains and adjacent plains, Colorado, ...
Flora of the southeastern United States;being descriptions o...
Flora of the southern United States:containing abridged desc...
A flora of the state of New-York :comprising full descriptio...
Flora of the U.S.S.R. /Botanicheskii institut Akademii nauk ...
Flora of tropical Africa /by Daniel Oliver ... assisted by o...
Flora Peruviana, et Chilensis, sive, Descriptiones et icones...
Flora Pyrenaea per ordines naturales gradatim digesta /P. Bu...
Flora taurico-caucasica exhibens stirpes phaenogamas :in Che...
Flora van Nederlandsch Indië /door F. A. W. Miquel.
Flora vitiensis :a description of the plants of the Viti or ...
Flora oder Botanische Zeitung :welche Recensionen, Abhandlun...
Flora, seu, De florum cultura, or, A complete florilege :fur...
Florae Austriacae, sive, Plantarum selectarum in Austriae ar...
Florae Columbiae :terrarumque adiacentium specimina selecta ...
Florae fluminensis, seu, Descriptionum plantarum praefectura...
Florae fluminensis, seu, Descriptionum plantarum praefectura...
Florae Japonicae familiae naturales :adjectis generum et spe...
Florae Peruvianae et Chilensis prodromus, sive, Novorum gene...
Florae Senegambiae tentamen,seu, Historia plantarum in diver...
Flora's dictionary /by Mrs. E.W. Wirt.
Flore de l'Île de la Réunion.par E. Jacob de Cordemoy.
Flore de Madagascar et des Comores : plantes vasculaires / p...
Flore d'Egypte :explanation des planches /par M. Delile.
Flore des Antilles, ou, Histoire général botanique, rurale...
Flore des environs de Paris : ou distribution mèthodique de...
Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe :ou descriptions...
Flore du département des Hautes-Pyrénées (publiée pour la pr...
Flore du Kouy Tcheou :copie conforme /par H. Léveillé.
La flore et la pomone francaises :histoire et figure en coul...
Flore forestière :illustrée arbres et arbustes du centre d...
Flore forestière de la Cochinchine /par L. Pierre.
Flore françoise, ou, Description succincte de toutes les pla...
Flore générale de l'Indo-Chine /publiée sous la direction...
Flore médicale /décrite par MM. Chaumeton, Poiret, Chamber...
Flore médicale /décrite par MM. Chaumeton, Poiret, Chamber...
Flore médicale des Antilles, ou, Traité des plantes usuell...
The florist :containing sixty plates of the most beautiful f...
The florist, or, An extensive and curious collection of flow...
Floristics for the 21st century :proceedings of the workshop...
Florula ceilanica ...
Flórula de las reservas biológicas de Iquitos, Perú :Allp...
Flórula del Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu, Amazonas, Co...
Florula javanica ...
Florulae insularum Australium :prodromus /auctore Georgio Fo...
Florum, et coronarianum odoratarumque nonnullarum herbarum h...
Folia orchidacea :An enumeration of the known species of orc...
Forest flora of British Burma /By S. Kurz.
The forest resources of the territories of Papua and New Gui...
Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-selskabet i Christiania.
The fossil history of the Juglandaceae /Steven R. Manchester...
Fragmenta botanica, figuris coloratis illustrata :ab anno 18...
Fragmenta phytographiæ Australiæ /contulit Ferdinandus Muell...
Fragments on the theory and practice of landscape gardening ...
Frider. Guil. Wallroth :Annus botanicus, sive supplementum t...
Frumentorum, Leguminum, palustrium et aquatilium herbarum,ac...
The Gardeners' chronicle :a weekly illustrated journal of ho...
The Gardeners' chronicle and agricultural gazette.
The Gardeners' chronicle.
The gardeners dictionary :containing the best and newest met...
The gardeners' magazine.
The gardens of Italy,by Charles Latham; with descriptions by...
Gartenflora :Monatschrift für deutsche und schweizerische ...
Gedichte /von A. Wislizenus. Seinen Freunden zum Andenken vo...
The genera and species of orchidaceous plants /by John Lindl...
Genera Aroidearum exposita.
Genera et species muscorum systematice disposita ; seu, adum...
Genera et species orchidearum novarum quas collegit, descrip...
Genera muscorum frondosorum.Classes schistocarporum, cleisto...
Genera of European and Northamerican Bryineae (Mosses) /syno...
The genera of North American plants, and a catalogue of the ...
The genera of plants /By Richard Anthony Salisbury ... A fra...
The genera of the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae) /Robert Merril Ki...
Genera plantarum :ad exemplaria imprimis in Herberiis Kewens...
Genera plantarum :eorumque characteres naturales secundum nu...
Genera plantarum :eorumque characteres naturales, secundum n...
Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita /aucto...
Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita (suppl...
Genera, species et synonyma Candolleana :alphabetico ordine ...
General catalogue.
A general history of the dichlamydeous plants :comprising co...
Generis Cuscutae species secundum ordinem systematicum dispo...
Genmäle med anledning af Sällskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fe...
The genus Isoëtes in North America /by George Engelmann.
The genus Masdevallia /issued by the Marquess of Lothian, ch...
The genus Parathesis of the Myrsinaceae.
The genus Phoradendron :a monographic revision.
Geography and geology of the region including Cape Cod, the ...
George Engelmann :Alphabetic indices to Cactaceae species
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 1
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 10 : Phyllocactus, Diso...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 11 : Opuntia
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 12 : Opuntia
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 13 : Opuntia
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 14 : Pereskia, Mammilla...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 15 : Cactaceae
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 16 : Cactaceae manuscri...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 17 : Onagraceae, Loasac...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 18 : Gentianaceae
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 19 : Asclepiadaceae, Ap...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 2 : Vitis
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 20 : Cuscuta
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 21 : Cuscuta
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 22 : Cuscuta
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 23 : Cuscuta
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 24 : Cuscuta
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 25 : Cuscuta
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 26 : Cuscuta
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 27 : Nyctagineae, Cheno...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 28 : Quercus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 29 : Quercus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 3 : Sapindaceae, Anacar...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 30 : Quercus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 31 : Euphorbiaceae, Eup...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 32: Euphorbia
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 33: Euphorbia
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 34: Euphorbia
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 35: Arceuthobium
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 36 : Hydrocharitaceae, ...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 37 : Agavaceae
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 38 : Yucca (Agavaceae)
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 39 : Yucca (Agavaceae)
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 4 : Callitrichaceae
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 40 : Juncus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 41 : Juncus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 42 : Juncus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 43 : Juncus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 44 : Juncus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 45 : Polyanthus, Sagitt...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 46 : Coniferae (Pinacea...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 47 : Coniferae (Pinacea...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 48 : Coniferae (Pinacea...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 49 : Pinus (Pinaceae)
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 5 : Mammilaria, Leuchte...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 50 : Pinus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 51 : Pinus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 52 : Pinus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 53 : Pinus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 54 : Picea
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 55 : Abies
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 56 : Abies
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 57 : Juniperus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 58 : Ephedra and Equise...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 59 : Isoetes
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 6 : Echinocactus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 60 : Characeae, Fungi, ...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 7 : Echinocactus, Echin...
