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High-quality photos from the biblical world

High-quality photos from the biblical world

Better Photographs

High-quality images from the popularPictorial Library of Bible Lands and the newPhoto Companion to the Bible

Instructive Captions

Archaeological discoveries are explained, historical and geographical details are made clear. The captions are the product of more than a decade of living and instructing in the Holy Lands.

Tremendous Value

We offer thousands of photos at a low price with generous usage permissions.

Photo Companion to the Bible

Photo Companion to the Bible


More than 6,800 slides illustrating all 50 chapters...



More than 6,200 slides illustrating all 40 chapters...



More than 3,100 slides illustrating all 24 chapters...



More than 2,800 slides illustrating all 21 chapters...



More than 350 slides illustrating all 4 chapters...


1 Samuel

More than 3,000 slides illustrating all 31 chapters...


2 Samuel

More than 2,900 slides illustrating all 24 chapters...


1 Kings

More than 3,400 slides illustrating all 22 chapters...


2 Kings

More than 3,900 slides illustrating all 25 chapters...



More than 1,800 slides illustrating all 10 chapters...



More than 2,700 slides illustrating all 13 chapters...



More than 700 slides illustrating all 10 chapters...


Psalm 23

More than 100 slides illustrating this beloved psalm...



More than 1,000 slides illustrating all 12 chapters...



More than 3,000 slides illustrating all 28 chapters...



More than 2,000 slides illustrating all 16 chapters...



More than 3,000 slides illustrating all 24 chapters...



More than 2,000 slides illustrating all 21 chapters...


The Gospels

More than 10,000 slides illustrating Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John



More than 4,200 slides illustrating all 28 chapters...



More than 1,600 slides illustrating all 16 chapters...


1-2 Corinthians

More than 2,500 slides illustrating all 29 chapters...



More than 650 slides illustrating all 6 chapters...



More than 500 slides illustrating all 6 chapters...



More than 450 slides illustrating all 4 chapters...


Colossians and Philemon

More than 600 slides illustrating all 4 chapters...


1 & 2 Thessalonians

More than 650 slides illustrating all 8 chapters...


1 & 2 Timothy, Titus

More than 1,100 slides illustrating all 13 chapters...


Paul's Epistles

More than 8,000 slides illustrating all 13 epistles...



More than 1,950 slides illustrating all 13 chapters...



More than 950 slides illustrating all 5 chapters...


1 & 2 Peter, Jude

More than 1,400 slides illustrating all 9 chapters...


1, 2, & 3 John

More than 650 slides illustrating all 7 chapters...


General Epistles

More than 4,800 slides illustrating all 8 epistles...



More than 3,000 slides illustrating all 22 chapters...


Pictorial Library of Bible Lands

Pictorial Library of Bible Lands

Galilee and the North

Images from the Golan Heights, Huleh Basin, Galilee Hill Country, Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, the Plain of Asher, and more...


Samaria and the Center

Images from the Jezreel Valley, Harod Valley, Mount Carmel, Sharon Plain, Samaria, Jordan Rift, Benjamin, and more...



Images of the Old City, Temple Mount, City of David, Western Wall Tunnels, West Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, the Jerusalem Model, and more...


Judah and the Dead Sea

Images from the Hill Country of Judah, Judean Wilderness, Dead Sea, Shephelah, the Philistine Plain, and more...


Negev and the Wilderness

Images from the Biblical Negev, Negev Highlands, Nabatean Cities, Nahal Zin, Spice Route, Wilderness of Zin, Wilderness of Paran, Aravah, Red Sea, and more...



Images from Gadara, Gerasa, Tishbe, Jabesh Gilead, Ramoth Gilead, Pella, Abila, Penuel and Mahanaim, Tell Deir Alla, Bethany Beyond the Jordan, and more...



Images from Giza, Luxor, Aswan, Abu Simbel, Alexandria, Jebel Musa, St. Catherine's Monastery, Serabit el-Khadim, Kadesh Barnea, Wadi el-Arish, Suez Canal, the Delta, and more...



