


African Plants

A Photo Guide

Fruits of Borassus aethiopum

What are you looking for?

 Chaetocarpus africanus Pax

Data base currently contains

95372 photos
12662 illustrated species
and had
735949 visits since 1 March 2014


This interactive photographic guide shall help you to identify higher plants from Africa. It contains images of ferns and seed plants usually taken in the field. You can browse through a taxonomic hierarchy and / or search according to selected characters you observe on your plant. For more details, please have a look at thispresentation of the database published in Taxon.  A map and occurrence records can be accessed viaGBIF.

Images may be used free for non-commercial scientific and educational purposes. All other uses need permission from the copyright holder or us. Please always cite the photographer´s name (as copyright holder) and the database in full:

Dressler S, Schmidt M, Zizka G. 2014 (continously updated). African Plants - A Photo Guide. Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt/Main, Germany. [access date]

or short:
African plants - A Photo

We welcome your contribution of instructive, well-determined plant images from Africa. Pleasecontact us!