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 8 : Cereus
George Engelmann :botanical notebook 9 : Echinocereus, Cereu...
George Engelmann :Miscellaneous notes
George Engelmann :Printed works
Geraniologia :seu, E̲r̲o̲d̲i̲i̲, P̲e̲l̲a̲r̲g̲o̲n̲i̲i̲, G̲e̲r...
Gesamtbeschreibung der Kakteen (Monographia cactacearum) /vo...
Gladiolus ...
Global patterns of plant diversity :Alwyn H. Gentry's forest...
Glossarium polyglottum bryologiae =A multilingual glossary f...
Gramineae Chilenses /auctore Em. Desvaux.
Granskning af de till Thymelaearum växtordning hörande sla...
Grasses of the Southwest :plates and descriptions of the gra...
Grundriss der Kräuterkunde zu Vorlesungen /entworfen von Ca...
Guide to the Ewan papers /compiled by: Douglas Holland, Mart...
Guidebook of the western United States.
Gulielmi Pisonis ... De Indiae utriusque re naturali et medi...
Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung.
Handbuch der Cacteenkunde in ihrem ganzen Umfange, oder, Die...
Handbuch der Kakteenkultur :kurze Beschreibung der meisten g...
Handbuch der medicinisch-pharmaceutischen Botanik /nach den ...
Handleiding tot de kennis der flora van Nederlandsch Indië....
Handwörterbuch der Pharmakognosie des Pflanzenreichs /herau...
The Harmsworth universal atlas and gazetteer.
The Herball, or, Generall historie of plantes /gathered by J...
The herball, or, Generall historie of plantes /gathered by J...
Herbariones upsalienses...:quas...sub praesidio viri nobilis...
Herbarium amboinense :plurimas conplectens arbores, frutices...
Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum et auctum, id est, Elisab...
The herbarium of Ferdinand Lindheimer.
The herbarium of Josiah Gregg.
Herbarivm Oth. Brvnfelsii ... exacto tandem studio, opera & ...
Herbarum vivae eiconeb [sic] ad naturȩ imitationem,summa cu...
Herbarum vivae eicones ad naturae imitationem,summa cum dili...
Hesperides, sive, De malorvm avreorvm cvltvra et vsv libri q...
Hesperidum Norimbergensium, sive, De malorum citreorum, limo...
Hippocratis coi medicorum omnium longe principis, opera quae...
Histoire botanique et thérapeutique des Gentianacées emplo...
Histoire des drogues d'origine végétale /par F.-A. Flücki...
Histoire des plantes /par H. Baillon.
Histoire des plantes de la Guiane Francoise :rangées suivan...
Histoire des roses /par Charles Malo ; ornée de 12 planches...
Histoire des simples médicamens apportés de l'Amerique, de...
Histoire naturelle des perroquets /par François Levaillant ...
Histoire naturelle des plantes /par H. Baillon.
Histoire naturelle des plantes mousses /par F. Renauld et J....
Histoire naturelle des tangaras, des manakins et des todiers...
Histoire naturelle des végétaux :Phanerogames /par Édouard S...
Histoire particulière des plantes Orchidées recueillies su...
Histoire universelle du règne végétal, ou nouveau diction...
Historia filicum :an exposition of the nature, number and or...
Historia fisica y politica de Chile segun documentos adquiri...
Historia fisica, politica y natural de la isla de Cuba.
Historia general de las Indias /[...capitan Honçalo Hernand...
Historia general y natural de las Indias, islas y tierrafirm...
Historia naturalis Brasiliae ... :in qua non tantum plantae ...
Historia naturalis palmarum :opus tripartium / Carol. Frid. ...
Historical address on the early exploration and settlement o...
A history of British ferns /by Edward Newman.
A history of British fossil reptiles /by Sir Richard Owen.
The history of succulent plants: ...=Historia plantarum succ...
A history of the aggregates, or cluster-headed plants:compre...
History of the vegetable drugs of the Pharmacopeia of the Un...
Hooker's journal of botany and Kew Garden miscellany.
Horae physicae Berolinenses :collectae ex symbolis virorum d...
Horti medici amstelodamensis rariorum tam Orientalis :quàm ...
Horti upsaliensis plantæ cultæ 1780-1800.
Horti upsaliensis plantæ cultæ ab initio sæculi ...
Horticulture for the home gardener /County of Los Angeles, D...
Hortus Berolinensis :sive icones et descriptiones, plantarum...
Hortus Botanicus Batumensis :delectus seminum.
Hortus botanicus panormitanus :sive Plantae novae vel critic...
Hortus botanicus vindobonensis, seu, Plantarum rariorum, qua...
Hortus Cliffortianus :plantas exhibens quas in hortis tam vi...
Hortus Europae americanus, or, A collection of 85 curious tr...
Hortus Eystettensis, sive, Diligens et accurata omnium plant...
Hortus gramineus Woburnensis :or, an account of the results ...
Hortus Herrenhusanus :seu Plantae rariores quae in Horto Reg...
Hortus Indicus Malabaricus :continens regni Malabarici apud ...
Hortus Kewensis, or, A catalogue of the plants cultivated in...
Hortus Mauritianus :ou enumeration des plantes, exotiques et...
Hortus Peruvanius medicinalis, or, The South-Sea herbal :con...
Hortus Romanus juxta systema Tournefortianum /paulo strictiu...
Howell's Pacific coast plants.
Hoya pollinaria :a photographic study.
Les Hyménomycètes, ou, Description de tous les champignons...
Hymenophyllaceae :eine botanische Abhandlung /von Karl B. Pr...
Iacobi Grevini Claromontani Bellovaci Parisiensis medici ......
Icones Farlowianae :illustrations of the larger Fungi of eas...
Icones filicum ad eas potissimum species illustrandas destin...
Icones pictae plantarum rariorum descriptionibus et observat...
Icones plantarum or figures, with brief descriptive characte...
Icones plantarum cryptogamicarum :quas in itinere annis MDCC...
Icones plantarum incognitarum quas in India Occidentali :Fas...
Icones plantarum Indiae Orientalis :or figures of Indian pla...
Icones plantarum Indiae Orientalis :or Plates and descriptio...
Icones plantarum medico-oeconomico-technologicarum cum earum...
Icones plantarum novarum vel imperfecte cognitarum floram Ro...
Icones plantarum rariorum /delineavit et in aes incidit Henr...
Icones plantarum rariorum /editae Nicolao Josepho Jacquin.
Icones pleurothallidinarum /Carlyle A. Luer.
Icones selectae plantarum quas in systemate universali :ex h...
Icones stirpium, seu, Plantarum tam exoticarum, quam indigen...
Iconografia comparata delle ossa fossili del gabinetto di st...
Iconographie descriptive des cactées, ou, Essais systémati...
Iconographie du genre Camellia, ou, Description et figures d...
Ideen zu einer Geographie der Pflanzen :nebst einem Naturgem...
