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3i Lattice Lightsheet
3i Lattice Lightsheet


The 3i Lattice LightSheet allows for gentle 4D imaging of live cells. The system creates an ultra-thin Gauss-Bessel light sheet that can be used to image cells for short or long time periods. This system has high spatial and temporal resolution due to the unique lattice lightsheet. Images can be capturedin excess of 500 frames per second. 

3i VIVO™ Microscope
3i VIVO™ Microscope

FluorescenceWidefieldSpinning Disk ConfocalIntravital

The 3i VIVO microscope is ideally suited for intravital imaging. Its large stable stage can easily accommodate sizable tissue samples along with clamps and manipulators to aid stabilization. Equipped with a spinning disk unit for high speed optical sectioning, paired with an image intensifier, this system can achieve very high frame rates making the most of every photon. Additionally, a pulsed 532nm ablation laser is available for targeted tissue damage. 


The BD LSRFortessa™ SORP X-20 analyzing flow cytometer is equipped with five excitation lasers (ultraviolet 355nm, violet 405nm, blue 488nm, yellow/green 561nm and red 642nm) and is able to detect up to 20 parameters (18 fluorescence channels plus forward scatter and side scatter). This cytometer’s configuration has been designed to mirror that of our BD Influx (excluding small particle detection), enabling users to easily transfer or work-up experiments.

Cytek Aurora - Flow Lab MWAC UNSW

The Cytek Aurora leverages full spectrum technology to provide unprecedented flexibility to scientists, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without reconfiguring the system for each application.

Aurora is equipped with 5 lasers (wavelengths 350nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 640 nm) and 66 fluorescent detectors it provides outstanding multi-parametric data for a wide array of applications.

Attune NxT™ by Thermo Fisher

The Attune NxT analyzing flow cytometer is a high-end, user-friendly flow cytometer with 4 excitation lasers and 24 detection parameters (matching our BD Fortessa SORP and X20 configuration). Optimised for both biomedical and environmental research, this cytometer offers an optional auto-sampling system, small particle detection and volumetric analysis ie, exact counts.

The Attune utilising a novel technique of Acoustic Focusing the sample on the the lasers which allows high through put sampling from tubes,up to 1ml per minute.


The BD LSRFortessa™ SORP analyzing flow cytometer is a high-end, user-friendly flow cytometer with 5 excitation lasers and 24 detection parameters (matching our BD Influx’s configuration). Optimised for both biomedical and environmental research, this cytometer offers an optional High Throughput Sampling system, and small particle detection.


BD FACSCanto™ II is equipped with three excitation lasers wavelengths (405nm, 488nm and 640 nm). The Canto II cant detect up to 10 fluorescent parameters with 2 scatter options and is capable of analyzing samples between 100 and 12,000 cells per second. Software is FACS™ Diva generating standard FCS3.0 files for third party software analysis packages.


AperioXY scanner
Aperio XT Slide Scanner

The Aperio ScanScope XT scanner is a brightfield microscope that is used to digitalise traditional histochemicaly stained tissues mounted on a microscope slides. You can choose between 20X and 40X magnification and scan any required size of the tissue. The digital slides are viewed and analysed using Aperio software applications (ImageScope). The image format is .svs which is a form of a tiff file, that can be converted into JPEG2000 for faster processing and presentation. The Aperio XT scanner can autoload up to 120 glass slides (1x3") as well as manually scan your slides one by one if required.

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Authorised by the Executive Director of Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre, UNSW CRICOS Provider Code 00098G, ABN 57 195 873 179

Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre, UNSW, Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia |

