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white monkey

based on1306 reviews
Your savings will grow with each shipment. Save 5% now, and up to 15% in the future.Please select size:
makes 5 cups
1.5oz(43 gr)
48¢ per cup
8oz(227 gr)
29¢ per cup
15 full leaf pyramids
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White Monkey or Bai Mao Hou is a green tea (do not be confused by its name) that grows along the slopes of the Taimu mountains in the Fujian province of China. The young leaves and unopened buds are carefully gathered and processed exclusively by hand. The result is a tea that appears intricately woven with large and beautiful white tips looking like white-haired monkey's paws, hence the name. It produces a warm-colored cup, fresh and subtly seaweedy aroma infused with delicate sweetness and a slightly dry finish.
Green Tea | Moderate caffeine | Steep at 180° for 2-3 mins
Tea Timer

Customer Reviews (1306)

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Our teabags contain the same high-quality tea as our loose-tea offerings. Their pyramid shape gives the leaves plenty of room to unfurl and infuse, placing more flavor in each cup. Enjoy the superior flavor of gourmet tea with the convenience of a disposable bag.
15 full leaf pyramids


If you visit a hot spring in the colder regions of Japan, you might have the curious experience of sharing your onsen (hot spring) with a monkey. Because of the frosty environment they inhabit, Japanese macaques, or "snow monkeys" have become known for their frequent visits to the springs, such as the Jigokudani hot spring in Nagano. The iconic primates have also influenced Japanese culture, inspiring the three wise monkeys of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" fame and depictions of monkeys related to the Chinese zodiac. One other possible inspiration? This delicious green tea.

Part of green teas of China sampler

sampler set
Explore a variety of teas with our popular sampler set.Four teas included are: dragonwell, gunpowder, sleeping dragon, white monkey
green teas of China
will make 35 cups

Questions and Answers

Ask a question about white monkey and have the Adagio Teas community offer feedback.

How many grams of this tea would you suggest I use for gongfu brewing?
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Asked by Deanna Sawyer
on May 4th, 2024

Meet our white monkey farmer, Yao Yi Lin

To ensure the best quality and value, we import our teas directly from thecountries in which they are grown, working closely with the farmers who tenderthem. Our Roots Campaign connects our customers with the rich stories and the farmersbehind some of our most popular teas.

How long have you been growing tea and what got you started?
It is a family business. I started to help my parents when I was very young. I have worked in tea for more than 30 years.
Can you describe a typical day out in the field?
In spring we are very busy because white monkey is a spring tea. I normally get up at 6 and go out to pick the fresh tea leaves. In the afternoon and evening we will make the teas with what we picked up in the day time. We never use yesterday's tea leaves to make this tea. So in spring time I will work more than 18 hours a day. After that, my main job is to fertilizing, weeding and making the field friable in the rest of the year.
What is your favorite part of growing tea?
I like picking in early fresh spring morning. I do enjoy the beautiful mountain at that time.
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