Illustrated descriptive catalogue of American grape vines :a...
Illustrated descriptive catalogue of American grape-vines :w...
The illustrated dictionary of gardening :a practical and sci...
An illustrated flora of the Pacific states :Washington, Oreg...
Illustratio in hortum siccum Andreae Caesalpini.
L'Illustration horticole :journal spećial des serres et des...
An illustration of the genus Cinchona :comprising descriptio...
Illustrations of Australian plants collected in 1770 during ...
Illustrations of Himalayan plants :chiefly selected from dra...
Illustrations of Indian botany :or figures illustrative of e...
Illustrations of medical botany :consisting of coloured figu...
Illustrations of orchidaceous plants /by Francis Bauer; with...
Illustrations of South American Plants /by John Miers,
Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the natura...
Illustrierte Zeitschrift fur Entomologie.
Illustriertes Handbuch der Laubholzkunde :Charakteristik der...
In hoc volumine continentur insignium medicorum :Ioan. Serap...
In hoc volumine continentur Valerii Cordi ... Annotationes i...
Index bryologicus sive, Enumeratio muscorum hucusque cognito...
Index filicum,sive, Enumeratio omnium generum specierumque f...
Index of mosses :a catalog of the names and citations for ne...
Index of mosses :a catalog of the names and citations for ne...
Index of mosses :a catalog of the names and citations for ne...
Index of mosses :a catalog of the names and citations for ne...
Index of mosses :a catalog of the names and citations for ne...
Index seminarii Horti Botanici Hamburgensis.
Index seminum e plantis spontaneis et cultis, quae hortus bo...
Index seminum Horti Botanici Almaatensis Academiae Scientiar...
Index seminum horti botanici Namnetum.
Index seminum horti botanici Olomucensis (Olmütz).
Index seminum Horti Botanici Scholæ Polytehnicæ Olisiponensi...
Index Seminum horti regii Botanici Acadici Conimbricensis .....
Index seminum horti regii botanici Panormitani ann. ... quae...
Index seminum in hortis Musei Parisiensis anno ... collector...
Index seminum in Horto Botanico Berolinensi... collectorum.
Index seminum in horto botanico Scholae Superioris Agronomic...
Index seminum in Horto Botanico Universitatis Carolinae Prag...
Index seminum in horto botanico universitatis Debreceniensis...
Index Seminum in Horto Botanico Universitatis Imperialis Cha...
Index seminum in Horto Regio Neapolitano anno ... collectoru...
Index Seminum in R. Athenaei Messanensis horto anno ... lect...
Index seminum in R. Horto Botanico Senensi anno ... collecto...
Index Seminum in R. Orto Botanico Calaritano ac per Sardinia...
Index seminum in regio horto botanico universitatis Parmensi...
Index seminum quae Askania Nova (sectio botanica) pro mutua ...
Index seminum quae hortus botanicus Barcinonensis mutua comm...
Index seminum quae ineunte anno ... pro mutua commutatione H...
Index seminum quae Institutus Dendrologicus Brunensis pro mu...
Index seminum Regii Horti Botanici Genuensis.
Index seminum.
Index seminum.
Index to plant chromosome numbers.
Indice da Flora fluminensis /por Mário Cruz.
The indigenous trees of the Hawaiian Islands /by Joseph F. R...
Infra videte nomina seminum ex horto Warley lectorum, quae n...
Insectivorous plants /by Charles Darwin.
Introductio ad historiam naturalem sistens genera lapidum, p...
Inventory of Henry Shaw Papers.
Io. Christ. Polyc. Erxleben Phil. D. ... Systema regni anima...
Ioannis Guintherii Andernaci medici Commentarius de balneis,...
Ioyfullnewes out of the new-found uuorlde :wherein are decla...
Iris ...
Ivan M. Johnston's Studies in the Boraginaceae /James S. Mil...
Ixia :quam dissertatione botanica delineatam, cons. experien...
Izvi͡estīi͡a Imperatorskoĭ akademīi nauk =Bulletin de l'A...
J. C. Röhlings Deutschlands Flora /Nach einem veränderten ...
J.M. Nickell's botanical ready reference :especially designe...
Jahrbuch der hamburgischen wissenschaftlichen Anstalten.
Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubündens...
Jahreshefte des Vereins für Vaterländische Naturkunde in W...
Le jardin du Roy tres chrestien, Loys XIII, Roy de France et...
Jardin-des-plantes de la ville de Bordeaux.Catalogue des gra...
Java :deszelfs gedaante, bekleeding en inwendige structuur /...
Java :seine Gestalt, Pflanzendecke und innere Bauart /von Fr...
Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft.
John Charles Frémont :botanical explorer /Stanley L. Welsh.
Josephi Pitton Tournefort ... Institutiones rei herbariæ.
Josephi Quercetani medici Sclopetarius, sive, De curandis vu...
Journal and proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wa...
Journal de la navigation autour du globe, de la frégate La ...
Journal et flore des jardins.
Journal of botany :being a second series of the Botanical mi...
Journal of botany, British and foreign.
Journal of ethnobiology.
Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
Journal of the Arnold Arboretum.
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.
The journal of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial U...
Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums.
The Journal of the Linnean Society.
Journal of the New York Botanical Garden.
A journal of the proceedings of Mr. James Bowie and Mr. Alla...
Journal of the proceedings of the Linnean Society.
Journal of the society for the preservation of the wild faun...
Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.
Journey to Abyssinia in the provinces of Tigré, Samen, and ...
A journey to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1839 /by F. A. ...
Kansas University quarterly.
Katalog rasteniĭ predlagaemykh v obmen Azerbaĭdzhanskim ge...
Katalog si͡emi͡an Tiflisskago botanicheskago sada =Delectus ...
Khawa karpo :Tibetan traditional knowledge and biodiversity ...
Kir. Magyar Pázmány Péter Tudomanyegyetemi Növénykertbe...
Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mi...
Kräuterbuch :unsere Heilpflanzen in Wort und Bild /herausge...
Kreüter Buch :darinn underscheidt Namen unnd Würckung der ...
Kreüter Buch, darin Underscheid, Würckung und Namen der Kr...
Kreüterbuch contrafayt vollkummen nach rechter warer beschr...
Kreuterbůch von natürlichem Nutz und gründtlichem Gebrauc...
Kruydtboeck oft beschrÿuinghe van allerleye ghewassen, kruy...
La Semaine horticole et guide des cultures coloniales.
La Semaine horticole et revue des cultures coloniales.
La Semaine horticole.
The ladyslipper and I /G. Ledyard Stebbins ; edited by Victo...
Lake Nyasa climatic region :floristic checklist /Roy E. Gere...
The Language of flowers.
Lasca leaves.
LASCA miscellanea.
Lasca News.
Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic history of Latin American veget...
LATMOSS, a catalogue of neotropical mosses /Claudio Delgadil...
Lauracées de Chine et l'Indo-Chine.
Le Naturaliste :journal des échanges et des nouvelles.
Leaflets of botanical observation and criticism /by Edward L...
