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Figure 8 Bend

Secure, simple method for joining two ropes.

Figure 8 Bend

Secure, simple method for joining two ropes.
Figure 8 Bend (Flemish Bend), Step-by-Step Animation
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Start by tying a loose Figure 8 knot in one of the ropes. Follow the same path in reverse with the other rope, starting beside the tail and exiting beside the standing end.
Figure 8 Bend Details

Found in:Bends,Climbing,Search & Rescue

Also known as:Flemish Bend, Rewoven Figure 8 Bend

Tying options:

Figure 8 Bend

Found in:
Bends,Climbing,Search & Rescue

Also known as:
Flemish Bend, Rewoven Figure 8 Bend

Tying options:

Uses: TheFigure 8 Bend, or Flemish Bend (ABOK # 1411, p 258.) provides a safe, and simple way to join two ropes. It is reasonably easy to remember, tie, and check.

Warning: For the Animation, the ends were left short. For critical loads, e.g., when Climbing, the ends must be left much longer.

Pictures of Stopped Figure of Eight Bend

Stopped Figure of Eight Bend

Safety: For critical loads, e.g., yourself (!), the Figure 8 Bend, should not be used with ropes that differ much in size and for safety the ends should be longer. Finally, for real security, each end should be tied in a double overhand stopper knot around the other standing end as shown here.

Final Dressing: To ensure that the knot is tied correctly, it is sensible to tie the Figure 8 Bend in the “Flat” form shown. However, for taking a load, this knot should be carefully dressed so that the two outermost turns are brought in snug against the ropes they enclose – as a result the turns then finish on the other side of the turns they accompany. Dressed this way the knot withstands a load better.

Pros and Cons: The advantage of Figure 8 Bend is that even after considerable strain it remains relatively easy to undo.

Inspection: Ensure that there are two strands beside each other at each part of the knot. Dress the Figure 8 Bend as described above. Then, pull it and observe that it tightens neatly and symmetrically.


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Most Popular Knots
Bowline Knot - secure loop in the end of a piece of rope
The Bowline Knot makes a reasonably secure loop in the end of a piece of rope. It has many uses such as to fasten a mooring line to a ring or a post.
Clove Hitch - Rope End Method - used for stage scenery or mooring buoy
The Clove Hitch can be used for a temporary hold, e.g., stage scenery or mooring buoy. It does have two giant faults: it slips and can also bind. It should be deeply distrusted when used by itself.
Alpine Butterfly Loop - Secure loop in middle of a rope
The Alpine Butterfly Loop provides a secure loop in the middle of a piece of rope. Load can be safely applied: from the loop to either end of the rope; between the two ends with the loop hanging free; or to the loop with the load spread between the two ends.
Figure 8 Knot - stopper knot
The Figure 8 Knot provides a quick and convenient stopper knot to prevent a line sliding out of sight, e.g., up inside the mast.
Double Fisherman's Bend Knot - joins two ropes
The Double Fisherman's or Grapevine Bend consists of two strangle knots (like double overhand knots) each tied round the other standing end.
Square Knot - Simple way to join two ropes
The Square Knot (Reef Knot) is usually learned when we tie our shoelaces. Admittedly it is usually a bow that we tie - but the underlying knot is a Square Knot.
Most Popular Knots
Bowline Knot - secure loop in the end of a piece of rope
The Bowline Knot makes a reasonably secure loop in the end of a piece of rope. It has many uses such as to fasten a mooring line to a ring or a post.
Clove Hitch - Rope End Method - used for stage scenery or mooring buoy
The Clove Hitch can be used for a temporary hold, e.g., stage scenery or mooring buoy. It does have two giant faults: it slips and can also bind. It should be deeply distrusted when used by itself.
Alpine Butterfly Loop - Secure loop in middle of a rope
The Alpine Butterfly Loop provides a secure loop in the middle of a piece of rope. Load can be safely applied: from the loop to either end of the rope; between the two ends with the loop hanging free; or to the loop with the load spread between the two ends.
Figure 8 Knot - stopper knot
The Figure 8 Knot provides a quick and convenient stopper knot to prevent a line sliding out of sight, e.g., up inside the mast.
Double Fisherman's Bend Knot - joins two ropes
The Double Fisherman's or Grapevine Bend consists of two strangle knots (like double overhand knots) each tied round the other standing end.
Square Knot - Simple way to join two ropes
The Square Knot (Reef Knot) is usually learned when we tie our shoelaces. Admittedly it is usually a bow that we tie - but the underlying knot is a Square Knot.

