How to submit to an ACM Special Interest Group (SIG) conference?
Please contactAdrienne Griscti for submission information
Instructions for Including Third-Party Material in your Paper
ACM Computing Classification System
ACM has joined the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). "COPE provides leadership in thinking on publication ethics and practical resources to educate and support members, and offers a professional voice in current debates." ACM adheres to the policies of COPE.
Anyone listed as Author on an ACM paper must meet certain criteria, including making substantial intellectual contributions to some components of the original work and drafting and/or revising the paper.
Authors submitting papers for peer-review to ACM publications will represent that the paper submitted is original; that the work submitted is not currently under review at any other publication venue; that they have the rights and intent to publish the work in the venue to which it is submitted; and that any prior publications on which this work is based are documented appropriately.
Read the entire set of criteria in thePolicy on Authorship.