Leaflets of Philippine botany.
Lehrbuch der Botanik /von Gottl. Wilhelm Bischoff ; mit 16 l...
Lehrbuch der Botanik.von Gottl. Wilhelm Bischoff.
Leopoldina :Amtliches Organ der Kaiserlich Leopoldinisch-Car...
Letters of Asa Gray,ed. by Jane Loring Gray ...
Lexicon generum phanerogamarum inde ab anno MDCCXXXVII :cum ...
Les liliacees /par P.J. Redoute.
Lindenia :Iconographie des orchidées /directeur, J. Linden ...
Lindenia :iconography of orchids /conducted by J. Linden [et...
Linnaea:Ein Journal für die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange...
The Linnaean fern bulletin :devoted to the scientific study ...
Linnaeus, Nuttall and Gray :dedication of marble busts erect...
List ... of plants for distribution and exchange during ...
List of a collection of dried plants made by L.J. Xantus, at...
List of British ferns and their varieties /compiled by P. Ne...
List of hardy plants and seeds offered for exchange by the G...
List of plants collected by Emanuel Samuels, in Sonoma Count...
List of plants collected in Nevada and Utah, 1867-'69 :numbe...
List of seeds available for exchange.
List of seeds available for exchange.
List of seeds collected during ...
List of seeds for exchange 1938.
List of seeds for exchange.
List of seeds for exchange.
List of seeds of hardy herbaceous plants and of trees and sh...
List of seeds offered in exchange by A.C. Bartholomew, Park ...
List of seeds offered in exchange.
List of seeds.
Liste der Nutz- und Nahrungspflanzen der systematischen Samm...
Liste des graines distribuées à titre d'échange pour l'an...
Liste des graines et des plantes récoltées en ... offertes...
Liste des graines offertes a titre d'éxchange.
Literaturberichte zur Flora, oder, Allgemeinen botanischen Z...
Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio...
The London journal of botany :containing figures and descrip...
Loudon's Hortus britannicus.A catalogue of all the plants in...
Lunds universitets årsskrift.
Malpighia :rassegna mensuale di botanica.
Managing human-dominated ecosystems :proceedings of the symp...
Mantissa in volumen primum [-tertium] :Systematis vegetabili...
Manual de plantas de Costa Rica /B.E. Hammel ... [et al.] ed...
A manual of the botany of the northern United States,from Ne...
A manual of the flora of northern Idaho /Carl Epling and Joe...
Manual of the southeastern flora :being descriptions of the ...
Manuel des plantes médicinales :ou description, usage et cu...
Marcelli Malpighii ... Opera omnia, seu, Thesaurus locupleti...
Martini Vahlii, profess. botan. Haun. membr. societ. lit. pl...
The materia medica of the Hindus /by Uday Chand Dutt ; with ...
Matthiae de L'Obel M.D. Botanographic Regii eximii Stirpium ...
Meals medicinal :with "herbal simples, " (of edible parts) c...
Mededeelingen van 's Rijks Herbarium.
Medical and oeconomical botany /by John Lindley.
Medical botany /by William Trelease.
Medical botany :containing systematic and general descriptio...
Medical botany: containing systematic and general descriptio...
Medical flora, or, Manual of the medical botany of the Unite...
Medicinal herbs and poisonous plants /by David Ellis.
Medicinal plants :an illustrated and descriptive guide to pl...
Medicinalflora :eine Einführung in die allgemeine und angew...
Medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik :ein Handbuch für Deuts...
Meletemata botanica /auctoribus Henrico Schott & Stephano En...
Memoir of a tour to northern Mexico :connected with Col. Don...
Mémoire sur quelques espèces de Cactées :nouvelles ou peu...
Mémoires /Société botanique de France.
Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Acad...
Mémoires couronnés et mémoires des savants etrangers / p...
Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg.
Mémoires de la Société des sciences naturelles de Neuchat...
Mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et...
Memoirs : Australian Museum.
Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum /Carnegie Institute.
Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard Coll...
Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club.
Memorias de Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa.
Memorias y revista de la Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate...
Memorie della Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bolog...
Memorie della Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino
Mesembrianthemen :Tauschliste.
Metamorphosis naturalis : ofte historische beschryvinghe va...
Methodus nova muscorum : ad naturae normam melius instituta ...
Methodus plantas horti botanici et agri Marburgensis :a stam...
Mexicanas plantas nuper a collectoribus expeditionis scienti...
Micrographia, or, Some physiological descriptions of minute ...
Midden-Sumatra :reizen en onderzoekingen der Sumatra-expedit...
Missouri Botanical Garden bulletin.
Missouri Botanical Garden invites you to know our trees.
The Missouri Botanical Gardens /by Henry V. [sic] Clarke.
Missouri wildflowers of the St. Louis area /by Erna R. Eisen...
Mitchell's new general atlas :containing maps of the various...
Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München.
Mitteilungen der Deutschen dendrologischen gesellschaft.
Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern.
Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steie...
Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steie...
Mittheilungen aus dem K. Zoologischen Museum zu Dresden.
Modern systematic studies in African botany :proceedings of ...
Molecular systematics of bryophytes /Bernard Goffinet, Victo...
Mollusca & shells /by Augustus A. Gould ... ; with an atlas ...
Monandrian plants of the order Scitamineae :chiefly drawn fr...
Monatsschrift des Vereines zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues ...
Monatsschrift des Vereines zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues ...
Monografia del arbol de Santa Maria del Tule /escrita por Ca...
A monograph of Odontoglossum by James Bateman.
A monograph of the genus D̲r̲y̲o̲p̲t̲e̲r̲i̲s̲ /by Carl Chris...
A monograph of the genus Lilium /by Henry John Elwes ; illus...
A monograph of the Pittidæ, or family of ant-thrushes.By Dan...
A monograph of the Turdidae, or, Family of thrushes /by Henr...
Monograph on the sub-oceanic physiography of the North Atlan...
A monograph on the subordo v of Amaryllideae, containing the...
Monographia Melastomacearum : continens plantas huius ordini...
Monographiæ phanerogamarum :Prodromi nunc continuatio, nunc ...
Monographie de la famille des cactées :comprenant la synony...
Monographie der Papageien :oder, Vollständige Naturgeschich...
Monographie des picidées, ou Histoire naturelle des picidé...
Moss flora of Central America /Bruce Allen, with contributio...
Mousses de l'Oubangui /par R. Potier de la Varde.
Mousses du Gabon /par R. Potier de la Varde.
The musci and hepaticae of the United States east of the Mis...
The musci and hepaticae of the United States east of the Mis...
Musci Austro-Americani /G. Mitten.
Musci exotici :containing figures and descriptions of new or...
Musci frondosi inediti archipelagi indici :sive descriptio e...
Muscologia recentiorum seu analysis, historia et descriptio ...
Muscologiae recentiorum supplementum seu species muscorum...
Museo di piante rare della Sicilia, Malta, Corsica, Italia, ...
Museum botanicum Lugduno-Batavum, sive, Stirpium exoticarum ...
Museum museorum, oder, Vollständige Schau-Bühne aller Mate...
