Making the Past Available to the Present -These pages are produced by David Hallam who has become well-known for his specialist interest in the history of the area. David, was born in Beeston in 1939 and grew up in a family with strong local links and within which Beeston in the past was a topic whenever they met as a family. A school project when aged about nine, on the origin of Beeston's street names, was rewarded with an afternoon spent with the renowned local historian Arthur Cossons - then Head Teacher of Church St Schools - a fascinating experience which led to a lifetime's interest in local history. A founder member, now Honorary Vice President, of Beeston and District Local History Society, David has seen the interest of local people - both old established residents and newcomers to the area - develop in the last 30 years. More recently, contacts through the growing Internet communities have shown the very real wider interest from Beeston-connected families around the world. David freely assists their enquiries and welcomes any information they, in turn, may be able to provide. At the centre of David's available resources is his Beeston reconstitution which aims to link the available records - including the census, church registers and memorials - with an emphasis on the 19th century. This forms the basis of his one-place study focussed on family history and includes much that is unavailable elsewhere. Now in retirement, David has decided to make a lifetime's research available on the Internet through this site - a process that will take many years. He looks forward to your interest, feedback, comments and contributions with interest.