Images from Tyre, Sidon, Zarephath, Eshmun Temple, Beirut, Byblos, Nahr el-Kalb, the Beqa, Baalbek, Cedars of Lebanon, Karak Noah, Kamid el-Loz, Litani River, Mount Hermon, and more...


Eastern and Central Turkey

Images from the journeys of Paul and historical sites including Antioch on the Orontes, Seleucia, Tarsus, Attalia, Perga, Pisidian Antioch, Lystra, Derbe, and more...


Western Turkey

Images from the journeys of Paul and historical sites including Ephesus, Assos, Alexandria Troas, Miletus, Colossae, Hierapolis, Myra, Patara, Cnidus, and more...



Images from Athens, Eleusis, Corinth, Isthmia, Cenchrea, Mycenae, Olympia, Delphi, Nicopolis, Dodona, Meteora, Mount Olympus, Dion, Berea, Thessalonica, Neapolis, Amphipolis, Philippi, and more...


The Greek Islands

Images from islands visited by the apostle Paul as recorded in the Book of Acts as well as the island of Patmos where John saw the Revelation of Jesus Christ...


Cyprus and Crete

Images from Salamis, Paphos, Kourion, Amathus, Alamanou, Khirokitia, Nicosia, Larnaca, Salmone, Itanos, Heraklion, Knossos, Mount Ida, Gortyn, Phaistos, Fair Havens, Phoenix, and more...


Italy and Malta

Images from Pompeii, Mount Vesuvius, Herculaneum, Appian Way, Puteoli, Syracuse, St. Paul's Bay, Hagar Qim, St. Thomas Bay, Munxar Reef, and more...



Images from the Forum, Colosseum, Arch of Titus, Palatine Hill, Pantheon, Mamertine Prison, Circus Maximus, Vatican, Tiber River, St. Paul’s Outside the Walls, Ostia, and more...


Trees, Plants, and Flowers

Images of almond, carob, date palm, fig, olive, pomegranate, sycamore-fig, vine, wheat, barley, flax, garlic, sorghum, hyssop, caper, fennel, mallow, rosemary, citron, oak...


Cultural Images of the Holy Land

Images of the grain harvest, grape harvest, olive harvest, plowing, shepherds, sheepshearing, watchtowers, wells, cisterns, pottery making, Samaritan Passover, and more...


Signs of the Holy Land

Images of signs related to archaeology, biblical events, biblical people (tribes, judges, kings,prophets, apostles), biblical places (cities, mountains, temple, bodies of water, valleys), biblical verses, and more...



Images from Susa, Persepolis, Pasargadae, Ecbatana, Behistun, Chogha Zanbil, Haft Tepe, Isfahan, Kangavar, Shiraz


Western Mediterranean

Images from Ambrussum, Arelate (Arles), Emerita Augusta (Merida), Gades (Cadiz), Glanum, Italica, Lugdunum (Lyon), Lutetia (Paris), Narbo Martius (Narbonne), Nemausus (Nimes), Orange, Pont du Gard, Tarraco (Tarragona), Trophy of Pompey, Vasio (Vaison le Romaine), Vienna (Vienne)


More than 20,000 high-resolution photographs

What is thePictorial Library of Biblical Lands?

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Enthusiastic Endorsements

This inexpensive set is a "must-buy" for every Bible teacher!!

Dr. Richard Rigsby |Talbot School of Theology

The pictures are outstanding--great color, terrific views, fabulous aerial shots, beautiful composition.

Dr. J. Carl Laney |Western Seminary

I recommend this set without any hesitation.

Dr. Charles H. Dyer |Moody Bible Institute

Hands down, this is the best visual resource out there!

Brad Gray |Walking The Text

I have been looking for this sort of extraordinary resource for years.

Dr. Craig Keener |Asbury Theological Seminary

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