Nachtrag zum Samen-Verzeichnis vom Jahre 1930 des Städtisch...
Nachträge zur Flora der deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Süd...
Nachträge zur Medicinisch-pharmaceutischen Botanik /von Got...
Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea in the...
Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in th...
Narrative of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains...
Narrative of the United States exploring expedition.During t...
Nat. Jos. de Necker, botan. ... Corollarium ad Philos. botan...
The natural history of Barbados :In ten books.
The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Isl...
The natural history of the rarer lepidopterous insects of Ge...
The natural history of the tea-tree :with observations on th...
The Naturalist.
A naturalist's wanderings in the Eastern archipelago :a narr...
Naturgeschichte der Vögel Mitteleuropas.
Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreichs :mit 601 Abbildungen auf ...
Naturgeschichte des Thier-, Pflanzen-, und Mineralreichs.
Naturgetreue Abblidungen und Beschreibungen der essbaren, sc...
Naturhistorische Reise nach der westindischen Insel Hayti :a...
Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach Mossambique :auf befehl Se...
Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië / uitgegev...
Natuurlyke historie, of, Uitvoerige beschryving der dieren, ...
Nederlandsch kruidkundig archief.
Nederlantze hesperides : dat is, Oeffening en gebruik van de...
Neu vollkommen Kräuter-buch :Darinnen über 3000. Kräuter ...
Neue allgemeine deutsche Garten- und Blumenzeitung.
Neuw vollkommentlich Kreuterbuch :mit schönen und kunstlich...
A new arrangement of phanerogamous plants :with especial ref...
A new herball, or, Historie of plants :wherein is contained ...
New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeu...
New Kreüterbuch :mit den allerschönsten und artlichsten Fi...
New principles of gardening, or, The laying out and planting...
New tracks in North America :a journal of travel and adventu...
New vollkommenlich Kräuter-Buch :mit schönen und künstlic...
The new water weed :Anacharis alsinastrum, some account of i...
News /California Arboretum Foundation.
News from the Arboretum of Los Angeles County.
News from the LA County Botanic Garden.
Newsletter /British Pteridological Society.
Newsletter Arboreta and Botanic Gardens..
Newsletter California Arboretum Foundation.
Nicolai Josephi Jacquin Selectarum stirpium Americanarum his...
Nicolai Thomae Host ... Icones et descriptiones graminum aus...
A nievve herball, or, Historie of plantes :wherein is contay...
Niger flora;or, An enumeration of the plants of western trop...
Noctiluca marina...
Nomenclator aquatilium animantium. Icones animalium aquatili...
Nomenclator botanicus :enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina a...
Nomenclator botanicus, seu, Synonymia plantarum universalis ...
A nomenclator of Mexican and Central American Rubiaceae /Dav...
Nomenclature et iconographie des cannelliers et camphriers /...
North American flora
Note sur la distribution géographique de quelques plantes e...
Notes botaniques :Sapotacees /par L. Pierre.
Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.
Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, i...
Notes of a military reconnoissance :from Fort Leavenworth, i...
Notes on Irish natural history :more especially ferns /by Ed...
Notes on tea in Darjeeling /by a planter.
Notes on the Cereus giganteus of south eastern California, a...
Notes taken during the expedition commanded by Capt. R. B. M...
Notiser ur Sällskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica förhandl...
Notulae systematicae.
Nouveaux documents sur l'histoire des plantes cryptogames et...
Nouvelles archives du Muséum d'histoire naturelle.
Nova acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanica...
Nova genera & species plantarum, seu, Prodromus descript...
Nova genera ac species plantarum, quas in regno Chilensi Per...
Nova genera et species plantarum :quas in itinere per Brasil...
Nova genera et species plantarum :quas in peregrinatione ad ...
Nova genera plantarum /Auctore Henrico Adolpho Schrader. Par...
Nova genera plantarum...
Novae Hollandiae plantarum specimen /auctore Jacobo-Juliano ...
Novae plantarum species praesertim Indiae orientalis :Ex col...
Novarum stirpium :brasiliensium decades /auctore Joanne Casa...
Novon :a journal of botanical nomenclature from the Missouri...
Novon a journal of botanical nomenclature from the Missouri ...
Novorum actorum Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Ger...
Numerical list of dried specimens of plants in the Museum of...
Observationes botanicae :quibus consentiente Ampliss. Philos...
Observationes botanicae :quibus plantae Indiae Occidentalis ...
Observationes botanicae :sex fasciculis comprehensae /Andrea...
Observations sur les graminees de la flore belgique /par B.C...
Occasional papers of the Boston Society of Natural History.
Occasional papers of the Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Bot...
Oeuvres d'histoire naturelle et de philosophie de Charles Bo...
Les Ombellifères :contributions pluridisciplinaires à la s...
On the Apocynaceae of South America :with some preliminary r...
On the Darlingtonia californica, a new pitcher-plant from no...
On the geology and natural history of the upper Missouri :Be...
On the medical properties of the natural order Ranunculaceae...
On Welwitschia :a new genus of Gnetaceae /by Joseph Dalton H...
Opera posthuma :figuris aeneis illustrata, quibus praefixa e...
Orchid album :comprising coloured figures and descriptions o...
The Orchid review.
The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala.
Orchidacearum genera et species /exposuit Fritz Kraenzlin.
Orchidophile;journal des amateurs d'orchideés.
Orchids :the royal family of plants /with illustrations from...
Orchids of Guatemala :a revised annotated checklist /Margare...
Orchids of Panama :a facsimile reprint of the Orchidaceae, F...
Orchis :Monatsschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orchid...
Ord. Aroideae. G.9 Anthurium Schott (supplem. III)
Ornithologia methodice digesta, atque iconibus aeneis ad viv...
Österreichische botanische Zeitschrift.
Otia botanica Hamburgensia :Fasciculus primus [-secundus, pa...
Outlines of lectures on materia medica and botany :delivered...
Outlines of medical botany :comprising vegetable anatomy and...
Oxalis :Monographia iconibus illustrata /Autore Nicolao Jose...
Oxalis,quam dissertatione botanica ...
P. Dioscoridae pharmacorum simplicium reiq[ue] medicae libri...
Page's prodromus :as a general nomenclature of all the plant...
Palaeontographica Americana.
Paleobotany and biogeography :a festschrift for Alan Graham ...
Papers and proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania.
Papers on pollination.
Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris, or, A garden of all s...
The paradisus londinensis:or coloured figures of plants cult...
Pauli Aeginetae Pharmaca simplicia /Othone Brunfelsio interp...
Paulus Roetter sketchbook on pines and cactus,
Paxton's flower garden /by Professor Lindley and Sir Joseph ...
Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei, De medicinali materia libri s...
Personal narrative of explorations and incidents in Texas, N...
Pescatorea :iconographie des orchidées /par J. Linden... av...
Petri Andreae Matthioli ... Opera quae extant omnia, hoc est...
Petri Matthioli ... Opera quae extant òmnia, hoc est, Comme...
