


Thiokol solid rocket engine. In Production. Apogee kick motor, modified with 175 mm straight section added to the Star 17. The 17A was used to circularize orbits for the Skynet 1, NATO 1, and IMP-H & J satellites.

AKA: 19.4-KS-3,600;TE-M-521-5.Status: In Production.Number: 19 .Thrust: 16.01 kN (3,600 lbf).Gross mass: 126 kg (277 lb).Unfuelled mass: 14 kg (30 lb).Specific impulse: 287 s.Burn time: 19 s.Height: 0.98 m (3.21 ft).Diameter: 0.44 m (1.46 ft).

Apogee kick motor. Modifications: 175 mm straight section added to the Star 17. The 17A has been used for circularized orbits for the Skynet 1, NATO 1, and IMP-H & J satellites. This motor provides the high case safety factor required for this program. The TE-M-521-7 model used for several Air Force missions provides a typical safety factor with a 1.3 pound weight savings. Total impulse 32,556 kgf-s. Propellant mass fraction 0.89.


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