Pflanzenphänologische Beobachtungen in Finland ...
Pflanzen-Sammlung des Leichtlin'schen Gartens in Baden-Baden
Pharmacographia :A history of the principal drugs of vegetab...
Pharmacographia indica :A history of the principal drugs of ...
Pharmacographia William Dymock, C.J.H. Warden, and...
Pharmacopoea germanica :deutscher der lateinischen Ausgabe z...
Pharmacopoeia pauperum, in usum nosocomii regii edinburgensi...
Pharmakognosie :ein Lehr- und Handbuch für Studierende, Apo...
The Philippine journal of science.
Photographs of medicinal and economic plants from natural sp...
Phykologie, oder, Einleitung ins Studium der Algen /von Cami...
Physikalische Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wis...
Physiographical sketch of that portion of the Rocky Mountain...
Phytanthoza iconographia, sive, Conspectus aliquot millium :...
Phyto-iconographie der Bromeliaceen des kaiserlichen königl...
Phytopinax, seu, Enumeratio plantarum ab herbariis nostro se...
Pinax Theatri botanici Caspari Bauhini :... sive Index in Th...
Piscium, serpentum, insectorum, aliorumque nonnullorum anima...
Pittonia :a series of papers relating to botany and botanist...
Plans et dessins nouveaux de jardinage /du Sr le Bouteux.
Plant inventory /United States Department of Agriculture.
Planta cimicifuga...
Plantae Asiaticae rariores, or, Descriptions and figures of ...
Plantae cotyledoneae florae Gothoburgensis :quas, secundum f...
Plantae Delavayanae.
Plantae ecuadorenses
Plantae Europeae.Enumeratio systematica et synonymica planta...
Plantae Fendlerianae Novi-Mexicanae :an account of a collect...
Plantæ frémontianæ, or, Descriptions of plants collected by...
Plantae junghuhnianae :enumeratio plantarum, quas, in insuli...
Plantae Lindheimerianae :an enumeration of F. Lindheimer's c...
Plantae Novae Hispaniae :nutu, ope, et auspicio benignissimi...
Plantae Novae Hispaniae :nutu, ope, et auspicio benignissimi...
Plantae novae vel minus notae e regione aethiopica /del Emil...
Plantae Preissianae sive Enumeratio plantarum quas in Austra...
Plantae selectae quarum imagines ad exemplaria naturalia Lon...
Plantae Thunbergianae :ein Verzeichnis der von C. P. Thunber...
Plantae Tinneanae :sive descriptio plantarum in expeditione ...
Plantae Wilsonianae :an enumeration of the woody plants coll...
Plantae Wrightianae e Cuba orientali /A. Grisebach.
Plantae Wrightianae texano-neo-mexicanae :an account of a co...
Plantarum americanarum fasciculus primus[-decimus] :continen...
Plantarum Brasiliae icones et descriptiones hactenus inedita...
Plantarum brasiliensium :decas prima [-tertia]
Plantarum effigies /è Leonartho Fuschio, ac quinque diuersi...
Plantarum historia succulentarum =Histoire des plantes grass...
Plantarum icones hactenus ineditae,plerumque ad plantas in h...
Plantarum novarum vel minus cognitarum, quae in horto botani...
Plantarum orientalium novarum :decas ex Florae orientalis vo...
Plantarum Persiae Australis /species collectae A Theodoro Ko...
Plantarum rariorum horti caesarei Schoenbrunnensis descripti...
Plantarum selectarum icones pictae /editae a Nicolao Meerbur...
Plantarum vascularium genera :secundum ordines naturales dig...
Plantarum, quas in Japonica collegit Dr. Ph. Fr. de Siebold ...
Plantarum, seu, Stirpium historia /Matthiae de Lobel ... Cui...
Plantas de la Amazonía peruana :clave para identificar las ...
Plantas Hartwegianas :imprimis mexicanas adjectis nonnullis ...
Plantas novas mineiras.
Plantenkunde voor Indië /bewerkt door J. Haak.
Plantes équinoxiales recueillies au Mexique :dans l'île de...
Les plantes médicinales /Fr. Losch ; introd. par M. le prof...
Plantes rares du jardin de Genève /décrites par Mr. August...
Les plantes utiles des colonies françaises /ouvrage pub. so...
Plants of the Bible at the Missouri Botanical Garden /[by He...
Plants of the coast of Coromandel :selected from drawings an...
Plat book of property owned by Henry Shaw in the city of St....
Pollen and spores of Barro Colorado Island /David W. Roubik,...
Pomona, or, The fruit-garden illustrated :containing sure me...
Posthumous papers bequeathed to the honorable, the East Indi...
Postilla /Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History.
Preparing plant tissues for light microscopic study :a compe...
The principles of pharmacognosy :an introduction to the stud...
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.
Proceedings of the celebration of the three hundredth annive...
Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society London.
Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History
Proceedings of the Section of Sciences.
Procès-verbaux de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux.
Prodromos Theatri botanici Caspari Bauhini basileens ... :in...
Prodromus florae bryologicae surinamensis.Auctoribus F. Dozy...
Prodromus florae Hispanicae :seu Synopsis methodica omnium p...
Prodromus florae Nepalensis :sive Enumeratio vegetabilium qu...
Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et Insulae Van-Diemen :exh...
Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van-Diemen, exh...
Prodromus florae Novae-Hollandiae et Insulae van-Diemen :exh...
Prodromus Florae Peninsulae Indiae Orientalis :containing ab...
Prodromus monographiae scitaminearum :additis nonnullis de p...
Prodromus plantarum Capensium :quas in promontorio Bonæ Spei...
Prodromus plantarum indiae occidentalis :hucusque cognitarum...
Prodromus stirpium in horto ad Chapel Allerton vigentium /au...
Prodromus systematis Aroidearum /H. G. Schott.
Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, sive, Enum...
A provisional checklist of species for Flora North America /...
Pteridologist /the British Pteridological Society.
Purgantium aliarumque eo facientium, tum et radicum, conuolu...
Realizing nature's potential :proceedings of the William L. ...
Recherches sur les graines fossiles silicifiées / c par Ado...
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles ... /par Louis Agassiz.
Records of the Botanical Survey of India.
Recueil de planches de botanique de l'encyclopédie.
Recueil de plantes coloriees, pour servir a l'intelligence d...
Recueil d'observations sur les Jungermanniacéespar B.-C. Du...
Red list of the endemic plants of the Caucasus :Armenia, Aze...
The reformed botanic and Indian physician :a complete guide ...
Regimen sanitatis salernitanum;a poem on the preservation of...
Reichenbachia :Orchids illustrated and described /by F. Sand...
Reichenbachia :orchids illustrated and described. Second Ser...
Reise durch die Wueste Atacama :auf Befehl der chilenischen ...
Reise in Brasilien :auf Befehl Sr. Majestät Maximilian Jose...
Relation d'un voyage du Levant :fait par ordre du Roy : cont...
Reliquiae Haenkeanae, seu, Descriptiones et icones plantarum...
Reliquiae Rudbeckianae, sive, Camporum Elysiorum.olim ab Ola...
Remarque sur la destruction des plantes indigènes au Brési...
Remberti Dodonaei ... Stirpium historiae pemptades sex, sive...
Remberti Dodonaei ... Stirpium historiae pemptades sex, sive...
Remberti Dodonaei ... trium priorum de stirpium historia com...
Remberti Dodonaei mechliniensis medici De frugum historia.
Repertorium novarum specierum regni vegetabilis.
Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis.
Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis. Beihefte.
Report (to accompany bill S. no. 241).
Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnes...
Report of an exploration of parts of Wyoming, Idaho, and Mon...
Report of an investigation of the grasses of the arid distri...
Report of explorations across the great basin of the territo...
Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in...
Report on the botany of the expedition /by George Engelmann.
Report on the botany of the expedition /by John Torrey and A...
Report on the botany of the expedition /by John Torrey and A...
Report on the botany of the expedition /by Professor John To...
Report on the United States and Mexican boundary survey :mad...
Report upon the Colorado River of the West :explored in 1857...
Reports of explorations and surveys :to ascertain the most p...
Reports upon the botanical collections made in portions of N...
Reproductions of specimens, letters and drawings by John and...
Reproductive ecology of Conradina verticillata Jennison, a r...
Restio ...
Revisio generum plantarum:vascularium omnium atque cellulari...
Revisión de las especies de Paspalum para América del Sur ...
Revision de plantas vasculares Filipinas :memoria elevada al...
Revision of North American Umbelliferae.
Revision of North-American species of Astragalus /by Marcus ...
A revision of the genus Anthurium (Araceae) of Mexico and Ce...
Revision of the genus Pinus,and description of Pinus Elliott...
Revision of the North American species of the genus Juncus /...
Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia.
Revue botanique :recueil mensuel ... /redige, avec le concou...
Revue bryologique.
Revue de la famille des Cactées :avec des observations sur ...
Revue générale de botanique.
Revue horticole.
The rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya :being an account, bota...
Rivista di patologia vegetale.
Roberti Brownii Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et Insulae...
Rosarum monographia, or, A botanical history of roses : to w...
The Rose :historical and descriptive; gathered from various ...
Route near the thirty-fifth parallel explored by Lieutenant ...
Rozpravy České akademie císaře Františka Josefa pro vě...
Rumphia, sive, Commentationes botanicæ¦ imprimis de plantis ...
Rumphius gedenkboek 1702-1902.
Samen- und Pflanzen-Tauschliste des botanischen Gartens der ...
Samentausch-Liste der Wilhelmagewächshäuser.
Samen-Tauschverzeichnis des Botanschen Gartens der Universit...
Samen-Verzeichnis des botanischen Gartens Darmstadt.
Samen-Verzeichnis des Botanischen Gartens der Stadt Köln am...
Samen-Verzeichnis des Botanischen Gartens der Universitãt G...
Samen-Verzeichnis des botanischen Gartens in Halle a.S.
Samen-Verzeichnis des botanischen Gartens zu Bremen.
Samen-Verzeichnis des botanischen Gartens zu Freiburg i.B.
Samenverzeichnis des k.k. botanischen Gartens in Salzburg.
Samen-Verzeichnis des Staatl. Botanischen Gartens zu Dresden...
Sämereien des k.k. botanischen Gartens in Prag-Smichow, ......
Sämereien zum Tausch aus dem grossherzoglichen botanischen ...
Sämereien zum Tausch aus dem Königlichen botanischen Garte...
Sammlung physikalischer Aufsätze :Besonders die Böhmische ...
Sargentia :a continuation of the contributions from the Arno...
Saxifragëarum enumeratio /autore A. H. Haworth. Accedunt re...
Scrophularinaea Indicae :A synopsis of the East Indian Scrop...
Second anolis newsletter
A second century of orchidaceous plants /Selected from the s...
Sedges, uses, diversity, and systematics of the Cyperaceae] ...
Select orchidaceous plants [First series] by Robert Warner ;...
Select orchidaceous plants [Second series] by Robert Warner ...
Selecta fungorum carpologia :ea documenta et icones potissim...
A selection of Hexandrian plants, belonging to the natural o...
Selectus e seminario Horti Botanici Cracoviensis.
Selectus seminum anno ... collectorum quae Hortus Botanicus ...
Semillas recolectadas durante ano ... y que se ofrecen a cam...
Semina anni MDCCCXCVI, quae pro mutua commutatione offeruntu...
Semina muscorum detecta :suffragio nobiliss. medicorum ord. ...
Semina selecta, e collectione anni ... quae hortus botanicus...
Semina, sporae, bulbs et tubera anno MCMXII collecta quae Ho...
Sertula florae Ecuadorensis /autore A. Sodiro, S.J.
Sertum Anglicum, seu, Plantae rariores quae in hortis juxta ...
Sertum orchidaceum:a wreath of the most beautiful orchidaceo...
Sertum palmarum brasiliensium :ou Relation des palmiers nouv...
Seven letters from John Bartram to Dr. Fothergill, 1764-71.
The Sick man's companion.
SIDA, contributions to botany.
The silva of North America :a description of the trees which...
Simplicivm medicamentorvm :ex novo orbe delatorvm, qvorvm in...
Simposio Ecofisiologia.
Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschafte...
Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschafte...
Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschafte...
Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Kl...
Skånes flora :innefattande de fanerogama och ormbunkartade ...
Sketch of the botany of Dr. A. Wislizenus's expedition :Miss...
A sketch of the botany of South Carolina and Georgia /by Ste...
Sketches of the inhabitants, animal life and vegetation in t...
Species Astragalorum :descriptae et iconibus coloratis illus...
Species Blancoanae :a critical revision of the Philippine sp...
Species hepaticarum :eine Darstellung ihrer Morphologie und ...
Species muscorum frondosorum : descriptae et tabulis aeneis ...
Specimen materiae medicae Brasiliensis :exhibens plantas med...
Specimens of the flora of South Africa /by a lady.
Specimina xii generum Cinchonae et Palicurae (e familia (Rub...
Spicilegium Neilgherrense, or, a selection of Neilgherry pla...
Spisok nasinnia͡ dlia͡ obminu =Index seminum quae Hortus Bot...
Spisok' obrazts͡ov' sie͡mia͡n', predostavlia͡emykh' Biu͡ro p...
Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizyograficznej
Staff news.
Standardized products :a descriptive list of drug extracts s...
Stapeliae novae :or a collection of several new species of t...
Stirpes novae :aut minus cognitae, quas descriptionibus et i...
Stirpium rariorum in Imperio rutheno sponte provenientium ic...
Studien und Ideen fur Landschaftzeichner :oder theoretisch-p...
Studies in the bryology of New Zealand,with special referenc...
Studies of Cretaceous coniferous remains from Kreischerville...
Summa plantarum :a Fulgentio Vitman in lucem editae anno 178...
Summa plantarum :quae hactenus innotuerunt methodo Linnaeana...
Supplement to The ferns of southern India and British India ...
Supplementum carpologiae :seu continuati operis Josephi Gaer...
Supplementum plantarum succulentarum :sistens plantas novas ...
Supplementum plantarum Systematis vegetabilium editionis dec...
Supplementum Sylloges florae Europaeae /auctore Carol Frider...
Sweet's Hortus britannicus; or, A catalogue of plants, indig...
Sylva telluriana :Mantis. synopt. : new genera and species o...
Symbolae ad floram Argentinam :Zweite Bearbeitung argentinis...
Symbolae Antillanae,seu, Fundamenta florae Indiae Occidental...
Symbolae botanicae, sive, Descriptiones et icones plantarum ...
Symbolae physicae seu icones adhuc ineditae :corporum natura...
Symbolae sinicae :botanische Ergebnisse der Expedition der A...
Synopsis muscorum frondosorum omnium hucusque cognitorum. /A...
Synopsis of the Cactaceae of the territory of the United Sta...
Synopsis of the flora of Colorado /by Thomas C. Porter and J...
Synopsis plantarum :seu, Enumeratio systematica plantarum pl...
Synopsis plantarum glumacearum /autore E.G. Steudel.
Synopsis plantarum succulentarum :cum descriptionibus, synon...
Synopsis plantarum,seu Enchiridium botanicum, complectens en...
Systema laurinarum /exposuit Christianus Godofredus Nees ab ...
Systema materiae medicae vegetabilis brasiliensis /Composuit...
Systema naturae per regna tria naturae :secundum classes, or...
Systema naturae, per regna tria naturae :secundum classes, o...
Systema piperacearum /exposuit F. A. Guil. Miquel.
Systema vegetabilium florae Peruvianae et Chilensis :charact...
A systematic arrangement of British plants :with an easy int...
Systematic arrangement of the species of the genus Cuscuta :...
A systematic revision of the neotropical species of Cinnamom...
The systematics and evolution of Ludwigia sect. Myrtocarpus ...
The systematics and evolution of the Oenothera caespitosa sp...
Systematics of Masdevallia /Carlyle A. Luer.
Systematics of the Pleurothallidinae /Carlyle A. Luer.
Systematisches Verzeichniss der im indischen Archipel in den...
Tabacologia :hoc est Tabaci, seu nicotianae descriptio medic...
A table of vegetable poisons, exhibiting the principal poiso...
Tableau encyclopedique et methodique des trois règnes de la...
Tabulae phycologicae; oder, Abbildungen der tange.Hrsg. von ...
Tal vid invignings acten af den nya akademiska trågården d...
Tausch=Samen=Verzeichnis des botanischen Gartens der Univers...
Taxonomic novelties from North America north of Mexico :a 20...
Tentamen florae Abyssinicse :seu, Enumeratio plantarum hucus...
Tentamen Pteridographiae,seu genera filicacearum praesertim ...
Termesztett és cserére szánt Magvak jegyzéke.
Teysmannia :magazyn van horticultuur en landbouw der tropen.
Theatrum fungorum oft het toonsel der campernoelien :... all...
Theophrasti ... De historia plantarum :libri IX cum decimi p...
Thesaurus capensis :or, illustrations of the South African f...
Thesaurus literaturae botanicae omnium gentium :inde a rerum...
Thesaurus literaturae botanicae omnium gentium,inde a rerum ...
Thesaurus zeylanicus :exhibens plantas in insula Zeylana nas...
Theses medicæ...
Third anolis newsletter
Three years' wanderings in the northern provinces of China,i...
Traite des arbres forestiers :ou histoire et description des...
Treatise on fruit trees : including their pictures, descript...
Traité des arbres fruitiers :contenant leur figure, leur de...
Traite des arbrisseaux et des arbustes cultives en France et...
Treatise on trees and shrubs grown in France and in the coun...
Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute.
Transactions and proceedings of the Royal Society of South A...
Transactions of San Diego Society of Natural History.
Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis.
Transactions of the Albany Institute.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society.
Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London.
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, 2nd series: B...
Transactions of the Linnean Society.
Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Phil...
Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union
Treatise on forest trees, or, The natural history and descri...
Treatise on fruit trees :including their pictures, descripti...
Treatise on trees and shrubs grown in France and in the coun...
Trees and shrubs :illustrations of new or little known ligne...
Tromsø museums årshefter.
Trudy Imperatorskago S.-Peterburgskago botanicheskago sada.A...
A true & exact history of the island of Barbadoes :illustrat...
Una excursión botánica /P.L. Sodiro, S.J.
The University of Kansas science bulletin.
Unser Auer-, Rackel- und Birkwild und seine abarten /von A.B...
Untersuchungen über die Gesichtsmuskulatur der Primaten /vo...
The useful family herbal, or, An account of all those Englis...
The useful family herbal:or, An account of all those English...
Utafiti :occasional papers of the National Museums of Kenya.
Vegetable materia medica of the United States, or, Medical b...
Vegetable staticks, or, An account of some statical experime...
The vegetable world :being a history of plants, with their b...
Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten e...
Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wie...
Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn.
Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues i...
Versuch einer Entwickelungs-Geschichte der Torfmoose (Sphagn...
Versuch einer Monographie der Gattung Ephedra :durch Abbildu...
The vertuose boke of distyllacyon of the waters of all maner...
Verzameling van uitlandsche en zeldzaame vogelen :benevens e...
Verzeichnis der im Jahre ... gesammelten und im Tauschabgebb...
Verzeichnis von Samen :welche die Verwaltung des botanischen...
Verzeichnis von Sämereien :welche ... gesammelt wurden und ...
Verzeichnis von Sämereien zum Tausch angeboten durch den bo...
Verzeichniss der Pflanzen :welche der Prinz Maximilian von W...
Verzeichniss von Staudengewächsen, Bäumen und Gesträuchen...
Victoria regia, or, The great water lily of America :with a ...
Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening...
Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening ...
Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zü...
The vine and civilisation :from various sources /by Henry Sh...
Vischer's views of California :the mammoth tree grove, Calav...
Vollständige Beschreibung und Abbildung der Sämmtlichen Ho...
Voyage à Méroé, au fleuve Blanc:au-delà de Fâzoql dans ...
Voyage autour du monde :entrepris par ordre du roi ... exécu...
Voyage autour du monde :exécuté par ordre du roi, sur la cor...
Voyage autour du monde :exécuté pendant les années 1836 e...
Voyage autour du monde par les mers de'lInde et de Chine exe...
Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale(le Brésil, la républi...
Voyage dans l'Inde /par Victor Jacquemont, pendant les anné...
Voyage de découvertes de l'Astrolabe :exécuté par ordre d...
Voyage de découvertes de l'Astrolabeexécuté par ordre du ...
Voyage de La Pérouse autour du monde /publié conformément...
Voyage en Abyssinie dans les provinces du Tigré, du Samen e...
A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christo...
A voyage towards the North Pole undertaken by His Majesty's ...
Wanderings among the wild flowers :how to see and how to gat...
Weeds used in medicine /by Alice Henkel.
The West-American scientist.
Wild medicinal plants of the United States,by Alice Henkel.
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